Local Government and Local Development
Recent papers in Local Government and Local Development
To cite: Wilkins, A. 2017. Rescaling the local: Multi-academy trusts, private monopoly and statecraft in England. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 49 (2), 171-185 For the past six years successive UK governments in... more
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
This volume has been prepared under the auspices of the project entitled, ‘Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in Developing Countries’ (CREW Project). This project was implemented by CUTS in four... more
We analyze and compare eight city cases in three continents to find out differences and commonalities in smart city governance and public policies globally: Shanghai (China), Japan, Iskandar (Malaysia), New York (United States), and... more
"In recent projects I have used flip cameras with participants from ethnic minority communities who were recording their experience of adult learning as enrichment. In another project we used more expensive cameras in a health setting in... more
Engagement between Iwi Maori and local government operates within a complex environment of involving multiple expectations within multiple statutory frameworks. Not surprisingly different models of engagement have developed, some of which... more
The book points out that rural regions need proper attention at the global level concerning solid waste management sector where bad practices and public health threats could be avoided through traditional and integrated waste management... more
Modelli culturali che orientano i processi di sviluppo locale del territorio astigiano: un'analisi della struttura del potere locale.
Gaetano: "basta me so' scucciat'… ricomincio da tre!" Lello: "Da zero?!" Gaetano: "Nossignore, da tre! Cioè tre cose me so' riuscite ind'a vita e adda' lassa' pure chelle..."
Esta editorial es miembro de la UNE, cosa que garantiza la difusión y comercialización nacional y internacional de sus publicaciones. Reservados todos los derechos. Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o... more
The paper presents integration of spatial data and processes in local administration, or how to develop integral spatial information system for local government. Firstly, it is necessary to identify existing problems, then define the... more
The popularity of Participatory Action Research (PAR) increases the risk of tokenism and blurring the boundaries of what might be considered ‘good’ PAR. This became a pressing issue when we were invited by the City of Amsterdam to conduct... more
Adrienn Reisinger (2012) Social participation and local development – role of civil/nonprofit
organizations. ERSA 52nd Congress, Regions in Motion, Bratislava. 2012. augusztus 21–25. REPEC database
organizations. ERSA 52nd Congress, Regions in Motion, Bratislava. 2012. augusztus 21–25. REPEC database
Pubblicato su iMille.org il 31 gennaio 2017 di Marco Pompilio.
This paper aims to capture the importance of demographic dimension in thesustainable development process of the rural space. From a series ofstatistics data we realized an analysis of demographic indicators, which ithelped us to trace the... more
Dissecting complex institutional webs and the roles they play (or should play) in development is an ongoing endeavor. To better understand the relationships between local and external institutions in small communities—specifically,... more
Napjainkban egyre többeket foglalkoztat az egyre korlátozottabb mennyiségben rendelkezésre álló fosszilis energiák felhasználása. Régóta kutatják, hogy milyen alternatív energiákkal tudnák helyettesíteni azokat, és egyre nyilvánvalóbbá... more
O presente artigo parte da consciência de que atualmente o Estado Angolano, com um modelo de governação centralizado, cada vez mais, não tem sido capaz de responder satisfatoriamente aos principais anseios das suas populações, nas... more
This Statistical Brief is an ongoing effort of NALAS’ Fiscal Decentralisation Task Force to provide policy–makers and analysts with timely, accurate, relevant, reliable and comparable data on local government finance in South–East Europe... more
U.S. local governments purchase $1.72 trillion of goods and services annually that contribute to global climate change and other environmental problems. Cities that successfully implement environmental purchasing policies can mitigate... more
The adults facing chronic exclusion (ACE) programme tests new ways of working with excluded people who do not access services in the community because their lives are chaotic and their needs are too complex. All the interventions offer... more
A progress of an area directly influences its society. Decentralization is a form of democratization of the area for development. The formation of new autonomous regions (DOB) has created the land conversion and the politicization of... more
Un resumen del sistema tributario municipal ecuatoriano, los ingresos tributarios, de las cuentas por cobrar y de los desafíos para la mejora de la recaudación. Asimismo un análisis de la Municipalidad de Quito y Guayaquil.
The Welsh Government is committed to meeting the educational needs of all children in Wales in order that they achieve their potential.Section 19 of the Education Act 1996 places a duty on all local authorities to make arrangements for... more
In urban communities, infrastructures that support living are indispensable. There is increased interest in alternative ways of providing such support systems, including semi-autonomous infrastructures resulting from the self-organization... more
Within the current territorial division communes play a very significant role. They are responsible particularly for supporting local development through financing projects aimed at improving quality of life in local environment. To be... more
In modern France, economic crises have presented an opportunity for administrations to intervene directly in economic and social affairs. On these occasions, the vocational education and training system was used as a policy instrument to... more
Andy Allen presents his case for a form of Empowered Participatory Governance (Fung and Wright, 2003). He contends that if the process of academisation is viewed as removing power and control from the community, then democratic governance... more
The SNP government in Scotland has acted to make historic, anti-democratic Poll Tax debts unenforceable.
The human society has been running on fumes - the fumes of pleasure, reward, gratification and charm. And while walking on this illustrious path, they have constructed illustrious ideals without thinking about their practicality and... more
Международная научно-практическая конференция "Система государственного стратегического планирования в Российской Федерации: перспективы формирования 26.11. 2015 r. Высшая школа государственного администрирования МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова.
An integrated approach to climate resilient local development planning as a way to mitigate the risks and to adapt to current challenges posed by climate change in the Maldives.
This article will analyse which areas rural and urban Local Action Groups (LAGs) in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship function in. The thesis of this research is: LAGs are a bottom-up tool for local management. The first part presents... more
This article discusses some caveats on adopting Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI).