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Etude des trois sonnets de « Trilogie héroïque », poèmes de Yourcenar publiés en 1925 et qui ont été repris dans l'édition définitive des Charités d'Alcippe, et de l'infléchissement qu'ils ont subi dans l’édition définitive; on... more
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      Benvenuto CelliniMichelangelo BuonarrotiMarguerite Yourcenar
Il libro affronta i principali snodi storico-concettuali della civiltà del Rinascimento da un punto di vista privilegiato: le numerose e varie occasioni d'incontro tra parole e immagini. L'intreccio fra componente visiva e codice... more
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian LiteratureItalian Renaissance ArtBenvenuto Cellini
Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografısche Daten sind im Internet über http :// abrufbar. Umschlagabbildung: Benvenuto Cellini, Perseus (nach der... more
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      Art TheoryPaintingParagoneBenvenuto Cellini
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      Benvenuto CelliniRenaissance Florence
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    • Benvenuto Cellini
En1549, Carlos V y Maria de Hungría encargaron a Leon Leoni la realización de una serie de esculturas en bronce, que el artista realizó en su taller de Milán en colaboración con su hijo Pompeo. Cinco de estas esculturas se encuentran en... more
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      SculptureBenvenuto CelliniArt and technologyFoundry Metallurgy
Il 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑜 di Cellini è una celebre opera d'arte, commissionata all'autore dal duca (poi granduca) Cosimo de' Medici per celebrare il suo trionfo a Firenze contro le fazioni nemiche. Strumento di questo trionfo è l'harpe, arma della... more
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      Benvenuto CelliniArms and ArmourSword MakingMannerism
This study is devoted to the emotional experience of the famous Renaissance sculptor, goldsmith, and writer, Benvenuto Cellini (1500–1571), as it is portrayed in his life writing, the Vita. Providing the variety of arguments on the... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEmotion
Mistrz Benevenuto – rzeźbiarz i złotnik, jeden z najwybitniej- szych twórców renesansu włoskiego, nadworny artysta Medyceuszów, papieży i króla francuskiego Franciszka I, pozostawił po sobie dwa dzieła pisane: „Benevenuta Cellinie- go... more
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      Benvenuto CelliniRennaissance ArtArt TreatisesGoldsmithing
Vasari notes that Pietro Torrigiano carved sculptures in wood but no such works have been identified. A sculpture of St. Francis of Paola may possibly be the first and its subject may also suggest Torrigiano' was active in Sicily before... more
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      Renaissance StudiesNorthern RenaissanceBenvenuto CelliniFrancisco de Hollanda
Le Vite degli artisti scritte fra sec. XV e XVIII rappresentano ancora oggi la fonte per eccellenza della moderna disciplina della storia dell'arte, nonché il modello da cui è nato il suo filone di studi più classico e consolidato: la... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesLiterature and Visual ArtsHistoriography (in Art History)
This book breaks new ground by illuminating the key role of verse-writing as a cultural strategy on the part of Italian Renaissance artists. It does so by undertaking a wide-ranging study of poems by painters, sculptors, architects, and... more
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      Art TheoryWord and Image StudiesItalian LiteratureItalian Renaissance Art
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      NumismaticsRoman RepublicIslamic NumismaticsCeltic Archaeology
Programma delle sessioni parallele 8 settembre, ore 9-11 Piano I, Aula A Intertestualità e interdiscorsività in Dante: tendenze critiche ed esempi. Coordina Alberto Casadei, Università di Pisa [email protected] (gruppo di lavoro... more
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      Visual StudiesRenaissance StudiesItalian LiteratureBenvenuto Cellini
Protagonists of this essay are the Florentine sculptor Benvenuto Cellini, his beloved shop boy Fernando da Montepulciano and three marble statues the master raised in the middle of the Sixteenth century: Ganymede, Apollo and Hyacinth and... more
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      Benvenuto CelliniNarcissusIconography and IconologyGanymede
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      Benvenuto CelliniConfraternities studiesJacopo PontormoAntonio Da Sangallo the Younger
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    • Benvenuto Cellini
The research conducted by this paper has been largely updated and elaborated in my MA-thesis "Senses and Passions of Benvenuto Cellini"; you are more than welcome to check it out. // The article aims to rethink the several stereotypes of... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryGender Studies
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    • Benvenuto Cellini
Massimo Lollini Italiano 561 03/12/2013 L'autobiografia di Benvenuto Cellini attraverso la Finestra di Johari Con il presente saggio di ricerca ci si propone di indagare la persona e la personalità di Benvenuto Cellini, orafo, scultore e... more
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      Benvenuto CelliniAutobiografiaJohari window
The fascinating issue underlying Benedetto Varchi's Due Lezzioni opens up a multiplicity of views and approaches. At the crossroads of disciplines and sectors that are often separated, the dispute on the 'Paragone' requires an effort of... more
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      Art HistoryParagoneBenvenuto CelliniMichelangelo Buonarroti
Il saggio intende analizzare le diverse strategie comunicative adottate da Benvenuto Cellini in merito alla questione di “dire la verità” a Cosimo I de’ Medici. Il contributo prende in esame le principali opere letterarie dell’artista,... more
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      CensorshipItalian StudiesBenvenuto CelliniCensorship of literary and popular culture texts
This contribution proposes to demonstrate that Benvenuto Cellini's poetic corpus, as it has been defined in previous editions of the artist's poetry, contains nine spurious sonnets. Analysis of the main original manuscripts of the... more
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      PhilologyItalian StudiesRenaissance StudiesItalian Literature
The word 'genre' as we use it now was not known in the English of Byron's time, but he did use a family of words with the same root as 'Genre', such as kin, kind, kindred, genealogy, generate, form and shape. He was especially... more
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      Travel WritingGenreBritish RomanticismGothic Literature
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      Benvenuto CelliniFirenzeArte y política
1. Perseus und Andromeda in Florenz (S. 490-493) - 2. Perseus und Andromeda in Konstantinopel (S. 493-494) - 3. Perseus, der Gründer von Ikonion. Und Andromeda? (S. 494-498) - 4. Andromeda in Rom (S. 498-499) - 5. Wasser und Flut in... more
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      Benvenuto CelliniConstantinopleAthensAndromeda
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      Benvenuto CelliniGiorgio VasariFrancesco SalviatiGiovanni Angelo Da Montorsoli
Although a contemporary of the great Michelangelo, Benvenuto Cellini is not as well known to the general public today. Cellini, a master sculptor and goldsmith in his own right, made no secret of his admiration for Michelangelo’s work,... more
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      Art HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtBenvenuto CelliniMichelangelo Buonarroti
Quando la medaglia rinascimentale nacque, per opera del Pisanello, essa fu concepita essenzialmente come prodotto di fusione: l'artista modellava nella cera la figura della medaglia in rilievo, e da questo modello, senza la necessità di... more
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      NumismaticsBenvenuto CelliniRenaissance Portrait MedalRenaissance numismatics
Capítulo 12 del libro Ensayos astrológicos: abriendo nuevos caminos. Investigación, aplicación, difusión, 2012, Ed. F.Caba, de Jerónimo Brignone. Texto de la ponencia presentada en 2008 en el II Simpósio de SINARJ en Río de Janeiro y... more
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      Emmanuel KantGoetheBenvenuto CelliniLeonardo da Vinci
Censimento delle carte autografe di Benvenuto Cellini
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      Art HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesItalian Literature
This article is about a Renaissance dirty joke: a pun that likened the Flavian amphitheater in Rome (‘il Culiseo’) to a culo, i.e. an ass or anus. Starting in the mid-1400s, comic poets and satirists, especially Tuscans from il Burchiello... more
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      Queer StudiesRoman HistoryImperial RomeBenvenuto Cellini
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      Benvenuto CelliniMedici familyDonatelloBaccio Bandinelli
Benvenuto Cellini (1500 - 1571), Italian sculptor and goldsmith became an "icon" of the art of goldsmithing not just due to his art but also thanks to his two books: the "Autobiography" and the "Treatises on Goldsmithing and Sculpture".... more
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      Benvenuto CelliniGoldsmitherySilversmithingRennaisance art
De ses dettes à l'égard de l'Antiquité à ses rapports avec la Maniera moderna florentine, de la construction de l'image du roi à ses implications symboliques, de la chasse aux oeuvres d'art aux péripéties pour les rapporter en France, les... more
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      Art HistoryFrench HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Artista tra i più rappresentativi del tardo Rinascimento fiorentino, assunto nel Parnaso della letteratura italiana in virtù del capolavoro autobiografico, Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571) è autore di oltre un centinaio di poesie, composte −... more
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      Benvenuto CelliniFilologia Italiana Letteratura Italiana del RinascimentoRinascimento
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      Benvenuto CelliniLeonardo da VinciMariano di Iacopo (il Taccola)Bramante
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      Benvenuto CelliniGiorgio VasariAlessandro AlloriBattista Franco
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      Benvenuto CelliniFrench Revolution and NapoleonJohann Joachim WinckelmannOvid Metamorphoses
This article has a dual focus. On the one hand, it traces the history of the tradition of the floating and rotating dome and relates it to the idea of the sublime. On the other hand, it delves into the phenomenological component of the... more
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      ArchaeologyAestheticsKantArt History
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      Renaissance StudiesBenvenuto CelliniSelf Portraiture
Defense weapons. Three sculptures by Benvenuto Cellini to answer the charges of Baccio Bandinelli The aim of this paper is to analyze three marble sculptures realized by Benvenuto Cellini (the restoration of an ancient torso as Ganymede,... more
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      Benvenuto CelliniNarcissusOvid MetamorphosesGanymede
J’ai vécu à Florence, où j’ai fréquenté l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts, par conséquent, les oeuvres de Cellini faisaient partie de mon horizon quotidien : son Persée se dresse magnifiquement dans la Loggia de’ Lanzi sur la placede la Seigneurie,... more
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      Italian StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance ArtItalian Literature
Niccolò Machiavelli, as it is commonly believed, is a thinker who founded the ‘realist’ approach of the Modern political theory. The article questions that view, analyzing the several concepts of Machiavellian “Prince” which very likely... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryEarly Modern History
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      International RelationsArt HistoryArt TheoryRenaissance Humanism
L' articolo analizza le fonti stilistiche e iconografiche di alcune opere di Baccio Bandinelli e del suo rivale Benvenuto Cellini. La loro azione creativa, volta anche alla fondazione di una scuola "medicea" di scultura, prevedeva... more
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      History of SculptureBenvenuto CelliniSculturaBaccio Bandinelli
Numero speciale di Armi Antiche per il 70° anniversario dedicato alla spada originale del Perseo di Cellini conservata presso il Museo Nazionale del Bargello.
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      Arms and Armor StudiesBenvenuto CelliniMuseologyMuseologia
Lo studio si sofferma su una serie di testi poetici anonimi apposti sui piedistalli di alcune statue a Firenze nel corso del Cinquecento: in particolare sull'Ercole e Caco di Baccio Bandinelli e su altre statue dello stesso artista... more
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      Renaissance StudiesBenvenuto CelliniItalian Renaissance literatureMichelangelo Buonarroti
The article interprets the content of a letter by Goethe to Schiller in which he compared a German Epos with the making of a bronze statue. It is shown that this is an allusion to a bronze statue by Cellini and that other parts of the... more
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      History of CollectionsGoetheBenvenuto CelliniFriedrich Schiller