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""La "Mascherata della Geneologia degli Dei" segnò il culmine della tradizione di trionfi e di canti del Carnevale fiorentino nel Rinascimento e assurse a modello per analoghe parate dei decenni successivi, così come il "Discorso" in cui... more
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      Visual StudiesIconographyItalian StudiesRenaissance Studies
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      Giorgio VasariAlessandro AlloriGirolamo MacchiettiGiovanni Battista Naldini
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      MelancholyItalian Renaissance ArtMelancholia (Art)Witchcraft, Religion and Magic
Il mio intervento vuol riportare l’attenzione sui momenti iniziali dell’Accademia del Disegno di Firenze, sui principali attori sulla scena artistica e culturale e sulle ragioni della sua formazione. Nata nel 1563, l’istituzione... more
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      Giorgio VasariAlessandro AlloriAccademia delle arti del disegno di Firenze
anno XXV, fascicolo 1-2, gennaio-dicembre 2013 LA MASCHERATA DELLA GENEALOGIA DEGLI DEI S O M M A R I O Laura Riccò, Premessa, p. 5; Abbreviazioni, p. 9; Luca Degl'Innocenti, Un archivio digitale per gli Dèi di carnevale: la «mascherata»... more
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      Visual StudiesIconographyItalian StudiesRenaissance Studies
The article focuses on the early career of the Florentine painter Alessandro Fei, known as ‘del Barbiere’ (1537-1592), with new attributions (drawings, panels for a studiolo, and portraits) and some secure dates for the hitherto... more
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      Giorgio VasariCounter-Reformation artAlessandro AlloriMannerism
This essay will examine the decorations of the Niccolini chapel in the church of Santa Croce in Florence in its iconographic complexity, that had already been examined by critics in relation to the historical and formal aspects of the... more
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      Christian IconographyCounter-Reformation artAlessandro AlloriImmaculate Conception
Durante el siglo XVI, numerosos mercaderes, nobles y mecenas de origen hispánico formaron parte de la comunidad “extranjera” más poderosa de Florencia. Siguiendo la trayectoria de los personajes más destacados, promotores del arraigo de... more
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      History of FlorenceMonarquía HispánicaAlessandro AlloriRenaissance Florence
Il mio intervento si prefigge di leggere i Ragionamenti delle regole del disegno di Alessandro Allori, allievo di Agnolo Bronzino, non solo quale testimonianza quanto mai significativa dell’importanza del valore didattico esercitato... more
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      Giorgio VasariAlessandro AlloriBaccio BandinelliAnton Francesco Doni
Il contributo si focalizza su una tavola di ridotte dimensioni raffigurante Sant'Alberto adorante il Crocifisso, acquisito negli anni Ottanta del secolo scorso per la Pinacoteca del Rettorato dell'Università di Messina. L'opera, mai... more
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      Alessandro AlloriMessinaPittura fiorentina del Cinquecento
This article sheds light onto the hitherto little-known contributions the Austrian nobleman Hans Albrecht von Sprinzenstein (1543 -1598) made to the renowned collections of Archduke Ferdinand II of Tyrol at Schloss Ambras, near Innsbruck.... more
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      Habsburg StudiesOttoman-Habsburg relationsAlessandro AlloriGiambologna, Florence, sculpture
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      Benvenuto CelliniGiorgio VasariAlessandro AlloriBattista Franco
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      Renaissance ArtItalian Renaissance ArtAlessandro AlloriPontormo
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      Alessandro AlloriAndrea MantegnaBenvenuto Tisi Detto Il Garofalo
Vol. 5. No. 1, Febbraio 2021
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      Alessandro AlloriBronzinoAccademia degli Umidi
Die Zeichenkunst gehörte in der Frühen Neuzeit zu einer grundlegenden künstlerischen Arbeitspraxis. Seit dem 16. Jahrhundert begannen in Italien zunehmend auch Kunstliebhaber damit, sich das Zeichnen anzueignen. Nanobashvili stellt... more
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      Renaissance16th Century (History)Italian Renaissance ArtEarly Modern Italy
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      Italian Renaissance ArtAlessandro Allori
no. 86: Leonardo da Vinci, Study of a Head for the Battle of Anghiari; no. 87: Leonardo da Vinci, Studies for two Heads for the Battle of Anghiari; no. 88: Leonardo da Vinci, Studies for a Head of a Solder [Venice, Accademia]; no. 89:... more
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      Leonardo da VinciAlessandro AlloriRaphaelGiovanni Stradano
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      Italian Renaissance ArtFlorentine ArtAlessandro AlloriMedici Patronage
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      Art HistoryArtItalian artHistory of Collections
Agnolo Bronzino era um pintor florentino maneirista (originalmente Agnolo di Cosimo), aluno e filho adoptivo de Pontormo, que incluiu o seu retrato como uma criança no quadro Joseph in Egypt (National Gallery, Londres). A origem do seu... more
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    • Alessandro Allori
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      PortraitureItalian Renaissance ArtAlessandro Allori
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      Renaissance StudiesArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtItalian Renaissance ArtSTORIA DELL'ARTE
Sotto la segnatura Palatino C.B.III.53, I della BNCF si conserva gran parte dei figurini originali utilizzati per allestire la "Mascherata della Geneologia degli Dei" del Carnevale fiorentino del 1566. Lo studio delle annotazioni... more
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      Visual StudiesIconographyItalian StudiesRenaissance Studies
- Carla Rossi, Il manoscritto Vitt.Em.9, latore del capitolo del Bronzino De’ Romori a Messer Luca Martini, di un inedito sonetto di Luca Martini, di rime del Fiamminghi e di autografi del Lasca. Il contributo offre una prima disamina... more
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      Alessandro AlloriBaccio BandinelliAgnolo BronzinoAccademia degli Umidi
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      Sacred ArtAlessandro AlloriSs. Annunziata, FirenzeMiraculous Images
Alessandro Allori started writing his drawing manual "Ragionamenti delle regole del disegno" in 1565 for the Accademia Fiorentina, where he was admitted with an uncompleted text. In the following years Allori kept reworking his manual,... more
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      Renaissance ArtManuscript StudiesDrawingAnatomy
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      Benvenuto Cellini3D Modelling (Architecture)History of architectureArchitectural Design
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      VasariFirenzeCounter-Reformation artAlessandro Allori
This study explores the history of ducal and grand ducal Medici patronage and influence at the basilica of Santo Spirito, Florence, between 1550 and 1608. It will suggest that during Duke Cosimo I’s reign (1537-74), Medici interest in the... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtFlorenceAlessandro AlloriRenaissance Florence
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      16th Century Italian ArtAlessandro AlloriStoria Di FirenzeSaint Elizabeth of Hungary/Thuringia
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      Italian Renaissance ArtFrench and Italian Renaissance, Xv and XviAlessandro Allori
As drawing (disegno) was acknowledged as an intellectual tool shared by early modern artists, scientists, and dilettantes, theoretical and practical books were produced to address the different aspects of disegno. At the end of the... more
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      EpistemologyRare Books and ManuscriptsDrawing17th Century Netherlandish Art
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      Architectural EngineeringCultural HistoryArt HistoryCultural Heritage
"In 1563, the founders of the Florentine Accademia del Disegno set out to assemble the “bright spirits and honored geniuses” of the duchy. Endorsing the ideal that the artists would be “more perfect together,” these men hoped that an... more
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      History of FlorenceBenvenuto CelliniMichelangelo BuonarrotiGiorgio Vasari
Reviewed work: Sally J. Cornelison. Art and the Relic Cult of St. Antoninus in Renaissance Florence. Visual Culture in Early Modernity. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2012. xv + 358 pp. + 13 color pls. $119.95. ISBN:... more
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      RenaissanceEarly Modern ItalyRelics (Religion)Dominican History