Art and technology
Recent papers in Art and technology
If the 21st century is to understood in terms of the proliferation of interface and image exchange platforms and if predominate forms of media only attempt to reconcile and navigate these technologies, theoretical examinations of these... more
This course surveys the development of theater architectures, stage spaces and technologies from the ancient world through the 21 st century. The course satisfies the interdisciplinary college option. The survey will be contextualized in... more
This thesis studies a specific relationship between matter and form which can no longer be related to stability, solidity and objectuality, as it has been traditionally interpreted. To this aim, it firstly explores the plurivocity in the... more
La investigación en el campo de las técnicas y materiales en el arte contemporáneo requiere la aplicación de nuevas metodologías transdisciplinares que permitan obtener una perspectiva renovada sobre los contenidos que entraña la amplia... more
This paper claims that the spirited debates about game narratives in the game industry and academia have not seen much progress due to their being too stuck in classical notions of narrative developed for non-ergodic media such as film or... more
Extended interview with San Francisco-based machine performance artists, Mark Pauline and Leslie Gladsjo from Survival Research Laboratories.
The concept of Original Artistic Intent is difficult to apply to Tibetan thangkas. Thangkas are composite objects produced by painters and tailors with differing intents, skills and training. Iconographic specifications, regional and... more
Selon la perspective suivie dans cet ouvrage, le spectateur est actuellement en train d'acquérir de nouvelles capacités de suivi et d'absorption de l'image en mouvement. Depuis une quinzaine d'années, les créateurs de l'iconosphère... more
After almost a decade of post-war reconstruction, from the 1950s to the early 1970s Italy went through a period of deep economic growth, usually referred to as the Italian economic miracle or boom, during which the country evolved from a... more
O Encontro DAT – Design, Arte e Tecnologia, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design toda Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (UAM), tem por meta reunir pensadores de universidades nacionais e internacionais com foco específico nos setores... more
zeszyty artystyczne / nr 22 do robotów, jak i ich projektowaniem. Robotyzacja przestrzeni społecznej stanowi zatem wyzwanie zarówno dla technonauki i sztuki -jako dwóch dyscyplin, które dysponują narzędziami, by poprzez projektowanie na... more
La preocupación por la identidad cultural en el diálogoentre lo vernáculo y lo extranjerizante, lejos de seruna cuestión clausurada en los programas artísticose historiográficos del siglo XX, plantea desafíos quese renuevan en la agenda... more
Much can be learned from thinking about these past two decades (or at least we can enjoy the attempt).
Much can be learned from thinking about these past two decades (or at least we can enjoy the attempt).
Becoming commercially available in the mid 1960s, video quickly became integral to the intense experimentalism of New York City's music and art scenes. The medium was able to record image and sound at the same time, which allowed... more
"What is currently being done by art and design researchers and educators to engage learners in the pursuit of visual and media literacy? This paper looked specifically at visual arts education and related fields to determine what trends,... more
My book, Digital Prohibition: Piracy and Authorship in New Media Art, was published by Continuum International Publishers (named the top academic press in Britain this year) in 2012. It starts from the premise that the new changes in... more
This paper provides a conceptual augmentation of the notion of responsibility offered by Roth. This augmentation is predicated on the idea that Being is grounded in actions (or answerable deeds) that contribute to the unfolding collective... more
Caos->Sonoscop Teleinformática, música y mentalidad creadora "What was the origin of radio? Of course it is not new. It existed long before it has invented. It existed whenever there were invisible voices: in the... more
je voudrais montrer que cerre dernière -l-) est autant une pzmme de discorde que, du moins dans l'un des sens que I'on peut lui prêtet une forme particulière de discordance associée à une histoire, que cerre dernière soit effectivement... more
Kondor was an apostle of flying: a group of about hundred works in the oeuvre deals with a certain topic from the long history of flight and flying machines. From ornithopters, which imitated the flight of birds, and the figure of Louis... more
Q: Revolutionary ideas can be proposed through art and design. Compare and contrast two revolutionary creative works, one from the 20 th century and one from the 21 st century. How has the context contributed to the approach, medium and... more
Devices promising to manage stress, sleep disorders and give relief from “exhausting” daily life are nothing new. Pinhole glasses with black perforated lenses, also known as stenopeic glasses, have been sold since the1950s with claims to... more
Sgraffito as a decorative element of the exterior of 14th and 15th century Florentine buildings has long been known, although seldom granted much attention. The present dissertation, therefore, examines the phenomenon of sgraffito, a... more
"My inquiry will focus on an attempt to locate an ethos of music education. Because I acknowledge that the ethos of a society must logically precede a study of ethics (Ryan, 1972, p. 291, Miller, 1974, p. 309), and given the dramatic... more
Trying to understand contemporary populism throughout the lens of Arendt can help us recognise general challenges of modern society that have not disappeared from the stage of post-war European and American history; yet, it would be a... more
The Pacific Northwest is home to a highly innovative, creative, and entrepreneurial community with unique requirements for educational resources, collaboration opportunities, and work and living spaces. In order to better understand this... more
This work deals with the use of self-player pianos - Class of automatic musical instruments - and their technical evolution and the acquis in perforated rolls of paper that containings the digital records for the instrument. Also... more
Bogdanov, “kurucu ve yaratıcı” bir evrensel bilim olarak önerdiği tektolojiyi dünya işçi sınıfının ve devrimin hizmetine sunmak istemiş, ama (kısa süren Proletkült ve erken Sovyet avangardı deneyleri sayılmazsa) teorilerinin pratiğe... more
O presente estudo trata da contemporânea discussão a respeito do status de arte concedido a jogos eletrônicos (para todos os efeitos tratados neste trabalho como games) no âmbito da crítica de arte, especialmente a partir da aquisição... more
"Excerpt from the Introduction: Tech-noir films are about technology perceived as a destructive and dystopian force that threatens every aspect of our reality. They often expose the temporal nature of concepts of identity and society:... more
This book focuses on the artistic process, creativity and collaboration, and personal approaches to creation and ideation, in making digital and electronic technology-based art. Less interested in the outcome itself – the artefact,... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more