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      GoldsmithsScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageConservación y RestauraciónStoria Dell'Arte Medievale
Sante Guido, La “riscoperta” di un’opera di Nicola da Guardiagrele: il busto reliquiario di san Massimo d’Aveia Diacono Martire, in "OADI - Osservatorio per le Arti Decorative in Italia",
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtMedieval Art15th Century Italian Art
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      Applied Arts18th Century ArtSilverSilversmithing
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      ZakynthosSilversmithingPostbyzantine Art
The English term "Gorget" refers to two main kinds of gorgets in Polish culture. The first type of gorget is called “Ryngraf” in Polish—from the German word Ringkragen—and is derived from the name of an collar tht is the upper part of the... more
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In der St.-Joseph-Kirche in Charbrow bei Leba ist ein einzigartiges Ensemble von zwölf Sargbeschlägen erhalten geblieben, die ursprünglich eine Sargausschmückung der Mitglieder der Familie von Somnitz bildeten. Der Bestattungsort der... more
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      Art HistoryPolish HistoryFuneral PracticesHistory of Art
De zilversmid Aart de Pleijt uit Schoonhoven, de zilverstad, maakte tussen 1892 en 1896 een reukflacon voor export, getuige het keurmerk, een 'export-sleutel'. De flacon kwam in de VS terecht. De flacon is bijzonder door zijn lengte (22,5... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Women
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      Art HistoryWagnerJewelleryHistoire de l'art
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      Art HistoryNineteenth-century ArtWagnerJewellery
Núm. 121 (Vol. 38) Octubre-Diciembre 2008 Bilbao Universidad de Deusto 2008 Sumario Estudios ARMANDO BESGA MARROQUIN: Violencia cristiana durante los tres primeros siglos de la Reconquista en las crónicas hispano/atinas 9 JUAN Luis DE... more
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      Decorative ArtsSilverBilbaoSilversmithing
The collective Chinese Export Silver repertoire was highly diverse. the perception, appreciation and understanding of Chinese Export Silver is quite different in the West to that in China. All the preceding historical research into this... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistorySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Ricerca su un piatto d'argento francese, probabile opera del grande maestro Jacques-Nicolas Roettiers, attivo fino al 1777 e morto nel 1788, ma marcato l'anno successivo alla sua morte. Varie ipotesi.
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    • Silversmithing
A history of a family's pawnbroking, silversmithing and jewellery businesses in the Fulham Road, Kensington and Chelsea, London, from the 1820s to 1950s.
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      GenealogyHistory Of LondonFamily historyJewellery
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      Art HistoryPolish HistoryHistory of ArtHistoriography (in Art History)
The article acquaints the readers with the manufacture of jewellery artefacts, old technologies and with the names of some processes. Technologies used in Lithuania in 2nd- 14th centuries are compared with some old metal processing... more
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      Baltic archaeologyMetalworkSilversmithingGoldsmithing
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      Art HistoryPolish HistoryHistory of ArtHistory of Prussia
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      Art HistoryBooks ReviewsSilversmithing
Who instigated the development of the production of silverwares in seventeenth-century Dublin: the city’s goldsmiths or their consumers? This paper presents the burgeoning market for silver among consumers in early-seventeenth century... more
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      Early Modern IrelandGoldsmithsSilversmithingMaterial Culture, Design History, Decorative Arts
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitecturePainting
The splendid art deco oeuvre created in the 1920s and 30s by monk and silversmith dom Martin is still a rather too-well-kept Leuven secret, even though his creations, executed in the most luxurious materials in cooperation with the famous... more
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      Design20th CenturyReligious artBenedictine History
Pese a que el análisis de la platería ha sido un tema cada vez más recurrente en la historiografía española, especialmente desde los años ochenta, el territorio gallego acusa todavía falta de estudios en este campo. Aún no contamos con... more
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      ArchivosCraft GuildsSilversmithingGremios
Ознакомительная версия. Полная версия на сайте музея "Собрание" - Издание посвящено многолетнему партнерству двух ювелиров – Фёдора Лорие, вставшего во главе семейной фирмы, и самобытного... more
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      Art HistoryRussian HistoryHistory of CollectionsFaberge
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      Celtic StudiesCelts (Archaeology)Celtic ArchaeologyCeltic Archeology
Among finds from 1924-1936 and 1968-1991 an overwhelming number of remains of silver and other non-ferrous metallurgy was identified which escaped attention of previous archaeologists. Morphological and functional classification and... more
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      Economic HistoryArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval Archaeology
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMiningMerchants (Medieval Studies)
Se estudia la producción de los plateros de Valladolid durante el Barroco -siglo XVII-. Tras analizar la documentación municipal y el nombramiento de marcadores de la plata y de los contrastes, se publican los punzones de la plata, los... more
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      SilverSilversmithingBarrocoCastilla y León
Artículo sobre las características de la producción de platería religiosa de la Real Fábrica de Platería Martínez, según los objetos conservados en el área de Castilla. Dentro del catálogo de la exposición El aragonés Antonio Martínez y... more
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      SilversmithingJewellery, Goldsmith, Silversmith, Gold, Silver, Craft Guilds, Commonaute, Or, Argent
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      Decorative ArtsPolish StudiesGoldsmitherySilversmithing
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyCarolingian StudiesMetal Finds (Archaeology)
'This is a superb ancient Viking braided silver bracelet / Oath-ring, dating to the 9th-10th century A.D. It is formed from rods of silver, twisted about each other in a ropework formation, the terminals welded, forming a double spiral... more
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      CrusadesBaltic StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History
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      Material Culture StudiesExhibitionsCraft GuildsSilversmithing
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      Art HistoryPolish HistoryHistory of ArtGoldsmithery
Download “The gilded Buddha” in high resolution (167 MB): This book celebrates in words and images the traditional metal crafts practised for over a thousand years by the creators of religious Buddhist... more
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      Buddhist IconographyBuddhist ArtBuddhist SanskritMetalwork (Archaeology)
* Summary in English Ozdoby ciała i stroju pełniły ważną funkcję kulturową. Z jednej strony miały znaczenie typowo utylitarne związane z potrzebą podtrzymywania elementów ubioru (np. klamry, zapinki, szpile), z drugiej zaś biżuterii... more
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      Baltic Sea Region StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyScandinavian Archaeology
This article is a continue of research and analysis of the most valuable source on activity of the Fabergé firm – «Fabergé's bookkeeping book, 1909–1916», a unique document on the firm, which is kept in the State Archive of the Russian... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesRussian Studies
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      Art HistoryPolish HistoryHistory of ArtTraditional Crafts
Download “Der vergoldete Buddha” in high resolution (168 MB): Dieses Buch handelt in Wort und Bild vom traditionellen Metallhandwerk, das die Schöpfer religiöser buddhistischer Statuen in Nepal seit über 1000... more
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      BuddhismMetallurgyHeritage ConservationBuddhist Sanskrit
Presentazione del libro sul Master in Storia e Tecnologie dell’Oreficeria
“Sogni d’oro. Criticità ed eccellenze nella Sicilia postindustriale”
Sala delle Lapidi, Palazzo delle Aquile
13 giugno 2014
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      Traditional CraftsGoldsmitheryAncient jewelleryArts and Crafts
Estudio de la figura del platero Francisco Moratilla y su proyección internacional (Europa y América)
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      Art HistoryDecorative ArtsDecorative arts 19th centuryHistoria del Arte
Диссертация представляет собой первое исследование иконных окладов с фигуративными изображениями середины XVI – первого десятилетия XVII века, выполненных в кремлевских мастерских. В работе впервые суммируется и систематизируется весь... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryMuseum StudiesMedieval Studies
The aim of the paper was to present the patterns and cultural identities on Pra-guam silver beads and conceptual design silk patterns based on the cultural identities of Khmer people in Surin province of Thailand.The qualitative methods... more
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      Materials ScienceSocial IdentityCultural HeritageMaterial Culture Studies
A series of eight brief articles I wrote for Fine Silver magazine in 2010 -2011.  Lightweight but entertaining, I hope
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      Jewellery DesignSilversmithing
O. SERGI, 33. Custodia e razionale da piviale di Mons. Ottavio Da Pozzo (1738 - 1751) (scheda), in MUDAS. Conservare la memoria. Le arti nelle collezioni museali, a cura di O. SERGI, Catanzaro, ed. MUDAS, 2014, pp. 92 - 93.
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      Ancient jewellerySacred ArtJewellerySilversmiths
Artículo sobre los objetos de platería y joyería del Santuario de Illescas, Toledo, en la publicación colectiva La Caridad reina. 50 años de la Coronación canónica de la Virgen de la Caridad, Santuario de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad de... more
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      GoldsmithsSilversmithingJewellery, Goldsmith, Silversmith, Gold, Silver, Craft Guilds, Commonaute, Or, ArgentHistorical Goldsmiths' Techniques
An early Byzantine silver plate with a portrait of St. Theodore In 1977 an early Byzantine silver plate was purchased by the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum in Mainz. It is part of the group of silverware marked with five Imperial... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
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      Decorative ArtsSilversmithingCastilla y LeónJewellery, Goldsmith, Silversmith, Gold, Silver, Craft Guilds, Commonaute, Or, Argent
En esta comunicación centramos nuestra atención en los saleros o especieros, una tipología de objetos que abordaremos desde una perspectiva tanto gastronómica como artística y socioeconómica. Recogiendo obras conservadas en museos,... more
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      GastronomyHuman Eating BehavioursHistory of saltGoldsmithery
La conquista romana del Mediterráneo oriental y de Egipto amplió los horizontes de los mercaderes ítalo-romanos como nunca antes. A los pocos años de ocupar el territorio, eran cientos las caravanas y barcos que partían anualmente hacia... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographySocial NetworksArchitecture