The Right against the city

2012, Antipode Foundation


""“Reclaim our cities”. “Self-organise”. “Take neighbourhood action”. Consider these slogans for a moment. Sound familiar? Indeed they should, echoing as they do a body of scholarship (e.g. Amin and Thrift 2005; Butler 2012; Chatterton 2010; Dikeç 2001; Harvey 2003; Leontidou 2006; 2010; Marcuse 2009; Mayer 2009; Simone 2005) stemming from Henri Lefebvre’s (1996) idea of the ‘Right to the City’ (henceforth ‘RttC’). Despite this common origin, interpretations of the Lefebvrian “right” have been most diverse; perhaps his own often-times abstract writing has inadvertently caused this scholarship to reach outside the confines of his own political allegiance and thought: ten years ago, Mark Purcell (2002) protested that the original RttC notion was more radical than his own concurrent literature would make it appear. But today, a reformist interpretation of Lefebvre might be the least of the worries we are faced with here, on the south-eastern shore of the Mediterranean that is the Greek territory. ""

Antonis Vradis is a PhD candidate at the London School of Economics, the Alternatives editor of CITY and a member of the Occupied London collective.


[i] The operation was still ongoing as of the time of writing (mid-September 2012).

[ii] "Police claim Xenios Zeus operation a success." 10 August 2012

[iii] In the national elections of May 2012 the Golden Dawn (GD) scored just under 7% (6.97%) followed by a near-identical percentage (6.92%) in the repeat elections of June the same year. This comprised a record increase of approximately 2303% when compared to its 0.29% standing in the immediately preceding national elections of October 2009.

[iv] "Nearly 500 hate attacks carried out in the last six months." 14 August 2012