Recent papers in Cities
Since the 1990s, governments have increasingly employed PPPs for the revitalization of subsidised housing stock and the creation of mixed-income neighbourhoods. These PPPs typically involve private-sector partners taking on the... more
Infrastructural practices, made by the manipulations of pumps, pipes and hydraulic expertise, play a critical role in managing urban populations. Drawing on two years of ethnographic research in Mumbai, in this article I show how Muslim... more
Kako nastaju gradovi? Koji su to elementi koji su presudni u izboru mesta za grad? Kakva je uloga lovca u formiranju grada? Koje zajednice pribegavaju formiranju naseobina? Kakva je uloga reke u formiranju grada? Kakva je uloga odbrane u... more
Deterministic photochemical air quality models are commonly used for regulatory management and planning of urban airsheds. These models are complex, computer intensive, and hence are prohibitively expensive for routine air quality... more
A plain-language introduction to the information that U.S. state and local governments provide in their annual audited financial reports.
In recent years, New Zealand has undergone fundamental economic, institutional and administrative restructuring. One outcome of this has been the implementation of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). Fundamental to the RMA is... more
Smith, Michael E., and José Lobo, 2016 Comment on Jennings and Earle, "Urbanization, State Formation, and Cooperation: A Reappraisal". Current Anthropology 57(5):485-486.
To northern Europeans Malaga is probably more familiar as an airport name than as a city in its own right. It is, however, one of the fastest growing cities in Spain and one with a distinctive urban form. The pattern of population growth,... more
The current status of solid waste management in Lahore, a metropolitan city of Pakistan, is reviewed in this article using an existing approach, the UN-Habitat city profile. This involves a systematic quantitative and qualitative... more
Climate change is a global problem that has reached the level of crisis today and has transboundary effects. These effects have important consequences especially in cities where population and economic activities are concentrated.Rising... more
This article examines the conception of the everyday city as presented in the work of architect Christopher Alexander and architectural theorist Bill Hillier: Both thinkers suggest that, in the past, lively urban places arose... more
O artigo apresenta a ideia das cidades como novos atores da governança ambiental global (GAG). O objetivo é o estudo e análise do papel das cidades na abordagem das questões ambientais globais. O método de pesquisa foi o teórico-dedutivo,... more
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals are well known environmental pollutants. Even though numerous studies have been carried out to assess human exposures to these compounds, there is still a lack of data on humans from... more
Though the solid waste management (SWM) system in Phnom Penh city in general has been upgraded since the waste collection service was franchised out to the private sector, the performance of the existing SWM system is still low.... more
Developing countries are disproportionately affected by hypertension, with Black women being at greater risk, possibly due to differences in body fat distribution. The objectives of this study were: (1) To examine how different measures... more
A newly developed and validated constitutive model that accounts for primary compression and timedependent mechanical creep and biodegradation is used for parametric study to investigate the effects of model parameters on the predicted... more
I was one of the experts invited by the journal, Issues in Science and Technology, to reflect on life after the COVID-19 global pandemic. The journal is published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. The... more
Artists and art communities are essential to the cultural life of cities. In New York City, artists have created networks of artist-run galleries in unlikely spaces that are outside the corporate gallery system. Sociologist Mary Kosut... more
Although remotely sensed images have been used to study urban growth patterns the world over, very few studies have employed these methods to examine the growth of Iranian cities. Shiraz is perhaps the most important city in the southern... more
This study investigated the removal efficiency and mechanisms of water contaminants (mainly N-nitrosamines) during municipal wastewater reclamation by a membrane bioreactor (MBR) and nanofiltration (NF) hybrid system. The removal of bulk... more
Indoor and outdoor endotoxin in PM 2.5 was measured for the very first time in Santiago, Chile, in spring 2012. Average endotoxin concentrations were 0.099 and 0.094 [EU/m 3 ] for indoor (N = 44) and outdoor (N = 41) samples,... more
Vacant urban areas (VUAs) can consist of both vacant land and abandoned structures. In this article, the authors summarize a recent survey on VUA, examine current conditions and causes of VUA, and explore the possible interconnections... more
Cycling is the most energy-efficient mode of transport and can bring extensive environmental, social and economic benefits. Research has highlighted negative perceptions of safety as a major barrier to the growth of cycling. Understanding... more
The present investigation is a case study of Lucknow, the main metropolis in Northern India, which succumbs to a major problem of municipal solid waste and its management. A qualitative investigation using strengths, weaknesses,... more
Today, over-consumption, pollution and resource depletion threaten sustainability. Waste management policies frequently fail to reduce consumption, prevent pollution, conserve resources and foster sustainable products. However, waste... more
A good understanding of climate change damages is vital to design effective adaptation policies and measures. Using a dataset of probabilistic sea-level rise and other of flood damages and protection cost curves for the 600 largest... more
The article introduces Urban Food Policies (UFP) in the field of decentralized cooperation as a relatively new field of work, exchange and action-oriented research within and between cities, and local authorities in the global North... more
U.S. local governments purchase $1.72 trillion of goods and services annually that contribute to global climate change and other environmental problems. Cities that successfully implement environmental purchasing policies can mitigate... more
During the past decades, the city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia has witnessed dramatic changes in its urban area, population and transportation. To better understand the relationship between urban growth and transportation, this paper aims to... more
Séminaire de géographie -La gouvernance métropolitaine transfrontalière 14/10/08 • A regeneration of cities as a territorial actor (Le Galès 2002, Brenner 2004) • The State: from a top-down regulatory authority to a partner and mediator •... more
This study analyzes the organizational, technological and societal changes of Gdansk in the process to become a smart city. The Gdansk's planning to climate change to reconcile social, cultural and environmental pillars. Finally analyzes... more
In this article we look at examples of three predominant kinds of Swedish retail places-the pedestrianised city centre, the neighbourhood centre and the regional shopping mall-all of which play important (winning or losing) roles in... more
The use of OFMSW for biogas and compost production is considered as a sustainable strategy in saving valuable landfill space while producing valuable product for soil application. This study examines the effects of anaerobic and aerobic... more
California's climate, typified by winter and spring precipitation and summer drought, is often called a Mediterranean climate, and creates a long period for pollutant build-up. The initial storms of the winter season usually have higher... more
Cycling is the most energy-efficient mode of transport and can bring extensive environmental, social and economic benefits. Research has highlighted negative perceptions of safety as a major barrier to the growth of cycling. Understanding... more
Dog parks represent a recent trend in western countries, enabling owners to spend quality time with their pets in a controlled environment. Despite their growing popularity, few studies have been performed to date on these parks to... more
Background: Waste poses a threat to public health and the environment if it is not stored, collected, and disposed of properly. The perception of waste as an unwanted material with no intrinsic value has dominated attitudes towards... more