Recent papers in Belonging
Recent scholarship on belonging examines how temporary transnational low-wage migrant workers find belonging in the host country. While this is possible for some migrant groups, it overlooks those groups who cannot. This study examines... more
This paper strives to reread and recontextualise the ideas of Ibn Khaldun on diversity, group feeling and political legitimacy, most specifically within the contemporary context of nation-state. Ibn Khaldun states, "A dynasty rarely... more
Background: Women and students of color are widely underrepresented in most STEM fields. In order to investigate this underrepresentation, we interviewed 201 college seniors, primarily women and people of color, who either majored in STEM... more
School vision and mission statements are an explicit indication of a school's priorities. Research has found academic motivation, mental health promotion, and school belonging to be the most frequently cited themes in these statements.... more
Denne artikel udforsker mulighederne for at udtænke et begreb om fællesskab inden for et poststrukturalistisk paradigme. Der er skrevet meget om relationer, grupper og inklusion, men fælleskab er i mindre grad et teoretiseret og... more
Youth experiencing discomfort in educational settings find it difficult to engage, often finding themselves at risk for academic failure. The current study examined, through consensual qualitative research (CQR; Hill, 2012), the student’s... more
This paper considers performances of belonging in two participatory theatre projects. The Traction Youth Ensemble is an outreach program offered by Queensland Theatre in the city of Logan - recently portrayed in the media as a hub for... more
This multimethod study draws on theories of teacher care, dispositions, and culturally relevant pedagogy to examine how 12 urban mathematics teachers’ perceptions of their own care practices align with their Black and Latinx students’ (n... more
This article considers asylum seekers/refugees’ perceptions of the negative asylum coverage that dominates mainstream press, as counter-posed to primarily positive representations in community newspapers. It explores how these... more
The medical model of disability, though beneficial for the medical professional, is often exclusionary, restrictive and dehumanizing when applied to the lived experience of disability. As a result, a critique of this model was constructed... more
With rising rates of youth mental illness, disconnection and social isolation, strategies are needed that can help stem the tide. A sense of belonging to one’s school is associated with good school performance, physical and psychological... more
Please note that this is the original unpublished version which has now been peer reviewed and published (see 'Making Sense of a Sense of Place' above). The review process required some significant editing changes be made to this original... more
As a situation on Social media that is frequently encountered in recent times, comments, which whether or not knowledge about matter of any share/posts on social media that contain criticism, humiliating, judging, lynch are drawn reaction... more
. Sense of belonging, social relationships, and school functioning. P. A. Alexander and P. H. Winne (Eds.), Handbook of Educational Psychology, 2nd edition (pp. 255-674). Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ.
Cultural appropriation can be understood as involving members of one culture taking or adopting objects or practices which ‘belong’ to another culture in the sense of being affiliated or connected to that other culture in a unique or... more
The benefits of belonging and feeling connected to school for adolescent mental health and wellbeing are well documented, but how belonging is fostered is less understood. The present article puts forward a new conceptual framework of... more
'To learn about X, observe what happens to the system when X is removed.' What happens to the higher education student experience when, during a pandemic, so many of the avenues for building a sense of belonging are radically and... more
Este ensaio tem duas partes. Na primeira parte, tentamos ler a obra bastante conhecida de Yazujiro Ozu através do conceito do neutro de forma que o cotidiano e os seus personagens comuns possam ser uma forma de definir uma dramaturgia... more
Contemporary Asian Australian poets have recently begun to attract more attention, particularly with the publication of the anthology, edited by Adam Aitken, Kim Cheng Boey and Michelle Cahill, Contemporary Asian Australian Poets. This... more
This is a term paper for the seminar called 'Price of Belonging'. Here I share only the cover page, abstract, outline, part of the introduction chapter and references. Please contact me for the remaining parts. Abstract Daniele Luchetti's... more
Conference paper/introduction for the 3 sessions on "Belonging and Unbelonging", Intersections/Intersezioni Conference, Florence, 30 May - 1 June 2018
Building and sustaining students’ sense of belonging at school has been proposed by teachers and researchers as a means of stimulating students’ intent or desire to learn and of reducing student attrition. This article will present the... more
Welche Ungleichheiten und Konflikte spalten queere, feministische und LSBTIQ-Bewegungen? Um dieser Frage nachzugehen untersuchte die folgende Abschlussarbeit Konstruktionen von Zugehörigkeiten in queerer studentischer Szene. Durch eine... more
Contemporary diversity politics is mobilized around debates on the effects of diversity on political community and cohesion. However, social and political theory are deeply divided on the relation between that diversity,... more
Previous scholarship shows that women with disabilities are excluded from national and transnational economic development strategies and depicted, if at all, as passive victims and subjects of charity. In Sub-Saharan Africa, disabled... more
The present study aimed to examine whether the level of strength-based parenting a student receives during remote learning affects their levels of academic motivation once returning to school. Additionally, the study sought to explore... more
Despite persistent class and race inequalities in educational attainment and achievement in the U.S., hegemonic cultural ideologies and urban education politics and policies continue to proceed from an insistence that education is the... more
After more than sixty years together, it is difficult to distinguish between my grandmother and her house. She situates herself, her identity and her culture in a spatial way. My grandmother is her house and that house is my grandmother.... more
Based on short, but extensive, research, this thesis "The Art of Longing and Belonging: Kolam as a Reflection of Women' s Complex Relations with Identity and Power in Contemporary India" , proposes kolam practices as a metaphor to... more
Drawing on a year’s fieldwork in the Mumbai BDD Chawls neighborhood, this paper analyses an urban migration phenomenon called the gramastha mandal. Gramastha mandals are village-run committees that buy chawl (tenement) rooms and rent them... more
This collection brings together twelve short essays investigating how nostalgia and belonging come into play in the study of modern and contemporary art and architecture from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Each essay focuses on... more
Writing about the Holocaust means negotiating with silence and investigating the repercussions of a trauma that never stopped affecting our present. The process of historical recognition from the perspective of a... more
Although victimization is a serious problem in children and adolescents, research has commonly focused on risk factors and consequences of this experience and largely ignored factors that protect youth mental health and well-being from... more