Frankfurt School
Recent papers in Frankfurt School
This introduction contextualizes and evaluates Herbert Marcuse’s the accompanying, previously untranslated review of John Dewey’s Logic: The Theory of Inquiry. Marcuse’s critique of pragmatism is indebted to Max Horkheimer’s claim that... more
In this book, I identify contemporary developments on the theme of vulnerability within critical theory while also seeking to reconstruct an idea of vulnerability that enables an articulation of the political and demonstrates how it is... more
'@ is For Activism' examines the transformation of politics through digital media, including digital television, online social networking and mobile computing. Joss Hands maps out how political relationships have been reconfigured and new... more
First this paper will discuss Michel Foucault foundation of his ideas, and why more than a critical intervention from scholars of color is needed. Moreover, we should be aware that not only were Foucault’s deficient of political ideas or... more
Tarihin her döneminde, o dönemin politik özeliğine, düşünme tarzına, teknolojik gelişmelerine ve zevklerine bağlı olarak değişik sanatsal anlatım biçimleri doğar. Zevk, insan doğasının bilinmeyen yönlerinin ortaya çıkartılması kadar,... more
Oliver Kohns, Till van Rahden und Martin Roussel, Autorität. Krise, Konstruktion
und Konjunktur, München 2016, S. 307-318.
und Konjunktur, München 2016, S. 307-318.
My thesis in this paper is that anxiety plays a central role in the shaping of modern subjectivity and agency. My argument is that anxiety in contemporary society is distinct from the forms of anxiety that plagued industrial society in... more
Puts 'Dialectic of Enlightenment' in an historical context and shows hows the concept of 'mimesis' prefigures more recent cognitive interest in the emotional foundations of human knowledge and human interaction. The paper builds bridges... more
1923 yılında bir grup aydın tarafından Marksizmi yeniden düşünmek amacıyla kurulan Frankfurt Okulu, sanattan sosyolojiye, eğitimden psikolojiye dek pek çok alanıda yeni fikirlerin ortaya konmasında etkili olmuştur. Bu alanların yanı sıra,... more
This document critically reviews the theories of the avant-garde of both the Left and the Right put forward between the 1920s – the time of the vigorous assertion of the avant-garde – and the late 1970s – the beginning of the conservative... more
Este centro dedicó sus primeros trabajos al análisis de la economía capitalista y a la historia del movimiento obrero. Desde 1930, año en que asume la dirección Horkheimer , el Instituto toma un nuevo rumbo cuya nota caracter ística... more
Prólogo a Th. W. Adorno: Problemas de Filosofía Moral. Buenos Aires: Las Cuarenta. 2019
Es war wie das gleichsam letzte Aufflackern des "roten Jahrzehnts" der 1970er Jahre, als in den Jahren 1983 und 1984, vor nun einem Vierteljahrhundert, zwei Aufsatz-Bände des politischen Psychologen und Theoretikers Peter Brückner im... more
This inaugural lecture outlines the contours of a history of critical thinking. Drawing on case studies from the 19th, 20th, and 21st-century humanities, it draws attention to demands that critical thinking makes on the self – that is, to... more
This paper presents a literature review of critical information systems (IS) research. Specifically, it focuses on how IS researchers have responded to Myers and Klein’s (2011) call to consider critical approaches and theorists in... more
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar o modus operandi da produção audiovisual intitulada “Esclarecimento” com discussões importantes para o campo da Comunicação ao analisar por meio da Teoria Crítica da Sociedade elementos... more
Umwelt, Technik & Risiko – damit verbinden wir eine Symptomatik, die für die Moderne von bestandskritischer Bedeutung ist. Soweit herrscht Einigkeit. Kontrovers sind hingegen Diagnose und Therapie. Ist die industriegesellschaftliche... more
While critical commentary on Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno’s Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944) has been various and divided, few have questioned its seismic importance for the development of Western Marxism. Strangely though, in view... more
This essay considers the role of "critical theory" in the university and the shape of future research in this intellectual tradition. I draw from Max Horkheimer's early elaborations on a "social philosophy" to identify the theoretical... more
This article attempts to present the unity as well as the difference between Hegel's and Dewey's social philosophical approaches to struggles for recognition. It argues that interpreting Dewey's Lectures in China as a commentary on Hegel... more
The purpose of this paper is to expose, and provide a possible solution to, an internal inconsistency in Axel Honneth’s critical theory of recognition. Honneth requires a way of making his claim that misrecognition causes subjective... more
toim.) Kaksitoista teesiä opettajalle. PS--kustannus.] Kriittinen pedagogiikka aikalaisanalyysina Juha Suoranta & Olli--Pekka Moisio
Adorno. Teoría crítica y dialectica negativa 1 Carlos Massé Narváez 83 La colección Documentos de Investigación difunde los avances de trabajo realizados por investigadores de El Colegio Mexiquense, A.C., con la idea de que los autores... more
Cet article propose un panorama du rapport ambivalent qu’adoptent les principaux auteurs de l’École de Francfort vis-à-vis de la conception kantienne des Lumières. En passant par Habermas, Marcuse, Horkheimer et Adorno, nous nous... more
Lässt sich die politische Problemlage unserer Zeit literarisch erfassen? Was ist die Rolle von Literatur im globalen Kapitalismus? Lässt sich ein dauerhafter Arbeitszusammenhang von Autorinnen und Autoren organisieren? Diesen Fragen... more
Si torni a guardare questo film allora, non come un documento interno alle vicende del comunismo italiano ma come un dramma, una lotta in cui l’uomo rischia di smarrirsi ritrovandosi prigioniero di quel consumismo che passo dopo passo lo... more
In this paper, I will examine the social conditions of post-crisis neoliberalism, in particular the social contradiction known as the “gig economy.” I will argue that despite its threats to human flourishing, the gig economy actually... more
Oftentimes visual representations of literature go beyond simple pictorialization of a textual source and actually inflect a particular reading or critique of the original story. A pair of six-panel screens in the Idemitsu Museum of Art,... more
No, the entertainment industry does not explicitly advocate the causes of today's ruling class. If truth be told, both the TV and film industry, as capitalist as any other, have a long history of doing the exact opposite, of seeming to... more
Introducing Adorno's cultural criticism to the Dutch discussion
RESUMEN: En el presente trabajo hemos estudiado la obra de Max Horkheimer, y hemos arribado a la conclusión de que no sólo ella permite ser analizada como un "sistema", sino que además es el autor mismo el que a lo largo de sus múltiples... more
U radu se prikazuje Marcuseova recepcija Freudove psihoanalize. U tekstu se prvo osvrće na kritiku nekih ključnih mjesta istaknutijih Marcuseovih kritičara pokušavajući pokazati opravdanost kritike ili njezine možebitne nejasnosti.... more
4 Hegel, Nauka logike, tom I, str. 53 5 Hegel, Filozofija povijesti, str. 27 6 Vidi prikaz "geneze kritičke teorije" u Džej: Dijalektička imaginacija, str. 79-145 7 Markuze, Filozofija i kritička teorija, u: Kultura i društvo, str. 74 8... more
It is a book in which both the genesis and development of the concept of the culture industry in the work of Adorno are scrutinized. The first chapter focuses on the context of the appearance of the Frankfurt Institut and theoretical... more
When in the latter part of the 20th century nurse ‘training’ in the UK left the old schools of nursing (based within the health delivery system) and entered universities, the promise was not just a change of focus fromtraining to... more
A commentary on the section »Schein und Ausdruck« of Adorno's Aesthetic Theory.