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The port of Le Havre was redeveloped by Auguste Perret with a central Arts Centre by Oscar Niemeyer. The urban design blends ideas from the modern movement with more traditional axes and framing devices and a strong pedestrian scale. The... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban DesignCompact CitiesEuropean city
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The grouping of public buildings into civic centers and cultural centers became an obsession of American city planners at the turn of the twentieth century. Following European and ancient models, and inspired by the World’s Columbian... more
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      GeographyHeterotopiaUrban PlanningUrbanism
The research focuses mainly on the European cities’ urban form and social characteristics by analyzing the element of the urban block in five historical periods. The aim is not to analyze the whole history, but to focus on specific... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban MorphologyUrban StudiesCity planning
Decolonize the City! versteht sich als notwendige Intervention in die deutschsprachige Debatte zur ›europäischen Stadt‹. Die Autor*innen fordern eine urbane Dekolonisierung und fragen aus einer rassismuskritischen und solidarischen... more
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      Race and RacismCritical Race TheoryUrban StudiesCritical Race Theory and Whiteness theory
All our cities have inherited large stocks of mass housing developments, planned and built after WWII to accommodate the expected growth in population. All over Europe the big apartment blocks tend to look the same and are often on the... more
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      Sustainable CommunitiesDeindustrializationUrban PlanningSustainable Building Design
In contemporary public discourse a European city is a common rhetorical figure, which everybody seems to understand, yet nobody can precisely define. Neither is there much agreement in the academic literature on what a European city is,... more
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      Cultural HistoryUrban HistoryUrban PlanningSyllabus
"RESUMEN – ABSTRACT Se indaga en torno a la intoxicación voluntaria, dentro de un programa general encaminado a la experimentación con el propio cuerpo, método que encuentra sus fundamentos en la idea de la medicina romántica donde,... more
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      GeographyHeterotopiaUrban PlanningInterfacial Phenomena
Going beyond race-blind approaches to spatial segregation in Europe, Racial Cities argues that race is the logic through which stigmatized and segregated "Gypsy urban areas" have emerged and persisted after World War II. Building on... more
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      European HistoryUrban GeographyEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
Key words : European City, culture, literature, Geneva
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      Urban StudiesGenevaEuropean city
This article was derived from my dissertation chapter on Cleveland and the planning of University Circle in the 1920s. Far from the moribund period historians tend to assume, it was an intense moment of contemplating the interaction of... more
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      GeographyMuseum StudiesHeterotopiaUrban History
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    • European city
Sculpted into a cliff, the stunning city of Matera, located almost in the heel of Italy’s boot in the region of Basilicata, was long depicted as a ‘national shame’ of postwar Italy. Such a perception of the city’s identity comes from the... more
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      European cultureItalyCarlo LeviEuropean city
This article investigates how the policy capacity of urban governments in Europe to deal with the social challenges caused by the 2008-2009 financial crisis, has been strongly shaped by the institutional multi-level governance (MLG)... more
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      Urban StudiesUrban SociologyUrban PolicyUrban Governance
Peri-urban agriculture has preserved around central cities a land-use mosaic and contributes to the sustainable growth of metropolitan regions constituting green infrastructures, supplying urban markets, and improving social inclusion.... more
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      RURAL-URBAN FRINGECluster Analysis (Multivariate Data Analysis)Multivariate AnalysisFarmers
The issue of diverse identities imprinted on the urban landscape as the result of political changes and the struggle for power between different social and ethnic groups is analysed here using the example of Katowice, the capital and... more
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      Urban GeographyCultural HeritageUrban PlanningCentral European history
This article discuses the presence of foreign coins (Latorum Grossorum Pragensis, Solidorum Pruthenicalis and Florenos Ungaricales) and their functioning in the economic system of Old Warsaw  in the first half of 15th century
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      Economic HistoryEuropean StudiesMedieval StudiesNumismatics
The issue of diverse identities imprinted on the urban landscape as the result of political changes and the struggle for power between different social and ethnic groups is analysed here using the example of Katowice, the capital and... more
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      Human GeographyHistorical GeographyUrban GeographyEastern Europe
This paper analyses the evolution of the concept of public space in the European city in a diachronic framework, from its historical and foundational functions to the opportunity it provides to trigger regenerative strategies in socially... more
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      ArchitectureUrban HistoryUrban StudiesUrban Sociology
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
Is there an alternative to the philosophers’ utopian perspective on the politics of the city/polis/civitas?
The claim to be made is: Yes, there is one – and it makes these philosophers’ philosophy the more relevant philosophically, too.
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      European StudiesPublic AdministrationPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
This paper analyses the evolution of the concept of public space in the European city in a diachronic framework, from its historical and foundational functions to the opportunity it provides to trigger regenerative strategies in socially... more
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      ArchitectureUrban HistoryUrban PlanningUrban Studies
Karl Gruber is a central figure in the German architectural debate of the first half of 20th century. This paper highlights the importance of his contribution in the study of the shape and the character of the European city. Erwin Karl... more
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      Urban DesignUrban formEuropean cityCittà