Public and private spaces
Recent papers in Public and private spaces
This article discusses the correlation between private and public life of scientists in the Soviet Union by focusing on the case of prominent Georgian ethnographer Vera Bardavelidze. This research seeks to clarify one of the aspects of... more
Department of Theatre and Dance, Graduate and Professional Student Association, Office of Graduate Studies
The aim of this research is to highlight the link between social anchoring and unequal spatial practices by men and women in public and private spaces.
A história já mostrou que nenhum combate feminista foi vitorioso sem passar por movimentos muito radicalizados, com base em reivindicações de melhoria de vida, manifestações de rua, activistas carismáticas e forte combatividade das massas... more
This article elaborates on discursive constructions of girls-only settings through the spatial metaphor of a room of one's own, as articulated in round-table discussions among staff and participants from girl-centered music programs in... more
" À la table du boucher… au Prince de Montmartre ” est un récit qui plonge le lecteur dans l’atmosphère d’un bar-cabaret casablancais, décrivant les interactions sociales, la musique et la culture nocturne à travers les yeux d’un... more
En aquest article volem posar en relleu algunes de les maneres com es poden analitzar els porters i les porteries, en qualitat d’institucio i d’espai a traves dels quals es poden copsar un conjunt de contradiccions i tensions de la... more
In recent years heritage and its public representations, such as those offered at folk festivals, museums and other similar venues of cultural presentation, have emerged as significant features of the cultural landscape offering... more
A autora deste artigo analisa os imbricamentos entre os espaços público e privado no séc. XX, através da abordagem do Filme Capote. Retomando a relação autor-fato-obra, recorrente neste filme , estabelecemos um diálogo com Hannah Arendt e... more
E ste estudo se inspirou nos trabalhos que evidenciam o recorte Mulher e discute a mulher como uma construção sociaL Nesse sentido, segue uma linha de discussão, isto é, a idéia de que existem mulheres em todas as sociedades e dentro de... more
En aquest article volem posar en relleu algunes de les maneres com es poden analitzar els porters i les porteries, en qualitat d’institucio i d’espai a traves dels quals es poden copsar un conjunt de contradiccions i tensions de la... more
This proposal presents an ethnography of the occupation of the public garden at night in Casablanca. This space is located in a working-class neighbourhood characterized by a high density of inhabitants. The dwellings are generally small... more
International audience"Following the lead of a fewarchaeologists, we have tried to decipherthe social meaningsof spatial layout based on data as the degree of intimacy, pattern of visibility and circulation.The methodology of spatial... more
This research is based on the systematic literature review related to the definition of Privately Owned Public Spaces (POPS). POPS arise as a bonus of the urban planning concession resulting from negotiations between private investors and... more
Anthropology is a science that is in constant transformation. New possibilities for objects, strategies and anthropological methodologies are present in the multiple forms of representation of the other. We started the 21st century with a... more
ARRIF, Abdelmajid, « Tourner autour ou la traversée des murs. À propos du spectacle "Habiter n'est pas dormir » de la Cie Volubilis" », Revue Science and Video [En ligne]. URL : Creative Commons... more
Gitanos (Spanish Roma) have undergone major transformations in the last half-century. But in some areas, they were already successfully included in the majority society. Some have practiced “resistance to respectability” (Kaprow, 1982)... more
Exposure to and connection with nature is increasingly recognized as providing significant well-being benefits for adults and children. Increasing numbers of children growing up in urban areas need access to nature to experience these... more
Au cours des dernières années, plusieurs pratiques culturelles et artistiques observées à Montréal remettent en question l’utilisation de la dichotomie classique d’espaces publics-privés. Pour pallier ce manque conceptuel, nous proposons,... more
The objective of this paper is to investigate the correlation between the evolving status of women in the final years of the Qajar era (1895-1925) and the inception of the women's rights movement that followed this period. Adopting a... more
Alors, peut-être, la Maquette gagnerait en autonomie et se réaliserait comme prototype, esprit de la démarche de Darsi. Celui-ci pose son regard sur un morceau de ville, un bâti et le travaille au corps de sa physique, de sa ruine, de son... more
This essay traces the development of mirror use in Russia from the medieval period to the modern day with particular attention to the dynamic interplay between the utilitarian and symbolic functions of this object. I examine how the... more
En aquest article volem posar en relleu algunes de les maneres com es poden analitzar els porters i les porteries, en qualitat d’institucio i d’espai a traves dels quals es poden copsar un conjunt de contradiccions i tensions de la... more
Este artigo propõe-se a refletir sobre a construção histórica e simbólica dos significados do trabalho das mulheres que configuraram possibilidades de identificação coletiva e, mais do que isso, a subjetividade presente nas formas de... more
This article undertakes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of probate inventories from a selection of towns and highly urbanized areas from the kingdom of Valencia in the period 1280-1460, which are used to explore the inner... more
El panorama posmoderno, con el surgimiento de un mundo global más complejo, diverso, y multicutural ha impuesto la revisión de todas nuestras categorías sociales y culturales, lo que ha significado la aparición de nuevas cartografías que... more
Raum ist deine der grundlegenden Rahmenbedingungen menschlichen Lebens. Er bildet zusammen mit Zeit ein strukturelles Gitter für die Organisation von Gesellschaft. Die Erfahrungs- und Aneignungsformen bestimmen den Spielraum menschlichen... more
This article is part of an on-going analysis of a Spanish television documentary series entitled Rito y Geografía del Cante. This larger on-going analysis treats the programmes in this series as ‘cultural performances’. The programmes are... more
Preâmbulo a um debate geográfico-filosófico sobre a cidade. Num primeiro momento tematiza-se a questão da socialidade produzida a partir de uma lógica socioespacial presente nas relações humanas. Em seguida, verifica-se que a expressão... more
It is an evidence for Theatre Studies researchers, that the hierarchical structures of East-European dictatorial regimes are reproduced by the institutional model of Regietheater, which uses their power structures and, very often, their... more
International audience"Following the lead of a fewarchaeologists, we have tried to decipherthe social meaningsof spatial layout based on data as the degree of intimacy, pattern of visibility and circulation.The methodology of spatial... more
Ricostruzione degli oggetti e degli arredi del palazzo principesco Trivulzio in via della Signora a Milano, a metà del XVIII secolo
Hinter digitalen Technologien liegen mathematische Modelle, die einer 1- oder 0-Logik folgen. Diese Modelle sind keine Naturgesetze, sondern der Versuch, die Realität in einer solchen Logik abzubilden. Demnach sind Technologien nicht... more
In this chapter, we discuss and demonstrate how to analyse the urban micro-spatial relationships between private and public spaces. These methods allow one to analyse intervisibility between buildingsandstreets, entrancedensity from... more
Today of prof. Guido Amedeo Vitale of Pontagio diplomat and sinologist, perhaps one of the most famous, has not written enough, indeed little or nothing has been written about him. The existence of a substantial and interesting... more
« Quand la rue devient maison : habito et diligo dans la ville » est une analyse interdisciplinaire de l'appropriation des espaces urbains. Sa proposition : comparer un centre de quartier traditionnel avec une unité de voisinage projetée... more
Le lotissement d'habitat economique est, au Maroc, une forme urbaine originale. Il trouve son origine dans la prise en compte, par la puissance colonisatrice, d'une culture domestique et urbaine endogene, particulierement vivace.... more
In the light of the contemporary issue of same-sex (gay/lesbian) marriage, our professional concern with inter-female hostility in Igbo society readily stimulates us to ponder on its permissibility or otherwise in the Igbo world. This is... more
This article is part of an on-going analysis of a Spanish television documentary series entitled Rito y Geografía del Cante. This larger on-going analysis treats the programmes in this series as ‘cultural performances’. The programmes are... more
Abstract Based on fieldwork conducted between 2004 and 2013 for the Cities Without Slums program, this analysis attempts to explain the fact that in the Moroccan city, the "rurality-poverty" symmetry is not only a state of deprivation of... more
An attempt to seek out and understand emerging trends and some of the challenges we face when dealing with an increasing amount and complexity of entertainment technologies in our homes, particularly in spaces that are both private and... more
This study demonstrates how a single type of sign can be connected to language policy on a larger scale. Focusing on the relationship between language policy and language ideologies, I investigate the private Linguistic Landscape (LL) of... more