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The time has come to change our thinking and to open our front gardens hidden behind high walls to the street. Together we can return to our typical rural village doorways which have almost disappeared over the time. Let's show our... more
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      Rural SociologyArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureRural Development
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      Urban PlanningUrban AgricultureLocal and regional food systemsUrban Farming
This paper will address the topic of media and everyday life focusing on whether media technologies in everyday life can be seen to create distinctions between public and private space. Here the term media technologies is used broadly... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesEveryday LifeMedia and Communication Studies
Turbulence is usually considered a negative property of an organization’s environment. Yet turbulence is also a feature of an organization’s internal dynamics and may be useful for productivity. This article argues that interactions... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementPsychologyClinical Psychology
This dissertation explores how flamenco performance models intimacy and solidarity in Andalusian communities based in Seville and Morón de la Frontera. The adaptability of flamenco performance underscores the inherent decision-making... more
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      Social MovementsListening (Music)PhonographyIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)
This article discusses a specific type of public space: The Privately Owned Public Space, or POPS, which originated from the 1961 revision of the New York Zoning Resolution, offering legal incentives of increased floor area to buildings... more
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      Privatisation Of Public SpacePublic SpacePublic and private spacesPrivately owned Public Space
Il contributo, attraverso lo studio di due inventari di cittadini romani del Seicento, analizza le modalità di utilizzo dei tessuti e dei parati in stoffa nell'ambito dell'arredo e della disposizione delle collezioni di opere d'arte negli... more
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      Modern HistoryHistory of Everyday LifeMaterial CulturePublic and private spaces
An attempt to seek out and understand emerging trends and some of the challenges we face when dealing with an increasing amount and complexity of entertainment technologies in our homes, particularly in spaces that are both private and... more
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      Acoustic EngineeringSoftware EngineeringHuman Computer InteractionCommunication
Resumen Este trabajo tiene como fin discutir como en la ciudad las personas con sexualidad diferente a la normativa tienen espacios de encuentro y que devienen en la idea de la ciudad diversa; en donde las culturas se traslapan en la... more
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      GenderPublic SpaceGayPublic and private spaces
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      Social SciencesSpace and PlaceUrban AnthropologyPublic Sphere
Talk about the ways private ownership of the spaces we move through influences our legal right to the city, and some of the strategies that may be used by individuals or groups to reclaim the city.
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistorySociology
Elena Olariu, Stil de viață aristocratic în secolul al XIX-lea. Studiu de mentalitate și moravuri în spațiul public, Editura Oscar Print, București, 2021. Cartea are 141 de pagini și este ilustrată cu picturi deținute de Muzeul... more
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      Romanian HistoryRomanian StudiesHistory of MentalityAristocracy
This research examines the ways in which Bengali men and women " do gender " in the setting of north Kolkata's Indian Coffee House as a converging point of Adda, by expanding upon existing literature on doing gender, ethnography, and... more
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      Gender StudiesPostcolonial StudiesGender and SexualitySociology of Space
hg. zus. mit Caroline Emmelius et al., Göttingen: Wallstein 2004.
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      Cultural HistoryGerman LiteratureArt HistoryMedieval History
Elena Olariu, Boieri și aristocrați români în secolul al XIX-lea. Studiu de mentalitate și moravuri în spațiul privat, Editura Oscar Print, București, 2019. Cartea are 223 de pagini, bibliografie și este ilustrată cu picturi deținute de... more
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      Romanian StudiesHistory of MentalityAristocracyHistory of Mentalities
Architecture always reflects the times, but through architecture a relation to heritage is also established. The building of castles has always been an example of a wider trend demonstrating itself in the return to historical forms of... more
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      HistoryCultural HeritageInternational law (public and private)History of architecture
This paper is my master thesis for a Master II in ethnology research at Sorbonne V, Paris (2013) . It is written in French. In publishing this work on , instead of keeping it back and transforming it into articles, I would... more
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      PrivacyPoliticsCultural PoliticsEuropean Politics
Here I outline some new thinking regarding Lefebvre's concepts of differential space and the right to the city. The previous empirically orientated chapters in the book point to the potential of differential space but have so far left its... more
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      Human GeographyUrban GeographyCity-fications: How We Urbanize Places We AreMarxism
This article undertakes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of probate inventories from a selection of towns and highly urbanized areas from the kingdom of Valencia in the period 1280-1460, which are used to explore the inner... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Crown of AragonLate Medieval History
This article shows that the public-private divide has a specific grounding in the history of European capitalism and political thought and that it has been accompanied, from its very inception, by a particular concept of personhood: the... more
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      Gender StudiesPalestinePersonhoodMasculinities
This article researches the relationship between urban public and private nighttime space during the lockdown imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic in Casablanca (Morocco). Based on ethnographic research, this work shows how public and private... more
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Across the world urban semioscapes emerge from multiple and mutually interlocking social activities of the members of sociocultural groups and are established through the deployment of layered configurations of semiotic resources and... more
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      Public and private spacesPrivate Space
This article undertakes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of probate inventories from a selection of towns and highly urbanized areas from the kingdom of Valencia in the period 1280-1460, which are used to explore the inner... more
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      GeographyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesUrban History
"[…] toplumsallık denen alan cinsiyete dayalı ilişkiler tarafından baştan başa yeniden ve yeniden kurulur; bunun dışında, cinsiyetlendirilmiş-eril/dişil dikotomisi ile iktidar-sız-landırılmış olmayan bir alan yoktur. Dolayısıyla, sosyal... more
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      Public SpacePublic and private spheresPublic and private spacesBinary Oppositions
Change and transformation are inevitable phenomenon of life. As lifestyles change, people's way of spending leisure time also changes. The trade centers as a part of the recent transformations in Albanian urban lifestyle is the focus of... more
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    • Public and private spaces
We explore how doctors, psychotherapists and counsellors in the UK react to regulatory transparency, drawing on qualitative research involving 51 semi-structured interviews conducted during 2008-10. We use the concept of ‘reactivity... more
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      Medical SociologyPsychologyPsychoanalysisEmotion
The essay that the reader is holding in his hands is an attempt to understand the extent to which, in the present-day, we are watching the return of a visibility, exposure and surveillance system that a utilitarian author like Jeremy... more
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      International RelationsMedia StudiesPolitical TheoryPrivacy
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      Roman Architecture and UrbanismPublic and private spaces
The article studies the division of gender roles in nineteenth-century British and American societies. It deals first with man's possession of public spaces and imprisoning of woman in the private sphere, then focuses on woman's... more
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      Feminist TheoryNineteenth Century StudiesPublic and private spaces
La figura de María Buschental (1815-1891) ha sido escasamente investigada hasta la fecha, algo sorprendente al tratarse de un miembro destacado de la vida cotidiana de Madrid que dinamizó durante años un importante salón. La organización... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesJurgen HabermasPublic Space
Nesse TCC eu discuto o conceito de espaço, como proposto pela Geografia, e como este modifica-se não pela "relação ser humano x natureza", mas sim pelas diferentes formas que homens e mulheres o constituem. Para isso, analiso os espaços... more
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      GeographyGender StudiesGenderPublic and private spaces
Participation in the international seminar Faculty of Social Work Complutense University of Madrid 8 February 2019. Synthesis of the publication Gavray, Claire, & Govers, Patrick. (2018). Gendered uses and representation of spaces in... more
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      GenderAdolescentPublic and private spaces
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      PatristicsSpace and PlaceEarly ChurchEarly Christianity
В рамках данного исследования использование пространства осмысляется через фрейм-анализ Эрвинга Гоффмана на примере антикафе и свободных пространств. Здесь допускаются различия в понимании, «что это за место», поэтому допустимо... more
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      Urban Open Space DesignE.T.A. HoffmannPublic and private spacesFrame Analysis
Using the methods of the Goffmanian tradition, I explore the issue of public and private in contemporary garden cooperatives to answer the question how people perceive and use in their daily lives the new notions of public and private,... more
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      Post-socialism (Anthropology)Post-Socialist SocietiesPublic and private spacesDacha
An attempt to seek out and understand emerging trends and some of the challenges we face when dealing with an increasing amount and complexity of entertainment technologies in our homes, particularly in spaces that are both private and... more
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      Acoustic EngineeringHuman Computer InteractionCommunicationMedia Studies
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      Roman Architecture and UrbanismPublic and private spaces
Scholarship examining the significance of space in Richardson’s novels is comprehensive. Karen Lipsedge, for instance, examines “the relationship which Richardson establishes between domestic space, garden buildings and gender.” However,... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyGender StudiesVictorian Studies
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      UrbanismModern GreeceModern Greek HistoryHousing and Dwelling (Architecture)
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    • Public and private spaces
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    • Public and private spaces
В статье рассматривается феномен краткосрочной сдачи жителями города Байкальска собственного жилья туристам. Хозяева проживают в данных квартирах, но покидают их на момент аренды. Материалами для анализа послужили интервью и наблюдения,... more
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      HeterotopiaRental HousingPublic and private spacesmonotown
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      Jurgen HabermasMuseums and Exhibition DesignCabinets of CuriositiesPublic and private spaces
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      EntrepreneurshipRussian StudiesConsumers & ConsumptionSoviet History
Existing studies of urban riots, violent protest and other instances of contentious politics in urban settings have largely tended to be either event-or time-specific in their scope. The present thesis offers a spatial reading of such... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Change
Actul diaristic implică disciplină și fidelitate față de un spațiu intim care ne dezvăluie părți ale identității noastre profunde. Putem să discutăm despre ce am mai scris în jurnal cu prietenii la o cafea ori în timp ce stăm la coadă în... more
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      Diary StudiesPublic and private spaces
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyUrbanismLate Roman ArchaeologyInterplay between Archaeology and Rabbinic Sources
Programme of the seminars organised by the Women’s Studies Group: 1558-1837 (London).
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesItalian Baroque artEarly Modern Architecture
Based on thorough ethnographic descriptions, this article analyses retirees' collective activities in Beijing public parks where co-presence and interactions between formerly unacquainted individuals have evolved into achieved relations... more
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      Space and PlaceFriendship StudiesPost-Socialist SocietiesAnthropology of China