Recent papers in Morroco
the Atlantic, as seen from the South and the top, in On a Marché sur la Lune, Hergé, with the young reporter Tintin, the great Professeur Tryphon Tournesol, and poor treacherous Wolf ouverture, the grand Mare Nostrum, then a Mare Clausum:... more
Jean François Zevaco, attraverso un uso originale e ardito delle potenzialità estetiche e strutturali del calcestruzzo, trasforma il progetto del Complesso termale di Sidi Harazem (1961) in un percorso poetico nel quale... more
The illaenid trilobite Vysocania is widely represented in the Upper Ordovician of the Czech Republic, Portugal and Spain, and is one of the most characteristic taxa in the high-latitude peri-Gondwana palaeobiogeographical region to which... more
And what if the border was the center of the territory? And what if the origin was not a first event but a repeated and thus upcoming event? These are all issues brought up when a foreigner arrives at the border of a Berber tribe in... more
“La casa patio tradicional de la medina marroquí”, en II Congreso Internacional Cultura y Ciudad La Casa. Espacios domésticos, modos de habita (Granada 23-25 enero 2019), Abada Editores, s.l., 2019, pp. 1506-1517. ISBN: 978-84-17301-24-8... more
In 1612, a Spanish fleet captured a French ship whose stolen cargo included the entire manuscript collection of the Sultan of Morocco, Muley Zidan. Soon, the collection made its way to the royal library, El Escorial, transforming the... more
SUMMARY ( The complete work has now been posted). It would be difficult to overestimate the stratigic, historic, economic and cultural importance of Sabta during the whole of the medieval period. Its privileged georaphical position made... more
Correspondant à la basse vallée de l’Assif Mgoun, et par extension, à une partie de la vallée du Dadès, la « Vallée des roses », est une destination touristique en cours de construction autour d’une spécificité locale qui est la culture... more
Cet article interroge les modalités de nomination des partis islamistes autorisés à participer aux élections dans cinq pays (Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, Égypte et Turquie). Tandis que ceux-ci sont perçus comme les représentants d’un... more
From rags to being the richest woman in the world in 8th century Baghdad; the first woman to occupy the throne of Egypt after Cleopatra in 13th Century Cairo and her contemporary in Delhi who continues to be the subject of popular culture... more
Distribution électronique pour Presses de Sciences Po.
Morocco decided not to attend the first PSC meeting on Western Sahara since the kingdom rejoined the AU. More funding is needed for relief efforts and the fight against terrorism in Somalia. The AU recently celebrated the 10th... more
In 2004 I received a research fellowship by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG). The major aim of this scientific project gave particular attention to all types of blowing instruments found among the... more
Secular arabic traditions have emphasized the potential of dreams to foretell the future. Sometimes the prediction is seen as obvious and on other occasions elaborate systems of symbolic translations were consulted such as the tenth... more
Abstact In this study, three samples of olive oil wastes: Olive Rinse Water (OR), Olive Mill Wastewater (OM) and Olive Pomace (OP), which were collected from an olive oil mill located at Fez-Morocco, were analyzed for their microbiota. A... more
The directorial debut of acclaimed Moroccan writer Abdellah Taïa, based on his own autobiographical novel, refuses the usual attempts at heroic reparation and redemption associated with the genre. It approaches the subject with the... more
The aim of this chapter is to help the reader: • Learn more about the long and complex history of relations betweeen Islam and Spain, as well as the influence of this history on contemporary Spanish culture. • Understand that modern... more
Cet article se propose d’interroger, dans une perspective comparatiste, les manières et les contenus d’enseignements coraniques au sein de deux institutions à Fès : l’ancienne Mosquée-université d’al-Qarawiyyine d’une part, et les... more
Our study is devoted to the chamaeropaie degradation assessment of the jbel Lakraa southern slope, located in the northern Middle Atlas in the Ribat Al Khair region. The floristic study revealed a specific richness of 124 species... more
dir.).-Hommage à Joudia Hassar-Benslimane, Actes du colloque organisé à Rabat (9-10 décembre 2005) (Rabat: Publications Institut National des Sciences de l'Archéologie et du Patrimoine, 2015), (2 tomes), 554p.
El proyecto de investigación que da título al presente trabajo, y del cual exponemos aquí una síntesis de los primeros resultados, se ha desarrollado gracias al financiamiento de la Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia de Portugal... more
Quel est le point commun entre un chérif musulman (descendant du prophète Mohammed) de la confédération Aït Ba’amran des tribus du Sud-Ouest marocain et un Indigène animiste d’Amazonie brésilienne ? À la surprise de l’ethnologue, tous... more
Most scholars working on the Arab World typically view the state’s power as something congruent with its cartographic boundaries. Power emerges from an institutional core—the regime—which exerts its hegemony over subordinated... more
Some Forgotten Fez Alchemists and the Loss of the Peñon de Vélez de la Gomera in the Sixteenth Century. In: Chymia: Science and Nature in Early Modern Europe (1450--1750), Cambridge scholars publishing, Newcastle, pp. 291-309.
In 2001, for the first time, an Arabic-language performance by Jewish actors was performed for a Jewish audience that did not deal with the Israeli-Arabic conflict. This article’s aim is to discuss how JewishMoroccan ethnic identity is... more
Dear Colleagues, We are proud to bring to you the latest edition of E.D.I.'s "FORTNIGHTLY", a review of Middle East business, developments and news, for the period ending 22 February 2017. For your convenience, The FORTNIGHTLY is also... more
Au théâtre des humanités, Nini 1 parle la langue des colombes (Place Jamaâ Lafna à Marrakech) « Une intelligence qui, à un instant donné, connaîtrait toutes les forces dont la nature est animée et la situation respective des êtres qui la... more
La pensée critique est aujourd’hui une compétence visée par la majorité des systèmes éducatifs. D’un point de vue philosophique, elle est une finalité de l’éducation en contexte démocratique. Dans cet article, nous mettons en avant le... more
Si l'expression "nord de l'Afrique" apparaît dans les années 1880 pour désigner le couple Algérie-Tunisie il connaît une éclipse pour réapparaitre en 1903 avec force sous la forme d'"Afrique du nord" dans la littérature du "parti... more