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Patxi Salaberri Zaratiegi, euskaltzain urgazlea eta Onomastika batzordekidea o. Sarrera Gaur aurkezten dugun lan hau Irufieko Udalak Iruna eta euskara izen-pean 1995eko abenduan antolatu jardunaldietarako prestatu genuen lanaren ume da,... more
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      Basque StudiesBasque linguisticsEuskeraBasque
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      Japanese StudiesBasque StudiesJapanese Language And CultureJapanese Linguistics
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Cátedra Luis Michelena. Congreso (3.º 2012.Vitoria-Gasteiz) Koldo Mitxelena Katedraren III. Biltzarra = III Congreso de la Cátedra Luis Michelena = 3rd Conference of the Luis... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsHistorical Morphology
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      Basque linguisticsBasque Theologians and SaintsEuskeraBasque Literature
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaEuskeraTartessosPhoenician and Punic Studies
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      Historical LinguisticsPronounsLinguistic TypologyProto-Basque
UNA PEQUEÑA HISTORIA DEL EUSKERA EN NAVARRA. Autorea : Gorka Lekaroz Mazizior (en castellano)
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      Basque linguisticsBasque Theologians and SaintsEuskeraBasque Literature
The connection between Sumerian, Tamil, Japanese, Basque, Hungarian and the Easter Island.
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      Japanese StudiesBasque StudiesJapanese Language And CultureJapanese Linguistics
Su nombre responde a la creencia general de que el euskera no tenia ni reglas ni gramática. Larramendi acomete su empresa de desentrañar las reglas del idioma vasco para ofrecérselas a sus detractores. Y logra su empeño, saliendo airoso y... more
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      Basque StudiesBasque linguisticsEuskeraBasque
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      Mythology And FolkloreAnthropologyFolkloreMedical Anthropology
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      Basque linguisticsBasque Theologians and SaintsEuskeraBasque Literature
La Lista Swadesh de voces vascas estables resistente a la donación lingüística y lo que revela su comparación con las restantes familias de lenguas del mundo. Aún hallamos en los libros de textos universitarios y en las enciclopedias más... more
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      Historical LinguisticsBasque StudiesAmerindian StudiesIberian Studies
1.1. Hamazazpi urte badu gaurgero 1987an Nafarroa Behereko euskara deskribatu edo genuenetik. Ordukotik egungora aldatu da gure ikuspegia, uler daitekeenez. Hego Euskal Herritik so egin genion gaiari or-duko hartan, ez Nafarroa Beherearen... more
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      Basque linguisticsEuskeraBasqueBasque Literature
Chapter 6 (by Santazilia) is a study of the Basque noun morphology, which sets out the noun paradigm of historical Basque and the structure of its NP, and then goes on to list the explanations proposed so far for every aspect concerning... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonology
Main (genealogical) part of the Basque language is North(east) Caucasian. Proto-Basque migration from Caucasus might continue (in several waves?) during the Neolithic period, from the Cardium Pottery/Impresso. The Basques spread in... more
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      African StudiesNear Eastern StudiesBasque StudiesEtymology
This book surveys earlier attempts to demonstrate a genetic relationship between the Basque language and various languages in the Caucasus, and analyzes their shortcomings in methods and focus, while acknowledging a residue of valid... more
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      Basque StudiesLinguistic AnthropologyBasque linguisticsBasque Language
""""This article provides phonetic, lexical and grammatical evidence that Basque is an Indo-European language. It provides a brief history of previous research into the origins of Basque; a short description of the genesis of this... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsIndo-european language reconstruction
Erroibarko eta Esteribarko Hiztegia
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      Basque StudiesBasque linguisticsEuskeraBasque
In 2013, a detailed research paper by Gianfranco Forni appeared in The Journal of Indo-European Studies, describing a breakthrough finding: the Basque language, whose origins had so far remained obscure, actually is an Indo-European... more
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
This paper is intended for scholars who would like to evaluate the theory that Basque ultimately derives from Indo-European, but find published evidence on this subject either too complex (my JIES paper) or too terse (my self-published... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsIndo-european language reconstruction
This paper presents the hypothesis that identifies three texts as Iberian nondual abecedaries on the basis of a statistical irregularity. They consist of one considerable long segment, but almost all of the signs are different. The texts... more
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      Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureIberian EpigraphyLengua ibéricaIberian language
Regarded as marginal varieties, Eastern Basque dialects —in particular the Roncalo Souletin branch— show a strong tendency to archaism, which makes diachronic research on these dialects most necessary. Souletin is undoubtedly the main... more
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsBasque Studies
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      Historical MorphologyBasque linguisticsLinguistic TypologyErgativity
Resumen: En este trabajo se propone que los sufijos ibéricos -ka y -a serían alomorfos de un único sufijo con valor destinativo, del que -kate sería una variante más, de manera que podría esperarse una cuarta variante, -ate, que puede... more
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      Iberian languagePalaeohispanic languagesBasque LanguageProto-Basque
Resumen: En este trabajo se examinan las implicaciones de la existencia de una gran coincidencia entre los numerales léxicos ibéricos y vascos, aplicando la propuesta a un texto concreto, el plomo de Ensérune, donde se observa que las... more
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      Iberian EpigraphyIberian languageBasque LanguageProto-Basque
Han transcurrido más de setenta años desde que Resurrección María de Azkue publicara su magno diccionario vasco-español-francés. '
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      Basque linguisticsBasque Theologians and SaintsEuskeraBasque Literature
En este trabajo se plantean algunas hipótesis sobre la formación del verbo sintético vasco. Se explica la ergatividad morfológica en el verbo a partir de una antigua construcción de dativo posesivo, de manera que formas como *da-(d)u-t >... more
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      Basque linguisticsBasque HistoryProto-Basque
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      Basque linguisticsBasque Theologians and SaintsEuskeraBasque Literature
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      Ancient HistoryBasque StudiesOnomasticsNumismatics
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      Basque linguisticsBasque Theologians and SaintsEuskeraBasque Literature
The lead sheet that is analysed in this work has recently been donated to the Archaeological Museum of Llíria and supposedly comes from an archaeological site of the Casinos environment. The presence of two metrological expressions that... more
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      Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureAncient MetrologyIberian EpigraphyPaleohispanic scripts & languages
Basque speakers can use verbs in two different ways: synthetic conjugation, consisting of a single word (e.g. dakart ‘I am bringing it’), and analytic conjuga- tion, also called periphrastic (e.g. mintzatzen naiz ‘I speak’, ikusiko ditugu... more
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      Basque StudiesBasque linguisticsVerbal MorphologyBasque
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      Basque linguisticsBasque Theologians and SaintsEuskeraBasque Literature
Tal como as 23 anteriores, a presente crónica consiste numa revisão crítica de NNL e, sobretudo, de NNP pré-latinos testemunhados na Península Ibérica.
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      Ancient HistoryOnomasticsToponomasticsLatin Epigraphy
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      Basque linguisticsBasque Theologians and SaintsEuskeraBasque Literature
2 Handia da, bestalde, Lizarragaren idaz kien garrantzia, hegoaldeko goi nafarrera euskalkiaren ordezkari nagusia eta iaia bakarra delako. Gaur egun desagerturik dagoen euskalki honi buruz gogoratze koa da Bonaparte printzearen... more
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      Basque linguisticsBasque Theologians and SaintsEuskeraBasque Literature
This chapter has two main purposes. First (Section §2.2), I will briefly describe the intelligibility between contemporary Basque dialects, which ones these are -or at least the main dialectal areas-, and how many Basque dialects there... more
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      Historical LinguisticsDialectologyBasque linguisticsBasque Dialectology
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      Basque linguisticsBasque Theologians and SaintsEuskeraBasque Literature
Esta obra contiene las flexiones del modo indicativo de los verbos auxiliares, intransitivo y transitivo, empleadas en las variedades de Egüés, Oláibar, Arce, Erro, Burguete, Puente la Reina, Olza y Gulina, establecidas por el Príncipe... more
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      Basque linguisticsBasque Theologians and SaintsEuskeraBasque Literature
En este trabajo se propone la identificación del signo T de las leyendas monetales vasconas uTanbaate y oTtikes con una africada dental, de manera que el uTanbaate podría corresponder a * Utzama Ate, es decir, el topónimo... more
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      Ancient CoinsLengua ibéricaEpigrafía ibéricaProto-Basque
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      Basque linguisticsBasque Theologians and SaintsEuskeraBasque Literature
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      ReligionBasque StudiesBasque linguisticsBasque Theologians and Saints
Nesta crónica, revisitamos diversos NNL e NNP atestados nas fontes antigas, que, com a exclusão de quatro casos — saico, siCounin, śeCena e  / TAMVSIENSI —, já foram alvo de comentários nossos em textos anteriores. In this review, we... more
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      Roman HistoryOnomasticsLatin EpigraphyCeltic Languages
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      Basque linguisticsBasque Theologians and SaintsEuskeraBasque Literature
This paper summarizes the evidence in favour of the identification of the Iberian numeral system, which is structured in four sections: the formal similarity with Basque numerals, the internal combinatorics, the value proofs of the value... more
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      ArchaeologyLanguages and LinguisticsProtohistoric Iberian PeninsulaIberian Epigraphy
La llengua ibèrica era la llengua vernacle dels pobles ibers i la trobem expressada bàsicament en escriptura ibèrica nord-oriental i residualment en escriptura sud-oriental i greco-ibèrica. Les inscripcions ibèriques es poden transcriure,... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical LinguisticsAncient ReligionBasque linguistics
We continue our inquiries concerning proper names documented in the pre-Latin languages spoken in the Iberian Peninsula as well as in what is nowadays southwestern France.
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      OnomasticsToponomasticsCeltic LinguisticsLatin Epigraphy
Two monosyllabic roots of the Proto-Basque language are the core of this paper: *din ‘come’ and *don ‘put’; precisely, I analyse the words (word-families) derived from those roots, suggesting new etymologies and comparing them with the... more
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      Historical LinguisticsEtymologyBasque linguisticsProto-Basque
This article provides phonetic, lexical and grammatical evidence that Basque is an Indo-European language. It provides a brief history of previous research into the origins of Basque; a short description of the genesis of this... more
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
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      Historical LinguisticsBasque StudiesIberian StudiesBasque linguistics