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Русский текст ниже The article is dedicated to inappropriate borrowings and flawed methodology in publications of Prof. Nikolay Bolgov from Belgorod University. The article presents evidence that a large number of articles and books... more
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      Gender StudiesLate AntiquityTranslationByzantium
In the Greek-Latin lexicon at the end of his Ars grammatica Priscian displays a number of somehow fixed expressions to introduce the Latin syntactical constructions that he compares to the Greek ones. It is possible to recognize the... more
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      ClassicsPriscianLatin Language and LiteratureClassical philology
Proceedings of a conference held in Rome, 22nd & 23rd September 2016
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      Latin LiteratureTextual CriticismAugustineAntiquarianism
Ricerche di Filologia latina. Intorno al progetto ERC AdG 2019 PAGES (n° 882588)
Sapienza Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità
5 aprile 2022
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      PhilologyClassicsTextual ScholarshipTextual Criticism
Relazione nella XIII Giornata Ghisleriana di Filologia classica
La lingua greca nella tradizione grammaticale latina
a cura di Fabio Gasti e Andrea Pizzotti
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      History of LinguisticsClassicsLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesTextual Criticism
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      Philosophy Of LanguageMedieval PhilosophyEriugenaHistory of Medieval Philosophy
JAANA VAAHTERA Apollonius Dyscolus believed that there is a linguistic order that is found on all levels of the linguistic system and that should be followed in grammar as well. This means that the order of the various lists used in... more
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      History of LinguisticsApollonius DyscolusVarroServius
This talk discusses three key methodological aspects of a possible model for a digital critical edition of Priscian's Ars grammatica: 1. the glossae found in manuscripts and their relationship with the manuscript text; 2. the presence of... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)ClassicsDigital HumanitiesAncient Grammar
Alcuni aspetti della metodologia e delle fonti del glossario priscianeo*
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      PriscianPriscianus GrammaticusBilingual Glossaries
What can Roman grammarians tell us about their language from a modern linguistic perspective? This book brings together scholars interested in Roman grammarians from a variety of areas, from manuscript research to modern sociolinguistics... more
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      PhonologyManuscript StudiesAncient GrammarPriscian
Il testo della Periegesis di Prisciano è stato al centro di una particolare cura filologica all'indomani della seconda guerra mondiale presso l'università di Gent (Gand) ad opera principalmente di Paul van de Woestijne (1905Woestijne (... more
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      ClassicsTextual CriticismAncient GeographyLatin Language and Literature
The subject of this dissertation was the assessment of the cultural meaning of antiquarianism in the sixth century AD. Once subjected to a reasoned re-definition, the concept of antiquarianism appeared as a useful tool for the study of... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesArtPriscianLate Antiquity
Latin Grammarians Forum
20-22 settembre 2021, Sapienza Università di Roma
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      PhilologyEcdoticsManuscript StudiesLatin Language and Literature
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureItalian Literature
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      History of LinguisticsApollonius DyscolusVarroGrammatical Gender
Il contributo intende analizzare uno scritto inedito sinora ignorato dagli studiosi: il dialogo del perugino Gregorio Anastagi sul proemio del Canzonie- re, conservato a Trieste nel ms. autografo I 55 della Biblioteca Attilio Hortis.... more
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      Petrarch StudiesPetrarchPriscianEarly Modern Italian Literature
Of the many things that Irène Rosier-Catach has taught us about researching the time of William of Champeaux and Peter Abelard, the need to transcend disciplinary boundaries, and consider in particular the interactions between grammar and... more
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      Peter AbelardPriscianus GrammaticusPLotino Porfírio PlutarcoPorphyry of Tyre
Commentary on Priscian's Atticismi (GL III 278-377)
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      History of LinguisticsClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin Literature
This paper places the Chronographia of John Malalas in the context of the historiographical and erudite production of sixth-century Constantinople. In order to do this, this paper addresses possible social connections between Malalas and... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesPriscianByzantine Studies
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      History of LogicMedieval logicPeter AbelardWilliam of Champeaux
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      PriscianHistory of GrammarPriscianus GrammaticusMedieval Latin grammar
Apollonius Dyscole range parmi les hyparktikà rhḗmata les verbes aussi bien copulatifs que d’appellation : son usage reste un unicum dans l’ensemble du corpus grammatical grec tel qu’il nous a été transmis. Le système apollonien peut être... more
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      History of LinguisticsNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyApollonius DyscolusPriscian
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      GeopoeticsPriscianus GrammaticusSimilesAvienus
Presentazione degli aspetti informatico-umanistici del progetto ERC PAGES - Priscian’s Ars Grammatica in European Scriptoria (AdG 2019 n° 882588), costruiti intorno al software Cadmus. Sezioni del seminario: (A) I progetti: A1. Tre... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)ClassicsLatin LiteratureDigital Humanities
Online : Le manuscrit 97 d’Avranches, originaire du Mont Saint-Michel, datable du début du XIe siècle, contient les livres 1 à 16 des Moralia in Job de Grégoire le Grand. La reliure du manuscrit a été... more
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      PriscianCarolingian StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Medieval Latin
Sommario; Abstract
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      HistoriographyMichel FoucaultCiceroAncient Greek History
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      Medieval PhilosophyTheologyMedieval StudiesThomas Aquinas This is the link to the description of my new research project. "Margins at the Centre" will engage with Carolingian glosses and... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Latin LiteratureManuscript Studies
Il libro V dell’Ars grammatica di Prisciano (VI sec. d. C.) contiene una sezione dedicata ai nomi di genere ‘dubbio’, cioè incerto. Oggetto di questa sezione sono gli usi linguistici dei vetustissimi, cioè autori di età repubblicana e... more
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      PriscianAncient Latin GrammariansPriscianus GrammaticusLatin Grammar
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      Medieval PhilosophyTheologyMedieval StudiesThomas Aquinas
L’étude de l’Ars de Priscien, débutée discrètement dans les Îles britanniques au VIIe siècle, a occupé une position essentielle dans la formation médiévale. Sous l’impulsion d’Alcuin, elle a ouvert de nouvelles perspectives aux réflexions... more
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      PriscianLatin Glossaries, Scholia, History of ScholarshipAncient Latin GrammariansPriscianus Grammaticus
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      Medieval Latin LiteraturePriscianMedieval LatinMedieval Grammar