Papers by Jaana J Vaahtera
Classical Philology, 2022
Servius’s commentary on Virgil shows us how gender agreement was approached in school texts or sc... more Servius’s commentary on Virgil shows us how gender agreement was approached in school texts or school contexts. In focusing on the actual process of Latin composition, his approach differs from that usually found in ancient Roman grammatical writings.
Classical Review, Mar 8, 2010
De J. explores the relations between grammar, rhetorical theory and philosophy in the rhetorical ... more De J. explores the relations between grammar, rhetorical theory and philosophy in the rhetorical works of Dionysius of Halicarnassus and he aims to clarify the status of language theories in Dionysius’ time. In Chapter 2, ‘Dionysius on the Nature of Language’, he discusses among other things an apparent contradiction in the De compositione uerborum: Dionysius seems to speak for both a natural and an arbitrary relationship between names and things. De J. argues that there is no real contradiction, after a close examination of both terminology (the use of the word physis) and a reading and interpretation of the relevant passages in their immediate context. Throughout the study, he keeps in mind both the general and the immediate context of individual passages, combined with a close reading of them. In this way he produces reasoned corrections to earlier interpretations. In Chapter 3, ‘Dionysius on the Grammatical Theory of the Parts of Speech’, de J. explores Dionysius’ grammatical knowledge. He suggests that the schools of Rome at this time used some technical grammatical treatise, perhaps by or based on Asclepiades of Myrlea. In addition, after a sound analysis of Dionysius’ terminology, he argues that the moria logou are for Dionysius both grammatical word classes and the building blocks of a phrase. He also examines the accidentia of the parts of speech and the relevant terminology in Dionysius. This close study of Dionysius’ grammatical knowledge shows that the grammatical thinking of the Augustan period was based on an integration of Alexandrian and Stoic ideas on language. Chapter 4, ‘Linguistics, Composition and Style: Dionysius’ Use of the Parts of Speech’, illuminates in a concrete manner the integration of language disciplines in Dionysius. Here, de J. discusses Dionysius as a rhetorician and as a literary critic and even as a historian of linguistics: De compositione uerborum is the earliest known text that presents the history of the word class system, that is, the gradual and progressive emergence of the parts of speech (Comp. 2). De J. is able to give depth to the discussion of this passage. As to Dionysius’ conception of the process of stylistic composition as analogical to the process of building a house, de J. suggests that the Hellenistic kritikoi may have used the same analogy. In general, de J. establishes more μrmly than has hitherto been done the role of the kritikoi. In Chapter 5, ‘Natura artis magistra: Dionysius on Natural Style, Syntax and Word Order’, de J. argues that in course of time Dionysius acquired more knowledge of syntax and this is re·ected in his stylistic analyses concerning the opposition natural vs unnatural. Thus the terms akolouthia and katallêlos, which are central to Apollonius Dyscolus’ work in the second century A.D., enter Dionysius’ later works. In
Sananjalka, 2020
Tämän tutkimuksen kohteena on kolme klassisia kieliä käsittelevää kielioppiteosta, joiden ensimmä... more Tämän tutkimuksen kohteena on kolme klassisia kieliä käsittelevää kielioppiteosta, joiden ensimmäiset painokset ovat ilmestyneet vuosina 1858–1881. Johan Gabriel Geitlinin kahdessa osassa ilmestynyt latinan kielioppi (Latinalainen kielioppi umpisuomalaisen nuorison hyödyksi 1858 ja Lause-oppi 1860), Gustaf Cannelinin Kreikan kieli-oppi, alotteleville (1863) ja Carl Johan Lindeqvistin Kreikan kielioppi (1881). Aikaisemman tutkimuksen sivuutettua klassisten kielten suomenkieliset kieliopit tarkastelemme tässä artikkelissa erityisesti kielioppien esipuheita, joissa kielioppien laatijat saavat tilaisuuden koettaa ohjata yleisöä lukemaan teosta oikein sekä esittää tulevaa kritiikkiä ennakoivaa apologiaa. Tutkimusaineistomme sisältääkin lisäksi näitä kielioppeja koskevia arvioita sekä vastineita näihin arvioihin; näitä ilmestyi verrattain runsaasti eri sanoma- ja aikakauslehdissä. Kritiikit hahmottuvat kirjoittajien tilaisuuksina esittää korjauksia sekä pedagogisia ja kieliteoreettisia nä...
Classical Philology
In the article, I propose that the commentary on Virgil by the grammarian Servius shows us how ge... more In the article, I propose that the commentary on Virgil by the grammarian Servius shows us how gender agreement was approached in school texts or school contexts. In focusing on the actual process of Latin composition, his approach differs from the usual one found in ancient Roman grammatical writings.
Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, 2015
Riassunto: Cominciando dall'intrigante, per il lettore, descrizione del locale del primo Disc... more Riassunto: Cominciando dall'intrigante, per il lettore, descrizione del locale del primo Discorso, il De vulgari eloquentia di Dante Alighieri (c. 1304–1305) conduce chi lo legge attraverso una serie di ambigui commenti sui luoghi e spazi (curia, aula) legati al vernacolo illustre. Questo crea nuovi spazi linguistici nell'immaginazione del lettore: cammini paralleli del pensiero, congetture, suspence. Il presente saggio intende sostenere che l'affermazione e susseguente negazione – o denarrazione – dei luoghi, più o meno concreti, trasferisce la discussione di Dante, e ugualmente la lingua discussa, in uno spazio più astratto, dove la formalizzazione del volgare, o vernacolo illustre, si realizza. L'ingegnosa funzione degli spazi alternativi che emerge risulta essere sotto stimata se essi devono essere ridotti puramente al risultato di singole metafore o alla riluttanza di Dante a prendere posizione in una controversia di carattere teologico sull'origine del ling...
Arctos Acta Philologica Fennica, 2000
Classical Philology, 2022
In the article, I propose that the commentary on Virgil by the grammarian Servius shows us how ge... more In the article, I propose that the commentary on Virgil by the grammarian Servius shows us how gender agreement was approached in school texts or school contexts. In focusing on the actual process of Latin composition, his approach differs from the usual one found in ancient Roman grammatical writings.
Mnemosyne a Journal of Classical Studies, 1997
The main concern of this paper are chapters 14 and 21-24 of the Пер! auvBeoecoc òvojj-áxrovor De... more The main concern of this paper are chapters 14 and 21-24 of the Пер! auvBeoecoc òvojj-áxrovor De composìtione verborumof Dionysius of Halicarnassus, a treatise expounding Dionysius' theory on the EUcpcovía of aúvoecnç and on the three different modes of ...
"Vedi lo sol che 'n fronte ti riluce". La vista e gli altri sensi in Dante e nella ricezione artistico-letteraria delle sue opere, 2019
Utriusque linguae peritus. Studia in honorem Toivo Viljamaa (Annales universitatis Turkuensis, ser. B, tom. 219) Turku 1997, 104–111.
Aristotl e's ôvo¡lnÍ a r etr otqp,êv u Je¡Ne Vnerr¡n¡r My chief concern in this paper is with som... more Aristotl e's ôvo¡lnÍ a r etr otqp,êv u Je¡Ne Vnerr¡n¡r My chief concern in this paper is with some passages of Aristotle from the Poetics and from the Rhetoric. In chapters 20-22 of the Poetics Aristotle discusses dictio (,1,é(rç). Chapter 20 and the beginning of chapter 2I de*'J with words from the point of view of grammar, not from that of poetry or lite¡ature. Because of this (and the poor state of the text), commentators of the Poetics tend to neglect this section, while those studying Aristotelian linguistics frnd in it some of Aristotle's most inieresting passages.r This linguistic interlude of the Poetics is followed by a display of poetic or stylistic word-types, which reappeff in the Rhetoric. One of these types consists of words coined by the poet. It remains unclear, however, whether Aristotle intended this type to refer to poetic neologisms generally or a more specified class of neologisms.
Philologia classica. Lähteitä, lähestymistapoja ja metodeja, Klassilliset kielet ja antiikin kulttuuri 2010, 101–114.
JAANA VAAHTERA Apollonius Dyscolus believed that there is a linguistic order that is found on all... more JAANA VAAHTERA Apollonius Dyscolus believed that there is a linguistic order that is found on all levels of the linguistic system and that should be followed in grammar as well. This means that the order of the various lists used in grammar is rational and based on nature. Apollonius compares the list of the parts of speech to that of the letters of the alphabet. It is the parts of speech that are at the centre of this ordering, 1 but Apollonius also mentions the order of the cases, tenses, and genders, i.e. masculine, feminine, and their negation, neuter gender. 2 This
Mnemosyne, 1997
The main concern of this paper are chapters 14 and 21-24 of the Пер! auvBeoecoc òvojj-áxrovor De... more The main concern of this paper are chapters 14 and 21-24 of the Пер! auvBeoecoc òvojj-áxrovor De composìtione verborumof Dionysius of Halicarnassus, a treatise expounding Dionysius' theory on the EUcpcovía of aúvoecnç and on the three different modes of ...
Books by Jaana J Vaahtera
Vammala 1998 parts of speech. The statements concerning prefixes are mostly sensible: both Latin ... more Vammala 1998 parts of speech. The statements concerning prefixes are mostly sensible: both Latin and Greek prefixes are as a rule easy to separate from the word, many of them also being identical to prepositions or adverbs. Because of this, prefxation is close to compounding. Of the Latin prefixes , cunt (com), per and ante are found as prepositions too, while v¿-, so-, the privative in-, and disand re(d)are never found alone. In Greek, for example npo-, aer-and eù-are found alone as well as in the function of The philosophical tradition had a decisive role in the analysis of single words. As referred to earlier, the conceptual, basicly Platonian or Stoic, etymology ignored the formal characteristics of derivatives since its main interest was to establish a link between language and reality. As will be evident in the course of the present study, the Stoic influence on all grammatical study cannot be ignored. The Stoic theory of the origin of 17 On the relation of Greek and Roman grammar, see e.g. Desbordes (1988); see also Romeo & Tiberio (1971,26 ff.). l8 The Homeric words, derivatives included, were the reference material in Greek grammar: in the beginning Homer's language had been the object in itself but later it became, rather, a store of examples. From the 2nd century B.C. onwards it becomes difficult to separate the philological tradition from the grammatical one (see Baratin & Desbordes 1981, 35). DERIVATION: GREEK AND ROMAN VIEws oN woRD FORMATION 15
Book Reviews by Jaana J Vaahtera
Papers by Jaana J Vaahtera
Books by Jaana J Vaahtera
Book Reviews by Jaana J Vaahtera