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      GeorgicsClassical Reception StudiesReception of AntiquityServius
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      Medieval Latin LiteratureBiblical StudiesBook of PsalmsVirgil
This discussion outlines the poetical features of style and narrative technique which contribute to Virgil's psychological characterisation and considers the role of audience response - in terms of reception, intertextuality and ideology... more
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      Literary CriticismNarratologyPoeticsLiterary Theory
Catullus's book of poems starts with a small but controversial textual problem: in the second line of the first poem should modern editors write 'arido ... pumice' or 'arida ... pumice' (meaning 'with dry pumice-stone')? This article... more
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      CatullusServiusCatuloLatin textual criticism
Oltre al monumentale commento virgiliano, Servio è autore anche di alcune opere grammaticali, tra cui il Commentarius in artem Donati, costruito sulla falsariga dell’Ars maior di Elio Donato. L’edizione critica qui presentata è relativa... more
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      Manuscript StudiesGreek and Roman School and EducationAncient ScholarshipServius
Servius comments on Georgics 3,29 that Augustus has erected four columns with naval rams to honor the victory of Actium by Agrippa and himself. . Palombi suggested that the well-known columna rostrata of BC 36 was augmented by three new... more
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      Roman EmpireAncient Roman NumismaticsAugustusServius
Tiberio Claudio Donato e le sue Interpretationes Vergilianae sono stati a lungo trascurati dalla bibliografia moderna 2 , e solo negli ultimi vent'anni hanno goduto di nuova attenzione 3 . Ciò ha permesso di far luce su molti aspetti... more
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      Late AntiquityVergilVirgilServius
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The paper deals with the glose to Aen. VI which are attributed to  Hilarius Aurelianensis (formerly so called 'Anselmus Laudunensis' commentary)
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      Bernardus SilvestrisClassical Reception StudiesCommentary TraditionsServius
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich im weitesten Sinne mit dem Verhältnis zwischen einem Text, seinen Lesern und deren Kritikern. Ihr Gegenstand sind Anspielungen auf zeitgeschichtliche Ereignisse in antiken literarischen Texten und die... more
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      Latin LiteratureAristophanesLucanHorace
Lo scopo primario del presente lavoro consiste nell‟individuazione e nell'analisi dei principali filoni di interesse che caratterizzano nella sua peculiarità l'esegesi serviana alle Georgiche. Nonostante il carattere collettaneo del... more
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      Latin LiteratureLate AntiquityVergilGeorgics
La seconde partie du manuscrit Parisinus Latinus 11308 (IX e s.) contient des gloses inédites, latines et grecques, qui suivent à la lettre les Chants 1-5 de l'Énéide de Virgile. Ce faisant, elles nous permettent d'accéder au niveau de la... more
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      History of EducationServiusLatin Glossaries, Scholia, History of Scholarship
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      Latin LiteratureEuripidesServiusAccius
This paper concerns epic anger, focusing on the specific means that are used to restrain it in two early scenes of Homer’s Iliad, and in the first simile of Virgil’s Aeneid. In all three cases, characters temporarily lose control only to... more
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      Augustan PoetryAngerLatin EpicVergil
JAANA VAAHTERA Apollonius Dyscolus believed that there is a linguistic order that is found on all levels of the linguistic system and that should be followed in grammar as well. This means that the order of the various lists used in... more
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      History of LinguisticsApollonius DyscolusVarroServius
Il commento all'Eneide di Servio è animato dalla varietà: agli aspetti etici, filosofici, religiosi e giuridici, si affiancano notazioni metriche, lessicali, grammaticali, mitografiche, antiquarie, geografiche e storiche. A questa... more
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      Late AntiquityCommentary TraditionsServiusVergilian Commentary Tradition
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      Literary SymbolismVergilAeneidAllegory
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      Critical TheoryAncient HistoryClassicsGreek Literature
Teoria e prassi dell'Ars grammatica: integrazioni di Servio alle Artes di Donato Questa breve nota verte su alcuni passi del commento di Servio a Donato, che presentano modifiche e aggiunte rispetto al testo donatiano; l'analisi dei loci... more
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      Greek and Roman School and EducationServiusAncient Latin GrammariansGrammatici latini
What can Roman grammarians tell us about their language from a modern linguistic perspective? This book brings together scholars interested in Roman grammarians from a variety of areas, from manuscript research to modern sociolinguistics... more
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      PhonologyManuscript StudiesAncient GrammarPriscian
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyEarly RomeAntiquarianism
Che nelle sue Interpretationes Vergilianae Tiberio Claudio Donato abbia perseguito una lettura «morale», o forse sarebbe meglio dire «moralistica», dell'Eneide, è affermazione spesso ripetuta nella bibliografia -peraltro non amplissima... more
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      Latin LiteratureLate AntiquityVergilVirgil
This article dissects the causae of the Aeneid’s plot as outlined at the beginning of the poem. After a brief examination of the way in which the narrators of the Iliad and the Odyssey lay out the motivating impetuses for their plots, I... more
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      HomerNarratologyLatin EpicVergil
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      DanteVirgilServiusVirgilian Tradition
Among the numerous commentators of Donatus’s Ars minor and maior, the African Pompeius, active V-VI century, is conspicuous for the characteristic verve in which he proceeds to illustrate every aspect of the traditional grammatical lore... more
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      RhetoricAncient ScholarshipPhilology, Codicology, Critical EditionServius
Hellenistic cometary theory evolved as follows. First, ca. 145–135 B.C.E. Nechepso-Petosiris wrote a book of astrology including a passage on cometary prognosis based on heavenly region of appearance. That work simply assumed that comets... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of AstronomyHistory of AstrologyApuleius
L’opera di Isidoro di Siviglia comprende elementi mitografici in due sensi: da un lato infatti personaggi e storie del mito sono contemplati nelle Etimologie come contenuti “enciclopedici” della cultura pagana precedente e sono sottoposti... more
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      MythologyGreco-Roman MythologyMitologiaServius
Le nom de Festus n'apparaît nulle part dans les commentaires anciens à Virgile. Pourtant, depuis le XIX e siècle, on y redécouvre progressivement sa présence, mais une présence souvent difficile à évaluer, car toutes nos sources sont, à... more
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      FestusServiusancient commentaries on VergilVergilian Commentary Tradition
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      MythologyClassicsLatin LiteratureAugustan Poetry
, _Humanistica Lovaniensia_; this article argues that, in light of classical and medieval Latin authors, especially within... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismPetrarchThe Classical Tradition
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      AeneidServiusancient commentaries on VergilModels for the Aeneid
This paper analyses the transmission of Varro in late antique Virgil commentaries. Various problems are identified and discussed: the reliability of authors' names and titles of works in citations and testimonies; different forms of... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureClassical philologyTexts and transmission
The paper explains the the famous anecdote about a meeting between Cicero and Virgil as the result of biographical allegoresis.
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      ClassicsCiceroAllegory (Literature)Virgil
In Servius Danielinus’ Commentary on Verg. georg. 1,153, Hannibal is reported to have
used caltrops during a retreat. This episode can be connected with the tradition which made
the Punic general the personification of Punica fraus.
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      Military HistoryLatin LiteratureRoman HistoryMedieval Literature
L'articolo si propone di dare un contributo all'individuazione della tipologia del testo del commento di Servio a Virgilio impiegato dagli autori (anonimi) delle due sillogi mitografiche, composte non oltre il XII sec., che vanno sotto il... more
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      ServiusManoscrittiEdizione Criticamitografía
This presentation analyzes Ps-Plutarch’s false citations as a parody of Roman grammarians’ practice of geographical education in Roman and Byzantine schools. I draw a parallel between On Rivers and the habit of grammarians (especially... more
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      Greek LiteraturePlutarchAncient ScholarshipAncient Education
Nota critica. Proposta di intervento sulla glossa di Servio (Danielino) a Verg. Aen. 9,814 che cita alla lettera Probo in merito a una questione lessicale rapportata all'usus di Virgilio e di un'aggiunta a opera dello scoliasta stesso a... more
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      Textual CriticismVergilAeneidProbus
Le commentaire à l'Énéide de Tibère Claude Donat propose une conception très originale de l'explication littéraire : opposée à celle des grammatici, elle analyse en particulier, dans un style prolixe, la cohérence de Virgile et son... more
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      Serviusancient commentaries on VergilTiberius Claudius Donatus
Les ajouts anonymes au commentaire de Servius, publiés pour la première fois par P. Daniel et connus sous le nom de Servius Danielis, constituent une source alternative de la linguistique ancienne, puisqu'ils délivrent (entre autres) un... more
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      Ancient GrammarServius
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The paper examines an ancient superstition evoked in Servius' commentary (Serv. ad Aen. 6, 284); Servius mentions that, according to a certain authority on dreams, visions seen in the autumn months are particularly untrustworthy. The... more
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Research Seminar presented in Munich at the Department of Greek and Latin - Department II - of Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) of Munich, as part of the "Forschungsseminare Latinistik - Wintersemester 2016/2017", coordinated by Frau... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureGreek EpigraphyRomanian Literature
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      Late Latin LiteratureLate AntiquityAncient ScholarshipAncient Education
Diverses formes de lecture des poèmes virgiliens sont attestées dans les commentaires tardoantiques sur l'oeuvre du poète : outre des témoignages sur des performances plus ou moins réussies (le modèle restant la lecture d'auteur), nous y... more
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      VirgilServiusLatin Glossaries, Scholia, History of ScholarshipGreek and Latin school texts and teaching procedures, with special emphasis on ancient rhetoric and declamation
„ut pictura poeta. Author images as literary, historical-biographical and medial concepts and their influence on the reading of ancient literature“ A conference at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, May 9-11. Organizers: Ursula Gärtner... more
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      ClassicsBiographyAuthorshipAncient Greek and Roman Art
Amici complici amanti: Eurialo e Niso nelle Interpretationes Vergilianae di Tiberio Claudio Donato 1 12 Ed è questa un'innovazione rispetto al modello omerico. In Hom. Il. XXIII 773-777, infatti, Aiace-che è in testa-scivola e cade perché... more
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      Late AntiquityVergilVirgilServius
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      NarratologyServiusAncient Scholia
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      History of Classical ScholarshipSebastiano TimpanaroVirgilServius
According to Tiberius Claudius Donatus, in the struggle between Pyrrhus and Priamus in the second book of Vergil''s Aeneid the Trojan king causes of his own will the reactions of Achilles'' son, in order to be killed by him. His main... more
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      Latin LiteratureLate AntiquityVergilVirgil