Papers by Shkelqim Millaku
The aim of this paper is to analyse the compound and the complex sentence between Albanian and En... more The aim of this paper is to analyse the compound and the complex sentence between Albanian and English language. In Albanian and English, we have some kinds of compound sentences. So, between two languages we have the contrast structure. The complex sentence is like a simple sentence but the different is that has one or more subordinate clause functioning than the simple sentence.
Journal on English Language Teaching, 2017
This study particularly aimed at investigating the relationships of ego identity, goal orientatio... more This study particularly aimed at investigating the relationships of ego identity, goal orientation and age of the students among EFL university students. Ego identity is the core element through psychological issues and it sets social and cognitive structure of individuality. Goal orientation is a sign of personal issue and considered as a kind of motivation that guides the learners to their future actions. Four universities were randomly sampled. Participants were 217 students of whom 158 were females and 59 were males. The students responded to scale of the EOM-EIS and AGQ. SPSS was run, using Cronbach's alpha and Pearson correlation coefficient were applied. The results revealed all four subscales of ego identity except for identity-foreclosure, had a significant relationship with total goal orientation and age of the students. The results also demonstrated that total goal orientation had a significant relationship with age of the learners. Consequently, ego identity, and goa...
Fjalë të përbëra janë të gjitha ato fjalë të bashkuara nga dy ose më shumë tema në një fjalë të v... more Fjalë të përbëra janë të gjitha ato fjalë të bashkuara nga dy ose më shumë tema në një fjalë të vetme, ku në formimet e tyre gjejmë emra, mbiemra, folje e ndajfolje, por nuk mungojnë edhe rastet e tyre (fjalë të përbëra) me temë numërorësh dhe përemrash. Fjalët e përbëra të shqipes janë të ndryshme dhe të pasqyruar relativisht vonë në gramatikat e gjuhës shqipe. Ato kanë filluar nga mesi i shekullit XIX duke kaluar përmes dy rrymave: Në rrymën e parë hynë autorët e huaj, si Hahni, Dozoni, Weigandi e ndonjë tjetër, të cilët e mohojnë plotësisht ekzistimin e kompozitave të mirëfillta të shqipes. Mirëpo, nga ana tjetër (rryma e dytë), dashamirësit e gjuhës shqipe, të cilët u mbështetën në gjuhën popullore të shqipes, dhanë një pasqyrim objektiv të fjalëve të përbëra. Si themelvënës të një tradite të tillë janë gramatikanët: K. Kristoforidhi, A. Kostallari, K.Cipo, S. Frashëri, N. Frashëri e ndonjë tjetër. Fjalët (disa nga ata) që konsiderohen kompozita në gjuhën shqipe janë zemërluan, zemërgur, ujmirë 1 , juglindje, bashkëpunim, marrëdhënie zemërgur, belhollë, buzëqesh, keqkuptoj, fjalëshumë hekurudhë (heku + udhë), kryeqytet, shtëpi-muze etj. Në gjuhë angleze, kompozitat emërore ndërtohen nga dy apo shumë fjalë motivuese (kuptimplote), të cilat japin një fjalë të re. Një mendim të ngjashëm është dhënë nga studeuisi J. Kabashi Compound nouns consist of at least to free morphems: classroom, blackboard, armchar, homework, newspaper, nobelman, breakdown, looking-glass, father-in-law etc. Many syntactic groups have become compound nouns by conversion: forget-me-not, pic-me-up, merry-go-round etc. In most cases such nouns are hyphenated to denote their unity. Compounding combined with derivation is quite common: taxpayer (tax-payer), gamekeeper (game-keeper), window-cleaner (window-cleaner), narrow-mindedness (narrow-minded -ness). 2 1 Millaku, Shkelqim, The Contrast of the Compound Words between English and Albanian Language (October 12, 2017).
World Journal of English Language, 2022
In the emerging geopolitics of the modern world, English has assumed the undisputed status of the... more In the emerging geopolitics of the modern world, English has assumed the undisputed status of the preferred international language of communication. Thus, though cultures across the world are keen on self-preservation, allowing English to make inroads into the everyday lives of the people is a bygone conclusion. Albanian and English belong to the same language family (Indo-European) and hence share many commonalities. At the same time, they also exhibit many features of departure from the shared characteristics, and research into these is greatly significant from the language learners’ vantage. This paper has to analyse the compound and the complex sentence between English and Albanian language. Both these languages have the compound sentences. However, between the two languages, the sentences show certain similarities as well as dissimilarities. We have the contrast structure.
The Modern Language Review, 2011
World Journal of English Language, 2022
The nominal clause and noun phrases in Albanian and English are in an oppositional relationship. ... more The nominal clause and noun phrases in Albanian and English are in an oppositional relationship. This study makes descriptions of syntactic structure using constituent analysis between the two languages. The question that now emerges is what kind of language is implied by this type of description. Tufte (1971, p.41) rightly noted that “Noun phrases are any and all structures headed by a noun, or by a pronoun, or any other word or structure that stands in for a noun. Thus, even an entire clause may function as a noun phrase”. Furthermore, the fact that phraseological categories coexist or are "projections" of specific word-level categories demonstrates that categories are complex entities. This was originally emphasized in Harris (1951) and was expanded upon by Muysken (1985) and Chomsky (1970).
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019
European Journal of Education Studies, 2016
The compound words are all the words that are compound from two or more words and both of them cr... more The compound words are all the words that are compound from two or more words and both of them creative the new words with the new meaning. In linguistics, a compound is a lexeme (less precisely, a word) that consists of more than one stem. Compounding or composition is the word-formation that creates compound lexemes (the other word-formation process being derivation). Compounding or Word-compounding refers to the faculty and device of language to form new words by combining or putting together old words. In other words, compound, compounding or word-compounding occurs when a person attaches two or more words together to make them one word. The meanings of the words interrelate in such a way that a new meaning comes out which is very different from the meanings of the words in isolation. Article visualizations:
In Albanian and English we have three kinds of gender: masculine, feminine and neuter. In Albani... more In Albanian and English we have three kinds of gender: masculine, feminine and neuter. In Albanian language we have this concept for gender: “ Gjinia eshte nje nga kategorite gramatikore me karakteristike per emrat ne gjuhen shqipe. Nga natyra e saj, ajo dallohet nga kategorite e tjera te emrit, nga numri, rasa dhe nga kategorite e shquarsise dhe te pashquarsise, sepse i kundervihet mashkullore-femerore dhe asnjanese...” [1] , it’s same and with English: “ a grouping of nouns and pronouns into classes’ masculine, feminine and neuter ” [2] . The gender can show and function in both of numbers singular and plural. The nouns of masculine, feminine can ends with consonants or vowels. The gender (definite) of English are augmented with articles. It can show before the noun, pronoun that can substituted with pronoun /ai, ajo – he, she / or ky, kjo, ai, ajo – it (father, man, son, boy, Tom, brother, Mr. John, /he/) . The noun and pronoun can have the gender but the adjective or verb canno...
The compound words are all the words that are compound from two or more words and both of them cr... more The compound words are all the words that are compound from two or more words and both of them creative the new words with the new meaning. In linguistics, a compound is a lexeme (less precisely, a word) that consists of more than one stem. Compounding or composition is the word-formation that creates compound lexemes (the other word-formation process being derivation). Compounding or Word-compounding refers to the faculty and device of language to form new words by combining or putting together old words. In other words, compound, compounding or word-compounding occurs when a person attaches two or more words together to make them one word. The meanings of the words interrelate in such a way that a new meaning comes out which is very different from the meanings of the words in isolation.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019
Albanian language is the key of Proto-Indo-European languages. The aim of this paper is to resear... more Albanian language is the key of Proto-Indo-European languages. The aim of this paper is to research for the role and the operation of Albanian language in Balkans. The Albanian language is spoken by seven million people in the south-western of Balkans. Albanian is a language of the extensive Indo-European family and is thus related to a certain degree to almost all other languages of Europe. Albanian is officially spoken in the Republic of Albania and Kosova. Traditional Albanian settlements can be encountered sporadically elsewhere in Arbansi of Zadar (in Croatian); in some cities of Serbia; Macedonia; Montenegro and in the Bulgarian-Greek-Turkish border region. A few Albanian speakers are also to be found in the Ukraine (village in the regions Melitopol’ and Odessa) and notably in villages in Bulgarian (in Mandrica). As a geographical and cultural entity, and as a nation, Albania has often been enigmatic. The first document in Albanian language is: Paulus Angelus, 1462 “ I baptize...
Ancient Greek & Roman History eJournal, 2020
This project of studies is in the concept of the analyzed and critique of the book’s “Greater Alb... more This project of studies is in the concept of the analyzed and critique of the book’s “Greater Albania, concepts possible consequences�?. We will begging with the concept and the contribution of Stuart Manni , who has given his life for to study for general linguistic, culture of Albanian language. So, “From the earliest known period of their history, the Albanians have been renowned from their warlike nature, their fondness for piracy, and their all-resisting spirit of independence. Culture, in its western sense, has left Albanian alone, and its people have preserved their primitive Pelasgic toughness (…) of this little known European country. Their very isolation lends colour to the supposition that their name Shqiptar is derived from a native term shqipoje meaning “eagle�?. Albanian makes its first appearance in history when it was occupied by Philip of Macedon. His son and successor Alexander the Great marshalled and army of Albanians for his Persian campaigns. At his death, Illy...
SSRN Electronic Journal
The aim of this study is to point out of similarities, differences, contrasts or generation (as f... more The aim of this study is to point out of similarities, differences, contrasts or generation (as fig. 1 or 2) of the direct object between Albanian and English language by comparing different (function) parts of speech. The direct object in both of languages is the receiver (object) of the action within a sentence. It is typically the noun, all possessive pronouns (in the function of nouns), noun phrase that follows the verb, although the indirect object and subject complements can also occupy this position. The direct and indirect object have some characteristics in common, and this fact justifies their sharing term of object. As the subject, the object is normally a noun phrase or generally a nominal clause e.g. I feel to speak Albanian (DO), and my friend feels to speak English (DO). Shakespeare wrote Hamlet (DO). He wrote it (DO). The Senate has discussed this issue (DO). Lufta e jone clirimtare e nxori popullin (DO) ne krye dhe ketu e vetem ketu qendron arsyeja e fitores. Our war of liberation saw our people (DO) through, and it is this and this alone that accounts for the victory. In both languages the direct object usually follows the verb and can be found by the question words / ke “cilin, cfare c’” – who, whom or what/ received the action of the verb.
SSRN Electronic Journal
Albanian Abstract: Koha dhe rrethanat e zbritjes se Arberesheve ne Greqi kane qene shqetesim i pe... more Albanian Abstract: Koha dhe rrethanat e zbritjes se Arberesheve ne Greqi kane qene shqetesim i perhershem i studiuesve, keshtu qe jane bere perpjekje serioze per te argumentuar te verteten historike te tyre. Zbritja e pare e Avareve, sipas historianit mesjetar Satha, u be qysh ne shek. VII, por kjo mbeti vetem hipoteze qe nuk gjeti mbeshtetje. Avaret dhe Arbereshet nuk kane asnje lidhje ndermjet tyre, thekson Aristidh Kola, edhe pse kemi pasur zbritje te Arberesheve qe nga shek. VII. Ne kete artikull do te analizojme zbritjen e Arberesheve ne Greqi, cdohere sipas Aristidh Koles dhe studiuesve te tjere serioze qe kane trajtuar temen ne fjale. English Abstract: The aim of this paper is to research and description the contribution of Aristidh Kola for Arbereshes (Arvanitas or Albanians ) in Greece. In the Greece, the Albanian language, known in Albanian as Arberisht and in Greek as Arvanitka. In the Greece are more than 600 villages and more than two million Albanians or Arvanitas people. These speakers are the descendants of large-scale Albanian emigration to Greece during the late Middle Ages. The medieval historian Satha said: The first Albanian migration was in the VII century. In this study we will analyze the research of Aristidh Kola for the migration of the Albanians (arbereshes) in Greece.
SSRN Electronic Journal
The aim of this paper is to studies and to comparing words, morphemes and prefixes between Albani... more The aim of this paper is to studies and to comparing words, morphemes and prefixes between Albanian and English language. During these studies I will analyze: The kinds of morphemes, the derived of prefixes and the negative prefixes. A number of words consist of a single morpheme. For the most part these Albanian or English words belong to such invariable parts of speech as adverbs, preposition, and conjunctions: lart – high, drejt – straight, afer – near, ne – in, me – with, por – but, une – I, ne – we, kush – who. The citation forms of the number of nouns and verbs also consist of a singular morpheme called a root: mal – mountain, mik – friend, pune – work, hap – open, pi – drink, etc. In terms of its grammatical function, the root acts as the central stem of the word, i.e. the part to which affixed morphemes (= affixes ), if any, may be attached… The morphemes in a word that are attached to stems are affixes – prefixes if they precede the root, or suffixes if they come after it. Affixes that create new stems are called derivational or word-forming; affixes which mark the syntactic formation of a word are called inflectional.
Papers by Shkelqim Millaku
Fjalët e përbëra (kompozitat) janë shumë prodhimtare për formimin e fjalëve të reja, në këtë rast krijimin e kompozitave. Kompozitat e përbëra emërore në shqipe janë të llojeve të ndryshme në strukturën e saj gjuhësore “një zgavriqë e nëndheshme, që përdorej ndoshta për herë të parë për pushtimin e një qytetit-kështjellë dhe prandaj, që të mos zhvlerësoj si mënyrë depërtimi në një kalë druri?[1] Në fjalët e përbëra emërore ka shumë grupe të pasura, mirëpo këtu po i theksojmë disa prej tyre, nga emrat e njerëzve, të veglave të punës, profesionit etj, ku gjymtyra e dytë është temë e një emri vepruesi, bregdet (breg det) (em.), bregdetas (breg detas) (em.), kryeministri (krye ministër) (em.), vendbanim (vend banim), vendburim, pikëpamje (pikë pamje) etj. Emrat me kuptim të ndryshëm që janë formuar me ndihmën e zanores lidhëse /a/, si: zanafillë, dashamirë, bjerrafat e ndonjë tjetër, të cilat, janë një grup i vogël krijimesh të vjetra popullore. Një nëntip tjetër emër + mbiemër që ka dhënë emër bisht + i gjatë = bishtgjatë, bisht + i madh = bishtmadh kuq = bishtkuq kokë + e madhe = kokëmadhe, kokë + vogël = kokëvogël, krye + i lartë = kryelarti etj. Në këtë studim do të hulumtohet për disa kategori të kompozitave, të cilat janë të pranishme në Fjalorin e Gjuhës Shqipe (2007, 2009) te Mehmet Elezit.
The structure of noun formation between Albanian and English on the general aspect of morphology and syntax still didn’t study in the way of comparative, contrast and generative. Those fields are our object of study. In Albanian and English we find some concepts of studies for noun for example: “Emër quhet ajo pjesë e ligjëratës që emërton qenie të gjalla dhe sende dhe ka kategoritë gramatikore të gjinisë, numrit, rasës, të shquarsisë e të pashquarsisë”.
Nouns can be broadly into a small number of classes that have meaning and grammatical behavior. “Nouns (alb. Emër) belong to open class set of items. The set is indefinitely extendable since new nouns are constantly created and are added to the existing register of English nouns. The server denotes people, objects, places, events and phenomena”.
There is an important distinct common and proper nouns. Common nouns can be countable and uncountable. Countable nouns refer to entities which can be counted, they are singular and plural forms (a cow, two cows) etc.). Both in the singular and plural there is a contrast between definite and indefinite forms (a cow, two cows, the cows). Uncountable nouns refer to entities which cannot be counted and uncounted for number. Though they do not combine with the indefinite article, the contrast between an indefinite and definite form (e.g. milk, the milk)…
The structure of noun formation between Albanian and English on the general aspect of morphology and syntax still didn’t study in the way of comparative, contrast and generative. Those fields are our object of study. In Albanian and English we find some concepts of studies for noun for example: “Emër quhet ajo pjesë e ligjëratës që emërton qenie të gjalla dhe sende dhe ka kategoritë gramatikore të gjinisë, numrit, rasës, të shquarsisë e të pashquarsisë”.
Nouns can be broadly into a small number of classes that have meaning and grammatical behavior. “Nouns (alb. Emër) belong to open class set of items. The set is indefinitely extendable since new nouns are constantly created and are added to the existing register of English nouns. The server denotes people, objects, places, events and phenomena”.
There is an important distinct common and proper nouns. Common nouns can be countable and uncountable. Countable nouns refer to entities which can be counted, they are singular and plural forms (a cow, two cows) etc.). Both in the singular and plural there is a contrast between definite and indefinite forms (a cow, two cows, the cows). Uncountable nouns refer to entities which cannot be counted and uncounted for
number. Though they do not combine with the indefinite article, the contrast between an indefinite and definite form (e.g. milk, the milk)…
Keywords: contrast, gender, masculine, feminine and neuter, noun, adjective, pronoun, case, definite, indefinite, singular, plural
a. The sentence that has the subject and is always present and usually precedes the verb and it is positive sentence:
The teacher will speak to the dean today.
Mësuesi do të flet me dekanin sot.
b. The question sentence forms have three or more models of making and noun is the kernel e.g.
Will teacher speak to the dean today?
The contrast of the words between English to Albanian: Bus driver in English compound words in Albanian simple word (shofer ose shofer i autobusit) or housekeeper – amëvise; schoolbook - libër shkolle; classroom – klasë; homework - detyrë shtëpia.
By the simple sentence we can see the structure between Albanian and English, too e.g.
Maca e mbyeti miun.
S (NP) P (VP) O (NP)
The cat killed the mouse.
S (NP) P (VP) O (NP)
Key words: sentence, simple, compound, complex and compound complex.
a. The sentence that has the subject and is always present and usually precedes the verb and it is positive sentence:
The teacher will speak to the dean today.
Mësuesi do të flet me dekanin sot.
b. The question sentence forms have three or more models of making and noun is the kernel e.g.
Will teacher speak to the dean today?
Keywords: simple, compound, complex and compound complex, sentence, Albanian, English
By the simple sentence we can see the structure between Albanian and English, too e.g.
Maca e mbyeti miun.
S (NP) P (VP) O (NP)
The cat killed the mouse.
S (NP) P (VP) O (NP)
I nderuari Rektor i Universitetit të Prizrenit “Ukshin Hoti”,
Të nderuar anëtarë të Këshillit Organizues,
Të nderuar referues të kumtesave;
Njoftimi dhe vendimi Juaj se keni organizuar KONFERENCË SHKENCORE për nder timin, jo vetëm që më nderoi, më gëzoi e më këndelli fizikisht, por edhe shpirtërisht ma shtoi optimizmin e vullnetin për jetë.
Kujdesin, respektin e interesimin Tuaj për të vlerësuar e studiuar punën time jetësore në fushë të shkencave albanologjike e ballkanologjike e vlerësoj dhe e çmoj në mënyrë të veçantë shkencore dhe njerëzore. Ndaj, për këtë Ju shpreh mirënjohje dhe Ju falënderoj përzemërsisht!
Mirëpo, dëshira dhe mundësitë, për shkaqe objektive, nuk mund të armonizohen e realizohen gjithëherë. Ndaj, megjithë dëshirën, ureshtjen e interesimin tim të madh, për arsye të moshës sime të thyer e për shkaqe shëndetësore të kufizuara, ndonëse shpirtërisht lakmoja të isha
me Ju, por fizikisht nuk munda të marrë pjesë në këtë Konferencë të rëndësishme Shkencore, e organizuar nergut për mua.
Duke Ju uruar suksese të lakmueshme në fushën e studimeve albanologjike, në veçanti, e punë të mbarë në Univrsitetin tuaj të ri, në përgjithësi, Ju përshëndes me mirënjohje të përhershme kolegiale e me falënderime të përzemërta miqësore!
Idriz Ajeti
Prishtinë, 19 maj 2014
Libri vazhdon me disa vrojtime dhe vëzhgime krahasuese të brenda të shqipes dhe të kësaj të fundit më gjuhë të tjera. Krahasimi i fjalive të thjeshta të shqipes dhe anglishtes ofron dallime kontrasteve ndërmjet raporteve morfo-sintaksore ndërmjet dy gjuhëve në fjalë.
Libri plotësohet me hulumtime të reja si pjesa e studimit të terminologjisë gjuhësore në tekstet mësimore të historisë, i cili studim ofron përdorimin e fjalëve dhe të termave (të kuptueshëm apo të pakuptueshëm) në fjali, të cilat kanë një peshë të veçantë në ndërtimin (pasurimin dhe ruajtjen e gjuhës) dhe në paraqitjen e drejtë të mendimeve (ruajtjen dhe zhvillimin e historisë se dokumentuar). Edhe ana metodologjike (didaktike) e paraqitjes së tyre, mbetet thelbësore në kuptueshmërinë dhe besueshmërinë e trekëndëshit mësimdhënës - nxënës - kohë ose anasjelltas.
Hulumtimi i vazhdon me vjeljen e korpusit të revistës Përpjekja Shqiptare, e cila revistë ishte mujore dhe doli në tetor të vitit 1936, por vazhdoi deri me dhjetor të vitit 1938. Në këtë revistë janë shtruar tema të ndryshme nga gjuhësia, letërsia, sociologjia, psikologjia, pedagogjia, historia, ekonomia, sporti e nga fusha të tjera. Studimi me i gjerë është në librin Studime gjuhësore I, 2011, e cila libër trajton qindra kompozita të llojeve të ndryshme, siç janë ato: këpujore-bashkërenditëse, përcaktuese-nënrenditëse, të tipit të përzier, kompozim+ndajshtim; pastaj kompozitat dëshirore, urdhërore, sinonimike, antonimike, kompozita me shkurtesa e ndonjë tip e nëntip tjetër, që janë vjelur nga revista në fjalë.
Libri Kërkime gjuhësore vazhdon me studimin e studiuesve të huaj dhe shqiptarë që kanë dhënë kontributin e tyre të shquar për gjuhën, kulturë dhe historinë e popullit shqiptar.