Lime Kiln
Recent papers in Lime Kiln
This book is a catalogue of more than sixty structures that can be found in the excavation of sites from prehistoric times. It seeks to define elements that enable us to identify the function of the structures. It is a multidisciplinary... more
Ce travail est un guide pour le fouiller archéologue. On décrit près de soixante structures aux fonctions differentes. Les descriptions sont très courtes parce que à l'archéologue lui sera plus facile de classer la structure qui est en... more
Program has developed a national strategy for increasing woody biomass utilization. The intent of this strategy is to explore equipment and materials that enable creation of a reliable, sustainable supply of woody biomass and to encourage... more
Il s'agit de l'état de nos connaissances sur les fours à chaux d'époque impériale en Grèce, à la suite de la découverte de plusieurs d'entre eux durant la fouille des thermes du centre à Erétrie. Ce chapitre reprend en grande partie un... more
ABSTRACT: This report forms the basis of a forthcoming study on the late Old Kingdom to First Intermediate Period housing and burials in Units HF and AL-K at Mendes, which were excavated by G. Mumford during the 1991-94 and 1998 seasons... more
Η εισήγηση επιδιώκει την προβολή και διάδοση των θέσεων και προτάσεων προστασίας και ανάδειξης της (προ)βιομηχανικής κληρονομιάς παραγωγής ασβέστου στο Ασβεστοχώρι Θεσσαλονίκης, το οποίο αποτέλεσε αξιοσημείωτο κέντρο ανάπτυξης... more
This article discusses a unique masonry lime-kiln identified in 2014 at Butrint (Buthrotum), an ancient seaport situated between Greece and Italy that occupied a small headland on the Ionian Sea in southern Albania, in the region of... more
This paper, designed as a guide for field archaeologists, shows some sixty prehistoric features, which differ in their shape and purpose. The descriptions given are very brief in order that archaeologists find it easier to classify the... more
The Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) is the first period in human cultural evolution that is characterized by the extensive production of lime plaster for architectural, decorative and ritual purposes. The production of large quantities of... more
Various postulates concerning the origin and purpose of the corbelled structures in the vicinity of the Assegaaibos River on the farms Farmerfield, Glenfield and Springfield, Eastern Cape Province (pre- viously Albany District) have been... more
"Autovía del Pirineo, sections 4th and 5th. The protección of the Archeological Heritage This article presents the results of the archeological monitoring of sections 4th and 5th of the Autovía del Pirineo highway, located in the... more
The image on the first page relates to the Tunisian-French-British coring season that took place in October 2012, and will be reported on elsewhere.
Revue d'archéométrie 40 | 2016 Varia Gamme de chaux dans les économies anciennes. Méthodes de prélèvement et d'identification des types de chaux dans les fours (DRX, MEB-EDS, pétrographie) (Antiquité, Moyen Âge, époque moderne) Lime range... more
Współrzędne geograficzne: N 54° 1' 6,65'' E 19° 58' 53,85'' Ryc. 3. Grodzisko w Zimnochach, st. 2. Widok od strony zachodniej (fot. J. Wysocki) Ryc. 4. Zimnochy, st. 2. Nadsypane zbocze wzgórza stanowiące wał w części południowej... more
La presencia de las industrias caleras en la Hispania romana ha pasado desapercibida dentro del estudio de las diversas actividades implicadas en la construcción romana. Su total ausencia de las fuentes históricas hispanas, obliga a... more
Excavation of a Medieval lime kiln (15th century). Archaeological and historical data to the crafts and industries in the Free Royal Town Sopron.
The paper offers a preliminary summary of results of a monitoring excavation at Hrubá Vrbka (tract of land “Za Bařinou”) performed in August 2009, which proved at this recently discovered site settlement areas from the Late La Tène and... more
with: Renate Gerlach, Nadine Nolder, Janet Rethemeyer, Ursula Tegtmeier, Hans Martin Weber & Anja Maria Zander
text in greek, pp. 59-61
abstract in english p. 124
text in greek, pp. 59-61
abstract in english p. 124
A second Merovingian lime oven has been discovered in the Alsace region during the archaeological survey of a forested area after the great storm of 1999. The oven is part of a known settlement dated to the 7th- 10th centuries AD by... more
Revue d'archéométrie 40 | 2016 Varia Gamme de chaux dans les économies anciennes. Méthodes de prélèvement et d'identification des types de chaux dans les fours (DRX, MEB-EDS, pétrographie) (Antiquité, Moyen Âge, époque moderne) Lime range... more
Various postulates concerning the origin and purpose of the corbelled structures in the vicinity of the Assegaaibos River on the farms Farmerfield, Glenfield and Springfield, Eastern Cape Province (previously Albany District) have been... more
Ausgrabungen der Außenstelle Overath des LVR-Amtes für Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland konnten in der Nähe von Bergisch Gladbach erstmalig eine Kalkbrennerei der römischen Kaiserzeit im rechtsrheinischen Gebiet nachweisen. Die Entdeckung... more
Various postulates concerning the origin and purpose of the corbelled structures in the vicinity of the Assegaaibos River on the farms Farmerfield, Glenfield and Springfield, Eastern Cape Province (previously Albany District) have been... more
Resultados preliminares de la campaña del año 2012 en Tamuda, centrados en el hallazgo de un horno alfarero mauritano reutilizada como calera romana; se integran además los resultados del estudio de los indicios de alfarería romana de las... more
Dissolved lignocelluloses from the pre-hydrolysis liquor (PHL) of kraft-based dissolving pulp production process were recovered by adsorption to lime mud produced in the causticizing plant of the kraft process. The adsorption of... more
This paper presents the findings of a survey into lime kilns in the area of Asvestochori, which is sited close to the ancient town of Thessaloniki in Northern Greece. After setting out the historical data relating to the area and the... more