Recent papers in Scrubber
A micro-gas analysis system, μGAS, is proposed here for the continuous and highly sensitive on-site measurement of atmospheric trace gases. The μGAS presented here is comprised of a microchannel scrubber and a high-sensitivity small... more
RESUMEN Debido a sus efectos nocivos, el abatimiento de las emisiones de contaminantes gaseosos adquiere una importancia cada día mayor. Con el objeto de disminuir la emisión de los mismos, se diseñó y construyó un tren de lavado de gases... more
This paper will explore Amager Bakke, focusing first on the process by which the plant generates energy from waste combustion. This will provide the context to then delve into the contaminant removal process, a discussion that will cover... more
Scrubber dapat di definisikan sebagai alat pemisahan suatu partikel solid (debu) yang ada di gas atau udara dengan menggunakan cairan sebagai alat bantu. Air adalah cairan yang pada umumnya digunakan dalam proses scrubbing, meskipun dapat... more
Experimental studies on diesel fume scrubbing have been conducted in a down-flow type liquid-jet ejector-venturi scrubber. The fume particulates have been captured in the throat of the ejector-venturi by a mechanism involving inertial... more
Massive quantities of sulfite-rich flue gas desulfurization (FGD) scrubber sludge have been generated by coal burning power plants. Utilization of the sulfite-rich sludge for preparing a-calcium sulfate hemihydrate (a-HH), an important... more
Exhaust gas scrubbers
Experimental studies on diesel fume scrubbing have been conducted in a down-flow type liquid-jet ejector-venturi scrubber. The fume particulates have been captured in the throat of the ejector-venturi by a mechanism involving inertial... more
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Biogas production is one of the most promising pathways toward fully utilizing green energy within a circular economy. The anaerobic digestion process is the industry standard technology for biogas production due to its lowered energy... more
This study investigated a gas chromatographic (GC) method to assess the destruction or removal efficiency (DRE) of local scrubbers on five perfluorocompounds (PFCs), i.e., SF 6 , NF 3 , CF 4 , C 2 F 6 , and C 3 F 8 , which are very potent... more
The result of pumping air containing 56 ppb NO 2 through a terpene-spiked adsorbent (90-130 ng, 90-100 ml min À1 ), Tenax TA, for 20 min (1.8-2.0 l) was that 8% of a-pinene, 7% of b-pinene, 21% of D 3 -carene and 5% of limonene were... more
This investigation was to test different blends of tertiary amine; triethanolamine (TEA) into primary amine; Monoethanolamine (MEA) used to capture CO2 in packed bed scrubber with recycle stream. Four different operating parameters: Amine... more
Debido a sus efectos nocivos, el abatimiento de las emisiones de contaminantes gaseosos adquiere una importancia cada día mayor. Con el objeto de disminuir la emisión de los mismos, se diseñó y construyó un tren de lavado de gases... more
The main part of this paper is an industrial case study. It deals with an application of a heat pump in energy systems for biomass gasification in a wood processing plant. Process Integration methodology is applied to deal with complex... more
Massive quantities of sulfite-rich flue gas desulfurization (FGD) scrubber sludge have been generated by coal burning power plants. Utilization of the sulfite-rich sludge for preparing a-calcium sulfate hemihydrate (a-HH), an important... more
The link between anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide, increasing atmospheric CO 2 levels, and concomitantly increasing global temperatures is established and accepted. The use of aqueous ammonia, to capture CO 2 and produce an... more
Partitioning of PCDD/F congeners between vapor/solid phases and removal and destruction efficiencies achieved with selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system for PCDD/Fs at an existing municipal waste incinerator (MWI) and metal smelting... more
The use of high-sulfur coal for power generation in the United States requires the removal of sulfur dioxide (SO 2) produced during burning in order to meet clean air regulations. If SO 2 is removed from the flue gas using a wet scrubber... more
The paper reports on global release and mass partitioning in the flux of residues of PCDD/Fs, evaluated with dedicated field campaigns at a municipal solid waste incineration plant during normal and transient operation. Results are... more
It is a well-known fact that the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) confirmed that the sulfur content in marine fuel should be at least 0.5% by January 1, 2020. Thus, shipowners have two options: to install air treatment... more
Nowadays, a great effort has been applied into the research of pollution control devices in order to reduce the effect of gaseous emissions to the atmosphere. Amongst the various methods, the venturi scrubber is one of the most efficient... more
Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) is currently removed from gaseous effluents by chemical scrubbing using water. Chlorine is a top-grade oxidant, reacting with H 2 S with a fast kinetic rate and enhancing its mass transfer rate. To design,... more
Debido a sus efectos nocivos, el abatimiento de las emisiones de contaminantes gaseosos adquiere una importancia cada día mayor. Con el objeto de disminuir la emisión de los mismos, se diseñó y construyó un tren de lavado de gases... more
h i g h l i g h t s 2 Mesh pads in scrubber using Natural gas and N 2 /Exxsol at 20, 50 and 85 bars. Pressure drop, separation efficiency, separated droplet size and flooding point. Re-entrainment affects separation efficiencies at high... more
A diffusion scrubber based automated instrument measures HONO utilizing ion chromatography and UV detection with time resolutions of 7-15 min and a detection limit of ca. 20 pptv. The thermodynamic equilibrium of NH3(g) and HONO(g) over... more