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The fuel use debate is proposed here as a representation of collectives: of agencies, communities and individuals that determine through interaction with each other, the nature of fuel commodities. The rural energy debate is one aspect of... more
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      Energy EconomicsEnergy and Environmental SustainabilityForest and FirewoodEnergy Access and Development
El uso doméstico de la leña es de gran importancia para la subsistencia de las familias en las comunidades rurales mexicanas, lo que resulta en una alta demanda del recurso. Se plantea una propuesta metodológica para evaluar... more
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      FirewoodForest and FirewoodUso doméstico de la leña
El objetivo general de este estudio es elaborar una propuesta de redes asociativas para pequeños propietarios forestales, productores de leña certificada, en las comunas de San José de la Mariquina, Corral y Valdivia pertenecientes a la... more
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      Chilean native forest and floraForest and FirewoodNative forest in Chile
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      Network AnalysisForest operationForest and Firewood
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      Medieval HistoryEthnoarchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeometry
encara una minoria respecte als publicats sobre cronologies més recents. Concretament, dins del context del Paleolític Mitjà, les evidències directes sobre la recol·lecció de llenya són més freqüents entre jaciments pertanyents al MIS 3... more
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      TaphonomyLandscapeCharcoal analysis (Archaeology)Middle Palaeolithic
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      Craft production (Archaeology)FirewoodForest and FirewoodLime Kiln
Across much of South Asia firewood is used as a primary source of domestic energy. However the burning of wood for cooking and heating homes is linked to a number of significant health, pollution and deforestation problems. Now, to help... more
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      Natural Resource and Environmental EconomicsTechnology Adoption and DiffusionCommunity ForestryForest and Firewood
Firewood is used as a common-pool resource to satisfy local energy demands. However, crops and pastures are replacing large areas of Chaco forest at a high rate. Production is destined to satisfy global demands of energy and food, which... more
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      SociologyRural SociologyGeographySocial Sciences
Arid and semi-arid forests and woodlands (hereafter called «dryland forests»), in spite of their ecological and social importance, have received little attention in land change studies. Growing evidence shows that these forests have been... more
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      Remote SensingArid environmentsMoroccoDesertification