New lime based materials for the construction industry
Recent papers in New lime based materials for the construction industry
En estas páginas quiero abordar monográficamente una de las hipótesis más aceptadas a la hora de explicar el origen del esgrafiado. Dentro de un marco tecnológico, el descubrimiento de este procedimiento artístico ha sido entendido por la... more
Damage to masonry and interior dampness, related to water ingress and retention highlights the correct choice of mortar when pointing walls. Compatible mortar composition is important where masonry units are impermeable, as in the case of... more
Η εισήγηση επιδιώκει την προβολή και διάδοση των θέσεων και προτάσεων προστασίας και ανάδειξης της (προ)βιομηχανικής κληρονομιάς παραγωγής ασβέστου στο Ασβεστοχώρι Θεσσαλονίκης, το οποίο αποτέλεσε αξιοσημείωτο κέντρο ανάπτυξης... more
Unlike cement, lime mortars and its related products re-absorb carbon dioxide emissions during the production process and continue to recarbonate CO2 over its in-use phase, creating a complete life cycled, closed-loop process, resulting... more
A metamorphic limestone with approximately 3% SiO2 was calcined in a laboratory furnace at temperatures up to 1000oC, for periods up to 6 hours. The samples were examined using a scanning electron microscope in secondary electron mode to... more
Ein historisch-geografischer Führer für Troia und Umgebung 272 Seiten mit 261 Farb-, 11 Schwarzweißabbildungen und 17 Diagrammen/Plänen Umschlag vorne: großes Bild -Athenatempel in Assos Bild links -Skamander-Tal nördlich von Ezine Bild... more
Cave systems have a natural ability to filter water while providing vapor exchange – an incredible asset as a building material.
Database: GCIBibs - Lime Mortars & Plasters (GCIB_LMP).