Papers by Lurdes martinez landa
Science of The Total Environment
![Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the fate of UV filters and transformation products during managed aquifer recharge: the role of reactive barriers, biofilms and varying redox.](
<p>Ultraviolet filters (UVFs) are emerging organic contaminants that are pr... more <p>Ultraviolet filters (UVFs) are emerging organic contaminants that are present in personal care (sunscreens and many cosmetics) and numerous industrial products. Among UVFs, the group of benzophenone derivatives are the most used worldwide. Benzophenone-3 (PB-3, oxybenzone) is one of the most common UVF. BP-3 is considered as an endocrine disruptor with estrogenic activity, it is photo-stable, lipophilic and bioaccumulates in different organisms. The widespread use of BP-3 has led to its release into aquatic ecosystems mainly via discharge of wastewater treatment plant effluents. Common sources of water for Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) are affected, to some extent, by effluents of wastewater treatment plants and therefore, MAR has been proposed as a potential source of these compounds to the environment. Understanding the fate of UVFs but also of their transformation products (TPs) in MAR is relevant because some of them can be more ecotoxic than the parent compound. We evaluated the fate of selected UVFs and its TPs at different compartments (water, soil and biofilm) in two field pilot scale MAR systems; one of them operated with a permeable reactive barrier based on compost and the other with sand (without reactive barrier). We compared the temporal and spatial evolution of these UVFs before and after a slug injection of lithium acetate, as organic carbon source, in the two MAR systems. Quantification of selected UVFs and TPs showed that the two MAR systems promoted the removal of UVFs. Extended removal was enhanced by the compost reactive barrier, in which lower concentrations of all selected UVFs and TPs were measured. The fact that they were detected and quantified more often sorbed onto the biofilm and organic fraction of sediment than in the aqueous phase suggested that degradation takes place in the two solid compartments.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Acknowledgements</strong></p><p>This work was financially supported by the Catalan Research Project RESTORA (ACA210/18/00040), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through MONOPOLIOS (RTI2018-101990-B-100, MINECO/FEDER) and Project CEX2018-000794-S), as well as the EU project MARADENTRO (PCI2019-103425 and PCI2019-103603). We also thank the Consorci de la Costa Brava Girona (CCBGi) for the unlimited access to the WWTP.</p>
Copernicus GmbH, Apr 19, 2016
SE-2016-27-RC2-Reply: Replies (in colors for clarify) have been added as a suplementary pdf file.... more SE-2016-27-RC2-Reply: Replies (in colors for clarify) have been added as a suplementary pdf file. This paper nicely illustrates a methodology to characterize and model groundwater flow in a fractured granitic rock. The overall approach is to characterize the hydraulically important structural features (such as faults, dykes, etc.) in the "near" or "inner" region (for example, in the vicinity of a mine) using a combination of geology, geophysical, geochemical and hydrologic methods. These features are explicitly built into a numerical model of the groundwater flow system. For the "far" or "outer" region, equivalent hydraulic properties are used to include structural features that are unknown or not C1
Artificial recharge of aquifers is a robust, low-cost, low-energy technique to deal with the worl... more Artificial recharge of aquifers is a robust, low-cost, low-energy technique to deal with the worldwide increasing demand of water. Quality of recharged water is improved during its passage through the soil and concentration of organic matter, inorganic nutrients, emerging organic compounds, and pathogens is reduced as a result of filtration, sorption and biodegradation. The improvement of recharged water quality can be accelerated with the installation of horizontal reactive barriers, to promote sorption and biodegradation, in the bottom of the infiltration basins.
![Research paper thumbnail of Reactive Barriers for Renaturalization of Reclaimed Water during Soil Aquifer Treatment](
Water, 2020
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is known to increase available water quantity and to improve water... more Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is known to increase available water quantity and to improve water quality. However, its implementation is hindered by the concern of polluting aquifers, which might lead to onerous treatment and regulatory requirements for the source water. These requirements might make MAR unsustainable both economically and energetically. To address these concerns, we tested reactive barriers laid at the bottom of infiltration basins to enhance water quality improvement during soil passage. The goal of the barriers was to (1) provide a range of sorption sites to favor the retention of chemical contaminants and pathogens; (2) favor the development of a sequence of redox states to promote the degradation of the most recalcitrant chemical contaminants; and (3) promote the growth of plants both to reduce clogging, and to supply organic carbon and sorption sites. We summarized our experience to show that the barriers did enhance the removal of organic pollutants of conce...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2016
![Research paper thumbnail of Tracer test modeling for local scale residence time distribution characterization in an artificial recharge site](
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2016
Artificial recharge of aquifers is a technique for improving water quality and increasing groundw... more Artificial recharge of aquifers is a technique for improving water quality and increasing groundwater resources. Understanding the fate of a potential contaminant requires knowledge of the residence times distribution (RTD) of the water beneath the artificial recharge infrastructure. A simple way to obtain the RTDs is to perform a tracer test. We performed a pulse injection tracer test in an artificial recharge system through an infiltration basin to obtain the breakthrough curves, which yield directly the RTDs. These were very broad and we used a numerical model to interpret them, and to extend the characterization to other flow conditions. The model comprised nine layers at the site scaled to emulate the layering of aquifer deposits. Two types of hypotheses were considered: homogeneous (all flow and transport parameters identical for every layer) and heterogeneous (diverse parameters for each layer). The parameters were calibrated against the head and concentration data in both mo...
![Research paper thumbnail of A methodology to interpret cross-hole tests in a granite block](
Journal of Hydrology, 2006
Water flow through low permeability fractured media is often concentrated in a small number of fr... more Water flow through low permeability fractured media is often concentrated in a small number of fractures. This fractures need to be characterized in order to simulate accurately the hydraulic behaviour of such media. We present a methodology to identify the most significant water conductive fractures. The method is based on the interpretation of cross-hole tests, and is supported by geology, geophysics and hydraulic data. The methodology has been applied to the hydrogeological characterization of a granitic block around the FEBEX experiment, at the Grimsel underground laboratory, Switzerland. Geology and geophysics are used for identifying candidates to flow controlling fractures. Single borehole hydraulic tests help in neglecting those with low transmissivity, but the only means to assess connectivity consists of performing cross-hole tests. The resulting geometry is later implemented into a 3D finite element mesh, where the fractures are simulated as 2D elements embedded into a 3D porous medium. The latter includes the effect of minor fracturing and can be heterogeneous and anisotropic. The resulting model is calibrated to obtain an integrated model. This methodology has proven capable of reproducing single-hole and cross-hole tests and steady-state heads, and also of quantifying groundwater flow to the experimental area of the FEBEX tunnel.
Dynamics of Fluids in Fractured Rock, 2000
Water Resources Research, 2005
![Research paper thumbnail of Methodology for the hydraulic characterization of a granitic block](
Geometrical, geological and hydrogeological data are integrated in the hydrogeological study of t... more Geometrical, geological and hydrogeological data are integrated in the hydrogeological study of the FEBEX experiment. Integration includes both local and regional scale elements (from tens to hundreds of metres) affecting groundwater flow towards the engineered barrier. The objective is to develop a numerical model capable of predicting the gallery inflow and giving a quantitative explanation of the distribution of hydraulic parameters through the rock volume affected by the experiment. Geological characterization is based on the description of cores from 23 observation wells, as well as the mapped gallery and adjacent tunnels, geophysical studies and pressure data from all well intervals, and discharge measured at different points. Single borehole instantaneous injection tests were performed at all intervals with packers; five cross-hole tests were done as well, recording the pressure responses at many observation points. All these data were finally integrated in numerical models, together with steady state head measurements and flow discharge values at the gallery. One of the most remarkable aspects in this study is the consistency among hydraulic parameters obtained by different methods, despite the appearance of scale effects. A joint analysis of results produced by several models throughout the project has been performed.
![Research paper thumbnail of Geophysical and geological characterization of fractures within a granitic pluton](
Near Surface Geophysics, 2010
ABSTRACTGeophysical data have been acquired to characterize the fracture network of the surroundi... more ABSTRACTGeophysical data have been acquired to characterize the fracture network of the surrounding volume within the FEBEX gallery (Grimsel Test Site, Aar granitic massif). The geophysical data include new borehole logging such as natural gamma and borehole televiewer and borehole ground‐penetrating radar (GPR). After processing an integrated interpretation of these different data sets, a pseudo three‐dimensional model of the distribution of fractures was constrained. Three main fracture planes nearly parallel to the axis of the FEBEX gallery have been interpreted. These features most probably provide the pathways for the water that contribute to the present hydrological flow regime. Presently, the tunnel is not sealed and acts as a water outflow point. The GPR images provided relative high amplitude events with a marked lateral correlation that was interpreted as two main fracture planes. The GPR is specially sensitive to the water content as it directly affects the electrical con...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Papers by Lurdes martinez landa