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      Medieval ArchaeologyBuilding Materials (Archaeology)Roman mortarsGallo-roman archaeology
The image on the first page relates to the Tunisian-French-British coring season that took place in October 2012, and will be reported on elsewhere.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
This book is a catalogue of more than sixty structures that can be found in the excavation of sites from prehistoric times. It seeks to define elements that enable us to identify the function of the structures. It is a multidisciplinary... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologySuburbs
pp. 207-231
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      LimestoneMateriaux De ConstructionLime KilnChaux
Program has developed a national strategy for increasing woody biomass utilization. The intent of this strategy is to explore equipment and materials that enable creation of a reliable, sustainable supply of woody biomass and to encourage... more
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      Late AntiquityTown planningForumNecropolis
Resultados preliminares de la campaña del año 2012 en Tamuda, centrados en el hallazgo de un horno alfarero mauritano reutilizada como calera romana; se integran además los resultados del estudio de los indicios de alfarería romana de las... more
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      Roman PotteryProtohistoryMauretania TingitanaPottery kilns
Während der Ausgrabungen in der Seewiese im römischen Vicus von Kempraten wurden zwei Kalköfen freigelegt, die sich zeitlich ablösen. Beide Öfen weisen mit je zwei Schnauzen und zwei Feuerräumen einen einzigartigen Grundriss auf. Die... more
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      Roman Provincial ArchaeologyLime KilnFours à Chaux
In connection with investigations of the aristocratic residence at Tissø from the Viking Age, the earliest evidence so far of lime burning in Denmark has been excavated. The excavations unearthed traces of up to five lime kilns which were... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyEnvironmental ArchaeologyViking Age Archaeology
Ce travail est un guide pour le fouiller archéologue. On décrit près de soixante structures aux fonctions differentes. Les descriptions sont très courtes parce que à l'archéologue lui sera plus facile de classer la structure qui est en... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
This paper, designed as a guide for field archaeologists, shows some sixty prehistoric features, which differ in their shape and purpose. The descriptions given are very brief in order that archaeologists find it easier to classify the... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyLime KilnNorthern Maya Lowlands
This article discusses a unique masonry lime-kiln identified in 2014 at Butrint (Buthrotum), an ancient seaport situated between Greece and Italy that occupied a small headland on the Ionian Sea in southern Albania, in the region of... more
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      Medieval urban historyMedieval ArchaeologyByzantine ArchaeologyAlbanian archaeology
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      Medieval ArchaeologyHistory of lime mortarMedieval LanguedocLime Kiln
Dissolved lignocelluloses from the pre-hydrolysis liquor (PHL) of kraft-based dissolving pulp production process were recovered by adsorption to lime mud produced in the causticizing plant of the kraft process. The adsorption of... more
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      Lime KilnRoman legions
Various postulates concerning the origin and purpose of the corbelled structures in the vicinity of the Assegaaibos River on the farms Farmerfield, Glenfield and Springfield, Eastern Cape Province (previously Albany District) have been... more
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      FortificationLime Kiln
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      Charcoal analysis (Archaeology)Lime KilnWood Fuels
The presence of marble sculpture at Roman villas has been widely used by scholars to demonstrate the wealth, taste, and status of the owners of rural properties. As marble was costly and highly valued in the Roman period, the location of... more
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      RecyclingLate roman villasRoman SculptureLime Kiln
Various postulates concerning the origin and purpose of the corbelled structures in the vicinity of the Assegaaibos River on the farms Farmerfield, Glenfield and Springfield, Eastern Cape Province (pre- viously Albany District) have been... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureTraditional Technology & local knowledgeFortificationLime Kiln
This paper presents the results of an archaeomagnetic study carried out on a lime burning kiln at the henequen hacienda of San Pedro Cholul, Yucatan, Mexico. The purpose of the study is to establish a reliable chronology and to estimate... more
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      ArchaeomagnetismArchaeomagnetic DatingHacienda henequeneraLime Kiln
Die Grabungen in der Weststadt Limyra, bei denen der Sektor des Jahres 2016 erweitert und ein weiteres Areal zwischen den Grabungen am Westtor 2011/2012 und Polis West 2016 geöffnet wurden, fanden zwischen dem 14. August und dem 6.... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyByzantine ArchaeologyLime KilnLimyra
Il s'agit de l'état de nos connaissances sur les fours à chaux d'époque impériale en Grèce, à la suite de la découverte de plusieurs d'entre eux durant la fouille des thermes du centre à Erétrie. Ce chapitre reprend en grande partie un... more
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      Lime KilnFours à Chaux
Rescue excavation. Cup-marks; lime-kiln.
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      Cup-marksLime Kiln
"Autovía del Pirineo, sections 4th and 5th. The protección of the Archeological Heritage This article presents the results of the archeological monitoring of sections 4th and 5th of the Autovía del Pirineo highway, located in the... more
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      PrehistoryLime KilnLonghouse
Interim report on the 2014 excavations at Utica.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
En el presente trabajo se reportan los resultados de un estudio arqueomagnético realizado en un horno para la quema de cal encontrado en la hacienda henequenera de San Pedro Cholul, localizada al noroeste de la ciudad de Mérida en el... more
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      ArchaeomagnetismArchaeomagnetic DatingHacienda henequeneraLime Kiln
La fouille de l'établissement portuaire antique de Saint-Martin-le-Bas à Gruissan (Aude) a mis au jour une importante occupation médiévale, à laquelle est associé un four à chaux daté entre le xi e et le début du xiii e siècle. Cette... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyHistory of lime mortarMedieval LanguedocArchéologie médiévale
Revue d'archéométrie 40 | 2016 Varia Gamme de chaux dans les économies anciennes. Méthodes de prélèvement et d'identification des types de chaux dans les fours (DRX, MEB-EDS, pétrographie) (Antiquité, Moyen Âge, époque moderne) Lime range... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMediterranean archaeologyLimestone