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En el presente estudio, de naturaleza fundamentalmente exploratoria, se ha aplicado el marco teórico de la difusión de la innovación (modelos de E. Rogers, F.M. Bass y G. Moore) con el objetivo de profundizar en el análisis de los niveles... more
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      Library ScienceAcademic LibrariesLibrary and Information ScienceIntegrated Library Systems
The paper is devoted to reviewing the existing means of detecting the transportation of dangerous materials and illicit objects. We analyse the currently available systems, the physical background of the corresponding techniques, and... more
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      Integrated Library SystemsDetectionIllicit DrugsSpecial Nuclear Materials
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      Open Source SoftwareLibrary and Information ScienceIntegrated Library SystemsDigital Asset Management
Should my library utilize open source software (OSS)? This is an important question, especially considering the possible benefits that OSS provides. This paper seeks to answer this question by analyzing four different types of libraries... more
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      Library ScienceOpen Source SoftwareArchivesIntegrated Library Systems
An increasing number of libraries are looking at moving away from the traditional Integrated Library System towards next-gen library systems, referred to as "Unified Resource Management Systems", “Webscale Management Solutions”, “Uniform... more
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      Library and Information ScienceElectronic Resource ManagementIntegrated Library SystemsLibrary Management Systems
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      Integrated Library SystemsData Converters(pipeline/sigma-Delta ADCs)Library System
The paper reviews the brief history of formation of different integrated library systems, as well as the characteristics of some of the modern types of them, and also highlights the selecting and implementing issues of the information... more
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      Academic LibrariesIntegrated Library SystemsILSADA University Library
This study explored the status of library software being used in the libraries of higher education institutions (HEIs) of Pakistan. A quantitative survey method was used. The population of this study was central/main libraries of all HEIs... more
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      Academic LibrariesPakistanIntegrated Library SystemsLibrary Automation
The assignment for Clarion University of Pennsylvania’s LS 573: Integrated Technologies in Libraries class required a student to analyze the features of an ILS through an interview with a librarian who used the ILS, and review recent... more
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      Library SciencePublic LibrariesIntegrated Library SystemsLibrary and Information Studies
Library systems are not the most glamorous software packages for institutions to spend money on, and it can be difficult to make the case for the staff time and budget to migrate systems, even if an existing system is out of date and no... more
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      Special LibrariesIntegrated Library Systems
Η αρχιτεκτονική βιβλιοθηκών είναι ένα θέμα που έχει απασχολήσει ελάχιστα την ελληνική βιβλιοθηκονομική κοινότητα, η οποία δεν ασχολήθηκε επισταμένα ή στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις η αποψή της αγνοήθηκε παντελώς. Η επιτακτική ανάγκη να... more
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      Library ScienceIntegrated Library SystemsLibrary AutomationThesaurus Construction
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      Library ScienceUsabilityOpen Source SoftwareIntegrated Library Systems
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      Integrated Library SystemsLibrary Information SystemsTechnology Acceptance ModelUniversitas Gadjah Mada
نظرا لأننا نعيش في عصر المعرفة ومع الحاجة الكبيرة لمواكبة عمليات التحول الى مجتمع المعرفة فكان لزاما على مؤسسات المعلومات باختلاف أنواعها مواكبة التطورات الحادثة على الساحة. ستتناول الدراسة الأنواع المختلفة لمؤسسات المعلومات والمتطلبات... more
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      Information ScienceInformation TechnologyLibrary ScienceDigital repositories
Perkembangan teknologi informasi sangat pesat di era globalisasi saat ini. Dengan kemajuan teknologi tersebut, pemanfaatan perangka komputer sebagai media untuk memproses data sangat membantu manusia dalam penyelesaian pekerjaan.... more
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    • Integrated Library Systems
"This paper attempts to design a framework for comparison of standards available in public domain and implementation of standards facilities in open source ILSs. The framework is mainly based on recommendations given by ILS-DI and IFLA... more
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      Open Source SoftwareIntegrated Library SystemsOpen StandardsKoha ILS
A chapter in Archives in Liquid Times, edited by Frans Smit, Arnoud Glaudemans, and Rienk Jonker
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      HistoryComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyPhilosophy
En este artículo se proporciona una descripción general de los Sistemas Integrales de Automatización de Bibliotecas, tanto propietarios como de Open Source, así como también conceptos, antecedentes, ventajas y desventajas de éstos.
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      Open Source SoftwareIntegrated Library Systems
The adoption of an Integrated Library Systems (ILS) helps library staff to automate libraries' routine operations. While some libraries are coping well with automation, others face challenges and setbacks. The purpose of the study is to... more
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      Integrated Library Systemspersons with disabilities (PWDs)
Given the grave situation of the ongoing pandemic, particularly in a vastly populated country like India, maintaining lockdown for extended periods of time is not a viable option without taking a severe hit in the economy. At some point,... more
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      Sensors and SensingInfectious DiseasesIntegrated Library SystemsElectronic Circuits
As mobile devices become more ubiquitous among library patrons, the needs of having access to mobile Online Public Catalog (OPAC) is in high demand. Forrester Research estimates that there are about a billion computers in the world as... more
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      Integrated Library SystemsILS KOHA (Open Source Library Software)Mobile OPAC
University libraries in Sri Lanka are gradually transforming their functions and services into a status to fit the current electronic era. However, due to the financial constraints, these libraries are deploying automation at various... more
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      Open Source SoftwareIntegrated Library SystemsLibrary AutomationUniversity libraries
En este documento se realiza una evaluación de dos Sistemas Integrales de Automatización de Bibliotecas (SIAB) con el fin de identificar ventajas y desventajas de los sistemas propietarios y los sistemas libres (SPX vs. Koha). Con el... more
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    • Integrated Library Systems
Después de contextualizar la educación superior en México, se ofrece un panorama de las condiciones de automatización de las bibliotecas universitarias en su Área Metropolitana, especialmente en lo que tiene que ver con el Sistema... more
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      Integrated Library SystemsUniversity Library
This is a case study on the opportunities provided by Open Source library systems and the experience of delivering these systems through a shared service. It derives from desk research, interviews, and direct involvement in the project.... more
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      Library ScienceCritical Studies in Library and Information ScienceLibrary and Information ScienceOpen Source/Open Access and Libraries
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons,
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      StandardsIntegrated Library SystemsInteroperability
ITALE is the association of Italian Ex Libris users. Currently, ITALE gathers over 40 institutions, universities, institutes of public and private research and public libraries sharing the same library systems and UNIMARC formats. Our... more
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      CataloguingFRBRAuthority controlIntegrated Library Systems
The Aga Khan University (AKU) is the only university in the developing world that is serving through its eleven campuses spread across eight countries and three continents. It has a network of nine libraries, although small in size, in... more
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      Integrated Library SystemsLibrary AutomationLibrary and Information Technology
This study intended to carry out a survey of engineering college libraries that have computerized their operations and services. It provides an implicit view of the professional experiences of the engineering college librarians in... more
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      Integrated Library SystemsLibrary Automation
A brief discussion of the process of carrying out a data migration aimed at library staff not specialized in technical services. It starts with a discussion on selecting an integrated library system (ILS) based on institutional needs,... more
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      Library ScienceNext Generation Library CataloguesLibrary and Information ScienceIntegrated Library Systems
The absence of standard library software is one of the main hinderance in the effective automation of libraries of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of Pakistan. A review of the literature does not provide the actual requirements of... more
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      Academic LibrariesPakistanLibrary software managementIntegrated Library Systems
Discovery systems such as Summon, EBSCO Discovery Service, Primo, and WorldCat Discovery Services have become part of academic libraries’ standard toolbox. The Olin Library at Rollins College became an early adopter of Serials Solutions... more
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      Integrated Library SystemsLibrary and Information TechnologyWEB SCALE DISCOVERY
The efficiency in bandwidth utilization and resilience to channel-induced fading makes the OFDM a preferred multicarrier modulation scheme. But the sensitivity of OFDM to frequency and time synchronization errors needs due consideration... more
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      Integrated Library SystemsGolay CodeMerit FactorIaeme Ijeet
This paper aims to examine integrated library systems (ILS) and web-scale discovery services (WSDS) of the National Institute of Ranking Framework’s (NIRF) top-ranked universities in India. The 200 top- ranked institutions in the NIRF... more
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    • Integrated Library Systems
The migration of the existing Voyager library system to the Aleph library system is currently in progress at the National and University Library in Zagreb. Involved at the same time in the Integrated Library System implementation process... more
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    • Integrated Library Systems
Análisis general de los pasos a seguir en la selección de sistemas integrales de automatización de bibliotecas.
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    • Integrated Library Systems
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      Information SystemsManagement Information SystemsSocial NetworksKnowledge Management
En este articulo se proporciona una descripcion general de los Sistemas Integrales de Automatizacion de Bibliotecas, tanto propietarios como de Open Source, asi como tambien conceptos, antecedentes, ventajas y desventajas de estos
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      EngineeringOpen Source SoftwareIntegrated Library Systems
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to give technical information about the application of ABCD open source software for managing institutional repository of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) at various levels with... more
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      Computer ScienceOpen Source SoftwareIntegrated Library SystemsLibrary and Information Studies
Software is growing ever-more complex and new software processes, methods and products put greater demands on software engineers than ever before. Software Engineering is broadly associated with the development of quality software with... more
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      Integrated Library SystemsGap AnalysisDistributed Software DevelopmentIjcet Iaeme
During the investigation and migration from one library system to another, there are many aspects to manage, some of these technical, while others are with personnel and change management. The presenters delve into various facets of... more
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      Change ManagementIntegrated Library SystemsUniversity Library Information SystemLibrary and Information Science ( Electronic Resources)
In the Open Access, e-publishing and e-research environment it is necessary to share and publish output of research immediately with larger audience to avoid duplication of work and reinventing the wheels. The attempts have been made for... more
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      Open Source SoftwareIntegrated Library SystemsABCDETDs
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      Integrated Library SystemsLibrary Automation
This study intends to carryout a survey of engineering college libraries that have computerized their operations and services. Thus this paper will provide an implicit view of experiences undergone by the engineering college librarians in... more
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      EngineeringIntegrated Library SystemsLibrary Automation
The present research is conceived as a study of effective use of integrated library software (ILS) in engineering college libraries of Karnataka. For this paper we have selected engineering college libraries of Bangalore region to explore... more
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      Integrated Library SystemsLibrary Automation
The primary aim of the project is to design, develop and implement Automatic Wall Painting Robot which helps to achieve low cost painting equipment. Despite the advances in robotics and its wide spreading applications, interior wall... more
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      PaintingIntegrated Library SystemsChemicalsRobots
Purpose The paper explores the circumstances and processes involved in implementing and migrating from a proprietary ILS (Follett’s Destiny) to an open-source ILS (Koha) for a special focus institution. Design/methodology/approach In... more
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      Project ManagementOpen AccessOpen Source SoftwareIntegrated Library Systems
Main objective of this paper is to assess the information literacy needs of the fresh M.Ed. students at the AKU-IED and to measure the impact of the information literacy sessions over the students by using the pretest and post-test... more
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      Institutional RepositoriesIntegrated Library Systems
The liaison concept has moved beyond just collection development. St. Cloud State University's Learning Resources & Technology Services (LR&TS) has begun to provide a non-traditional liaison team model of collaboration led by librarians... more
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      Academic LibrariesLiaison librarianshipIntegrated Library Systems