This paper narrates the method to construct twin and multi-prime Jacobi sequences using advanced search algorithms. In this context, the generated sequences are known as Low autocorrelation binary sequences (LABS).LABS detection is a...
moreThis paper narrates the method to construct twin
and multi-prime Jacobi sequences using advanced search
algorithms. In this context, the generated sequences are
known as Low autocorrelation binary sequences
(LABS).LABS detection is a classic problem in the
literature. LABS are used in Radar pulse compression
techniques to improve the visibility of the targets. As the
autocorrelation value decreases, the ability of the radar to
detect multiple targets increases. Since 1950’s numerous
methods were developed to solve LABS problem.
Computational requirements and time were the two
significant limitations in the past to this problem. With the
advancement of algorithms, these constraints were
subsided. In literature, based on the length of the binary
sequences, the appropriate algorithm is chosen to tackle
the LABS problem. We can implement linear search for
short sequences, for medium length sequences various
stochastic methods are available. But for very long range
sequences construction methods are the only available
option in the literature. Kristiansen [1] used direct search
method on Legendre sequences (with periodic rotation) to
achieve a merit factor of 6.34.When we replaced Legendre
sequences with Jacobi sequences, we achieved better
results. Instead of direct search method we have applied
advanced algorithms like steepest descent and Single step
with some modifications and achieved a merit factor of
6.4451. We have even constructed three and four prime
Jacobi sequences and got satisfactory results.