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      Digital ResourcesLearning ObjectsEducational Resources
El presente documento sirve de entrada, fundamentación y descripción sobre los materiales educativos TIC y su rol dentro de la política de incorporación de las TIC. El foco u objeto de este documento es el conjunto de procesos que... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyDigital MediaDigital Culture
This paper is concerned with the development of e-textbooks. We claim that analysis (and design) of e-textbooks requires the development of a specific frame. Digital affordances provide particular opportunities (e.g. in terms of... more
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      Instructional DesignDigital ResourcesE-textbooksConnectivity
In order to define instrumentation in the context of mathematics education, it is necessary to define instruments: at this stage of this article we do not differentiate between instruments and artifacts, i.e. regard them as things that... more
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      DesignInstrumentationAffordancesDigital Resources
This paper is an updated version of an entry of the Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education (Trouche, Gueudet & Pepin 2018). It is part of a collection, aiming to gather adaptations of this presentation 14 languages. The documentational... more
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      Teachers' professional developmentDigital ResourcesDocumentational genesesOperational invariants
Internet è uno strumento che offre straordinarie opportunità di raccogliere e consultare documenti, immagini e suoni: conoscenze sempre più utili e indispensabili nella società dell’informazione, in particolare per lo studio e per il... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesForeign language teaching and learningDigital Learning ResourcesDigital Resources
يتكون الكتاب الحالي من سبعة فصول. يعطي الفصل الأول الباحث فكرة عن متطلبات استخدام قواعد المعلومات الإلكترونية من الأجهزة والبرمجيات ومهارات الحاسب الأساسية التي ينبغي توافرها لديه. ويقدم الفصل الثاني تعريفا لبعض المصطلحات الأساسية... more
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      Digital ResourcesGuideElectronic DatabasesOnline Searching
Libraries have to play a central role in higher education institutions in supporting learning, teaching and research activities. Along with the other sectors of Higher Education, Library also has experience of last two decades of... more
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      Resource sharingDigital ResourcesLibrary NetworksUGC Infonet
“To instrumentalize” is generally defined as “to perform (a piece of music) using a musical instrument or instruments” or “To arrange or score (a piece of music) for instruments, especially for an orchestra”, or “To make or render... more
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      InstrumentationDigital ResourcesDesign processDocumentational geneses
The 'Documentation Approach to Didactics' is an entry of the Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education (Trouche, Gueudet & Pepin 2018) 1. This entry has been updated in 2020 (Trouche, Gueudet & Pepin 2020). This article is an Arabic... more
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      Digital ResourcesDocumentational genesesOperational invariantsCurriculum Materials
Geçmişte ilim için yollara düşenleri, gerçek mekânlar ve kütüphaneler beklemekteydi. Uzun süren yolculukların ardından kitaba dokunuluyor ve kitap hissediliyordu. Bilgisayar ve internet çağının araştırmacıları olarak bizler ise,... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsOld Turkish LiteratureDigital ResourcesLiterature Review
There is, in France, a long-term tradition of research in the didactics of mathematics. In this paper, we revisit this tradition using, as a specific lens, the research carried out on the educational use of digital tools and resources for... more
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      Computer Algebra SystemsDigital ResourcesDynamic geometry environmentThe Anthropological Theory of the Didactics
We propose a research tool useful to describe and identify elements of teachers’ schemes of digital resources selection. This tool allows the teacher to evoke (recall) actions and knowledge, through photos, videos and resources used by... more
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      Mathematics EducationDigital ResourcesDocumentational Aprroach of Didactics
The paper enlightens the professional environment about metadata application in hybrid libraries from both a theoretical and a practical perspective. It examines the main problems related to the “hybrid” nature of libraries and the... more
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      MetadataDigitizationDigital ResourcesDigital Library
Wersja recenzowana artykulu dostepna jest w publikacji "Przegląd Biblioteczny 2006, nr 2" (ISSN: 0033-202X) wydanej przez Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich / Peer-reviewed version of the article was published in... more
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      Library and Information ScienceDigital PreservationElectronic Theses and DissertationsDigital Resources
The documentational approach to didactics is a theory in mathematics education. Its first aim is to understand teachers' professional development by studying their interactions with the resources they use and design in/for their teaching.... more
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      Digital ResourcesDocumentational genesesOperational invariantsTeachers Professional Development
This article presents the proposal of the program for digital documents long-term archiving in polish libraries. The program includes the most actual standards of digital materials long term archiving recommended by organizations advanced... more
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      Library and Information ScienceDigital PreservationDigital ResourcesDigital Asset Management
(Final draft manuscript for Oxford Research Encyclopedia on Latin American History. The copy-edited version will soon be available at ORE for a limited time at no cost. Please cite that version. ) Given its historical and current roles... more
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      HistoryLatin American and Caribbean HistoryCoffeeDigital Resources
siehe die Präsentationen im angegebenen Link. Aus dem Inhalt: • Virtuelles Ausstellungsportal der Forschungsbibliothek Gotha • Programm zum Fachtag Digital Humanities in Jena • Kultur- und Wissensportal Thüringen • Editionsportal... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital Humanities
Social media platforms such as Twitter have allowed for a substantial increase in collaboration between academics, allowing access to information and advice from one side of the world to the other. This is especially true among both... more
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      ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyOpen AccessDigital Archaeology
9 11 ‫اىشاٍيح‬ ‫اىَنرثح‬ ‫اىشسَٜ‬ ‫اىَ٘قغ‬ : ‫ذحَٞو‬ ‫دُٗ‬ ‫اإلّرشّد‬ ‫ػثش‬ ‫ىيثحس‬ :
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      Textual CriticismManuscript StudiesCodicologyIslamic Studies
Purpose/Rational - The study has exclusive purpose to find out the literature growth on “Digital and Online Resources of Academic Libraries” within a specific time span 1981 to 2020. Digital resources play an important role in the... more
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      BibliometricsAcademic LibrariesDigital Learning ResourcesDigital Resources
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for... more
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      PsychologyEducationICT in EducationEquality and Diversity
This paper discusses the health information needs and drivers of UK patients in terms of a health 'information journey'. This journey is identified from the experiences of both NHS Direct, who provide information services, and patients... more
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      DesignMediationGrounded TheoryMedicine
A myriad of digital resources that can be used in educational purposes and which can be Learning Objects has emerged on the Internet. Imperative of the scientific research community is to make these Learning Objects available to all who... more
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      User InterfaceLearning resourceDigital ResourcesLearning Object
"""We study in this article mathematics teachers’ documentation work: looking for resources, selecting/designing mathematical tasks, planning their succession, managing available artifacts, etc. We consider that this documentation work is... more
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      Digital ResourcesProfessionnal DevelopmentTeacher BeliefsArtefacts
In this paper we aim to contribute to a better understanding of the impact of digital resources on mathematics teachers' work and professional development. For this purpose we focus on the emblematic case of an experienced mathematics... more
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      Teachers' professional developmentDigital ResourcesResource SystemDocumentational approach to didactics
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      HumanitiesDigital HumanitiesDocumentationQualitative Research
Publikacje elektroniczne stanowią obecnie pokaźną część światowych zasobów bibliotecznych, archiwalnych i muzealnych. Biorąc pod uwagę pogląd, że "technologia cyfrowa ulegnie trwałemu wbudowaniu w dorobek obecnego i następnych pokoleń... more
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      Library and Information ScienceDigital PreservationDigital ResourcesDigital Assets
Abstract: In this article, we try to gather some of the ideas exposed in the communication presented to the Jornadas sobre estudio y gestión del Patrimonio Cultural, held in Logroño, (24 - 26 of November of 2005). The above mentioned... more
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      Digital HumanitiesCultural HeritageDigital MediaDigital Archaeology
This paper discusses the health information needs and drivers of UK patients in terms of a health 'information journey'. This journey is identified from the experiences of both NHS Direct, who provide information services, and... more
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      DesignMediationGrounded TheoryMedicine
This article describes some of the results of the European project mcSquared ( regarding the use of Op'Art and optical illusion pieces as a tool to foster modeling and creative mathematical thinking in students. We... more
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      CreativityMathematics EducationTechnology Enhanced LearningDigital Resources
In this presentation, we present our experience, while working in the MC Squared project, with the design of educational digital resources aiming at promoting creative mathematical thinking. The resources are produced within an innovative... more
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      CreativityCollaborative DesignDigital Learning ResourcesDigital Resources
Russell Osgoode, then of Cornell Law School and now President of Grinnell College. For several years the AJLH continued to be published on a regular schedule, but during the 1990s, as a result of editorial changes and administrative... more
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      SociologyLawHistory of the BookLegal History
Digital resources can help the language teaching pro- cess in an innovative way and its use has become increasingly frequent in classroom practices. The present article seeks to deepen general re- flections regarding digital resources and... more
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      Digital ResourcesComputer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
هدف: وضعیت موجود حفاظت و نگهداری میراث ملی رقمی در سازمان اسناد و کتابخانه ملی جمهوری اسلامی ایران از این زوایا بررسی شده است. ش: 1) وضعیت حفاظت و نگهداری میراث ملی در قالب رقمی در سازمان اسناد و کتابخانه ملی 2) کارآیی و امکانات سازمان در... more
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      Digital Resourcesdigital protectionNational Library of Iran
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      E-learningDigital Learning ResourcesTechnology-enhanced LearningThematic Analysis
Поднимаются вопросы, связанные с изменениями в науке и образовании в цифровую эпоху: история и этапы развития информационного подхода в гуманитарных исследованиях, формиро- вание национальных школ. Характеризуются современное состояние и... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital ResourcesElectronic Resourcesмеждисциплинарные исследования в области истории
A review of the first version of Perseus, which came in several CD ROMS. At the time it was necessary even to explain what a CD ROM was. In ten years time, it will be necessary again to explain it to the ordinary teenager. An... more
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      ClassicsDigital HumanitiesDigital ResourcesOpen Educational Resources (Education)
The study and teaching of legal history has flourished in the last few decades in the United States. This progression has been augmented by several key factors. First, digital sources have made legal and historical documents widely... more
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      History of the BookLegal HistoryDigitizationDigital Media & Learning
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      Cultural HistoryVisual ArtsDigital ResourcesMuseums
There is, in France, a long-term tradition of research in the didactics of mathematics. In this paper, we revisit this tradition using, as a specific lens, the research carried out on the educational use of digital tools and resources for... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceComputer Algebra SystemsDigital Resources
As the title indicates, the themes of this paper are both process/es (creating) and product/s (digital humanities). We digitize humanities resources and make them (together with born digital materials) openly available in maximally... more
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      Digital LibrariesDigital HumanitiesDigital MediaDigital Culture
Since 1998 German National Library has been collecting and archiving scientific theses and dissertations. Main goal of „Disserationen Online” project is development of organizational and technical infrastructure and putting forward a... more
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      Library and Information ScienceDigital PreservationElectronic Theses and DissertationsDigital Resources
A myriad of digital resources that can be used in educational purposes and which can be Learning Objects has emerged on the Internet. Imperative of the scientific research community is to make these Learning Objects available to all... more
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      Digital ResourcesLearning Objects RepositoriesLearning ObjectsReusable Learning Objects
The mass of the Z boson has been determined by combining the data from the four LEP experiments ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL. The dominant error arises from uncertainties in the calibration of the energy of the beams in LEP. A programme of... more
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      Particle PhysicsGrey LiteratureDigital ResourcesTheses
The widespread availability of digital learning resources in a variety of media formats offers the possibility to make a profound difference in education. This potential has not been fully realised for range of interrelated reasons. In... more
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      Information SystemsChemistryEducational TechnologyDigital Resources
The paper focuses on the experience in publishing content for the Linked Heritage project, providing Europeana metadata information of two important Cypriot collections of the Archbishop Makarios III Foundation: the Byzantine Museum and... more
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      Digital LibrariesMetadataDigital ResourcesByzantine Museums