Golay Code
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Recent papers in Golay Code
In this paper, a fast and efficient decoding algorithm for correcting the (23, 12, 7) Golay code up to four errors is presented. The aim of this paper is to develop a fast syndrome-group search method for finding the candidate codewords... more
New multilevel constructions of the Golay code and the Leech lattice are presented. These are derived from the 'hryn construction and the "holy construction" with the octacode as the glue code. Further, we show that the "holy... more
New efficient algorithms for maximum likelihood soft decision decoding of some binary self-dual codes are presented. The performances in the sense of computational complexity and coding gain are demonstrated. 2.1.4
Channel coding is commonly incorporated to obtain sufficient reception quality in wireless mobile communications transceiver to counter channel degradation due to inter-symbol interference, multipath dispersion, and thermal noise induced... more
The current work presents a correlation-based detection technique with application in modulated laserultrasonics. In standard use of coded sequences the impulse response of a system is recovered in the time domain with improved signal to... more
We study a construction of the Mathieu group M12 using a game reminiscent of Loyd's \15-puzzle". The elements of M12 are realized as permu- tations on 12 of the 13 points of the nite projective plane of order 3. There is a... more
The efficiency in bandwidth utilization and resilience to channel-induced fading makes the OFDM a preferred multicarrier modulation scheme. But the sensitivity of OFDM to frequency and time synchronization errors needs due consideration... more
code E6 over an Abelian group A4 with four elements is presented. E6 is cyclic, unlike the [6,3,4] hexacode HG over GF(4). However, E 6 and Hfi are isomorphic when the latter is viewed as a group code. Differences and similarities between... more
New number-theoretic transforms are derived from known linear block codes over finite fields. In particular, two new such transforms are built from perfect codes, namely the Hamming number-theoretic transform and the Golay... more
New number-theoretic transforms are derived from known linear block codes over finite fields. In particular, two new such transforms are built from perfect codes, namely the \textit {Hamming number-theoretic transform} and the \textit... more
New number-theoretic transforms are derived from known linear block codes over finite fields. In particular, two new such transforms are built from perfect codes, namely the Hamming number-theoretic transform and the Golay... more
Let A(n, d) be the maximum number of 0, 1 words of length n, any two having Hamming distance at least d. We prove A(20, 8) = 256, which implies that the quadruply shortened Golay code is optimal.