Digital repositories
Recent papers in Digital repositories
Humanities researchers are producing large volumes and heterogeneous varieties of language and literature data collections in digital format. These collections include dictionaries, thesauri, corpora, images, audio and video resources.... more
With the increasing functionality and complexity of distributed systems, resource failures are inevitable. While numerous models and algorithms for dealing with failures exist, the lack of public trace data sets and tools has prevented... more
- O advento do documento digital
- Gestão e preservação
- Repositórios Digitais
- Auditoria de Repositórios
- Preservação Digital Sistêmica
- Cadeia de custódia digital arquivística
- Gestão e preservação
- Repositórios Digitais
- Auditoria de Repositórios
- Preservação Digital Sistêmica
- Cadeia de custódia digital arquivística
The National Archive of Portugal (IAN/TT) doesn't currently have the needed infrastructures to support the processes of ingestion and management of digital objects produced by the public administration (PA). The eGovernment... more
While large grids are currently supporting the work of thousands of scientists, very little is known about their actual use. Because of strict organizational permissions, there are few or no traces of grid workloads available to the grid... more
The ODL concept and the Bologna Process principles are largely opposed to the traditional way of organizing the learning process. In the new conditions, the didactic process requires a new “didactic machine”, that extends the tasks... more
This paper reports on an investigation into the online visibility of work undertaken in South Africa in the field of poverty alleviation. An experiment with Google searches was undertaken, motivated by concerns about the visibility of... more
Babini, D. (2013) “Voices from the Global South on Open Access in Social Sciences”. In: Open Access Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Open Access Conference Booklet, London School of Economics Public Policy Group & SAGE... more
Manual Practico de subir archivos al Repositorio DSPACE
Session on linked data and OpenRefine in "Stay Savvy with Scholarly Communication Brown Bag Lunch" at the University of Central Florida Libraries. It covers the following topics: Why does linked data matter? How can libraries and... more
Researchers in digital humanities have for many years been producing online editions of texts based on TEI XML, a widely-adopted standard for marking up textual resources with semantic content. However, this has led to a certain isolation... more
Referências: FLORES, Daniel. O SEI como SIGAD ou SIGAD de Negócio: Sistema Eletrônico de Informações (MPOG). Palestra. Belo Horizonte - MG. 41 slides, color, Padrão Slides Google Drive/Docs 4x3. Material elaborado para Palestra no 4º... more
Digital preservation is too big a challenge for any institution or solution supplier to confront on its own. The success of any long-term digital repository will depend upon multiple "open" services provided by a wide range of service... more
Installées dans un immeuble spécialement conçu pour cet effet, les Archives Municipales de Ponte de Lima sont chargées de préserver la mémoire archivistique et historique du Département Régional et, entre autres, de la gestion intégrée de... more
This study looks into the life of a virtual gaming community, CTO Sims – a small slice of a wider community that engages in what Bruns (2006) has termed produsage, remediating videogame assets and content from a PC game, The Sims (2000)... more
The Digital Repository Project, initiated by the National Film Archive in 2010, is just finishing its fifth year. The project’s aims were to digitize, archive, catalogue and make available the Polish cinema to a broader audience. The... more
RESUMO: Os repositórios digitais surgiram a partir da Iniciativa dos Arquivos Abertos e do Movimento de Acesso Livre e se tornaram atores importantes na dinamização do processo de comuni-cação científica, sendo utilizados por instituições... more
Este manual visa orientar o processo de auditoria de RDC-Arq’s, partindo da análise do OAIS e do ACTDR. Desta forma, enfatiza aspectos da Arquivística que devem ser considerados pela administração do repositório. Este manual visa... more
نظرا لأننا نعيش في عصر المعرفة ومع الحاجة الكبيرة لمواكبة عمليات التحول الى مجتمع المعرفة فكان لزاما على مؤسسات المعلومات باختلاف أنواعها مواكبة التطورات الحادثة على الساحة. ستتناول الدراسة الأنواع المختلفة لمؤسسات المعلومات والمتطلبات... more
تتناول الإستراتيجية المقترَحة استراتيجيات الوصول الحر للمعلومات العلمية، دور المكتبات الجامعية فى تقديم خدمة الوصول الحر. وتمت صياغة استنادًا على أحدث سياسات الوصول الحر بالجامعات ذات التصنيفات العالمية المتقدمة، والتجارب الناجحة... more
This site introduces 6 of 20 karuta (Japanese game) card sets held as part of the East Asia Image Collection in the Special Collections Department of Lafayette College Library. It currently hosts one exhibit of the karuta cards, offering... more
This chapter discusses digital libraries and repositories. The purpose of this research is to identify digital libraries and repositories in India available in the public domain. It highlights the state of digital libraries and... more
Universal access to information and knowledge lies UNESCO's overall mandate to promote the free flow of information by word and by image and thus to place information and knowledge at the doorsteps of communities. UNESCO strives to forge... more
In the digital age, the amount of data produced is growing exponentially. Governments and institutions can no longer rely on old methods for storing data and passing on the knowledge to future generations. Digital data preservation is a... more
Potentials of scientific research in general are obviously subject to changes in accordance with current digital information and communication environment, which is capable to give new, advanced performances, or those essentially... more
The article describes the research conducted to identify the barriers to dissemination and communication of scientific articles made available by institutional digital repositories through self-archiving. Transilvania University of Brasov... more
This article presents an analysis of the application of softwares Archivematica and ICA - AtoM for preservation, access and research of the photographic collection of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, under the extension project... more
Shearer, K. & Babini, D.(2014). Challenges for the Global Periphery. In: Mapping the Future of Scholarly Publishing. The Open Science Initiative Working Group. National Science Communications Institute.... more
The paper provides an overview of the digital tools developed as part of the Ebla Digital Archives Project, which aims to offer a digital edition of roughly 3,000 cuneiform tablets from ancient Ebla (modern Tell Mardikh, in western... more
Digital curation emerged recently as an important concept in the theory and management of cultural heritage information. This paper presents the approach and research agenda adopted by the newly-founded Digital Curation Unit of Athena... more
Austin CC; Brown S; Fong N; Humphrey C; *Leahey A; Webster P (2015). IASSIST Quarterly. Data sharing is increasingly recognized as integral to scientific research and publishing. This requires informed and thoughtful preparation from... more
Research in the arts and humanities is often associated with the world of the solitary scholar, surrounded by dusty books, manuscripts, or artefacts. As early as 1959, C.P. Snow lamented the "gulf of mutual incomprehension"... more
RESUMO Este estudo discute a implementação de repositórios arquivísticos em conformidade com o Sistema Aberto para Arquivamento de Informação e a necessidade de auditá-los para avaliar sua confiabilidade. Para tanto, realiza-se um... more
Open access facilitates the availability and distribution of scholarly communication freely, as a means and effort to solve the problem of inaccessibility, primarily due to fi nancial constraints, particularly in the developing countries.... more
The paper gives an overview of open access (OA) institutional digital repositories (IDRs) in agricultural fields. The main objective is to provide free and unrestricted access to the public funded research outputs in global-scale in the... more
Esta tesis ha sido desarrollada a modo de compendio de publicaciones las cuales presentan el proceso y los resultados de esta investigación, así como las líneas de investigación futuras. Los artículos han sido publicados entre 2012 y 2014... more
Se presenta un recorido por la colección fotográfica que conserva el Archivo de la Alhambra, agrupándolas según la forma de adquisición. Además, se analiza los procesos de gestión y difusión de la misma, presentando el repositorio donde... more