ABCD open source software for managing ETD repositories

2014, Library Management, Vol. 35 Issue: 4/5

In the Open Access, e-publishing and e-research environment it is necessary to share and publish output of research immediately with larger audience to avoid duplication of work and reinventing the wheels. The attempts have been made for having database of theses and dissertations in many countries. To support this activity few countries has made it mandatory to researchers to submit their work in electronic form and in universal language i.e. English. Attempts are being made to digitize the previously submitted theses and dissertations in many countries. In India Vidyanidhi, Inflibnet, DELNET, Shodhganga, etd@IISC and many more are managing eTheses repositories. Presently Greenstone, Dspace, Eprint, Drupal, ABCD and other open source digital library and Content management softwares are widely used all over the world for managing electronic resources. This paper discusses on how eTheses and eDissertation full text or abstract databases with international standard format can be created using ABCD Open Source Software of UNESCO and BIREME, Brazil and how to give partial or full text access to eTheses and eDissertation through ABCD site. It also gives the examples of users of this software from different parts of countries for this purpose. Parallel Session B - Software & Technical Issues I 1) ABCD open source software for managing ETD repositories Dhamdhere, Sangeeta N, Librarian/Assistant Professor, University of Pune, India Lihitkar, Ramdas, Librarian, Government College of Science, India In the Open Access, e-publishing and e-research environment it is necessary to share and publish output of research immediately with larger audience to avoid duplication of work and reinventing the wheels. The attempts have been made for having database of theses and dissertations in many countries. To support this activity few countries has made it mandatory to researchers to submit their work in electronic form and in universal language i.e. English. Attempts are being made to digitize the previously submitted theses and dissertations in many countries. In India Vidyanidhi, Inflibnet, DELNET, Shodhganga, etd@IISC and many more are managing eTheses repositories. Presently Greenstone, Dspace, Eprint, Drupal, ABCD and other open source digital library and Content management softwares are widely used all over the world for managing electronic resources. This paper discusses on how eTheses and eDissertation full text or abstract databases with international standard format can be created using ABCD Open Source Software of UNESCO and BIREME, Brazil and how to give partial or full text access to eTheses and eDissertation through ABCD site. It also gives the examples of users of this software from different parts of countries for this purpose. 2) Batch import of metadata and corresponding bit-streams in Dspace Shewale, Nanaji, Librarian, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, India Barve, Sunita, Senior Technical Officer, National Chemical Laboratory, India Prasad, ARD, Professor and Head, Documentation Research and Training Centre, India Madalli, Devika P., Associate Professor, Documentation Research and Training Centre, India Dspace is one of the open source software widely used for building institutional repositories across the world. According to DOAR1 and ROAR2, DSpace has largest number of installations. While uploading records in DSpace it is a challenging task to upload individual record into DSpace along with its metadata and bit-stream. As per the known procedures, either one can upload one record at a time or bulk upload only metadata without any support of uploading bit-stream associated with each record. We present here an additional feature that facilitates bulk imports. We share our experience especially regarding issues of metadata and discuss some of the precautionary measures and tips that are necessary while preparing the DC metadata. We describe a methodology to import bulk DC metadata along with its bit-streams, URIs or the URL of the documents in respective directories as required by DSpace. Most of the digital repositories, especially in the Indian context, are administered by library professionals who may not have in-depth knowledge of technology. We hope that the facility and methodology described here will assist repository managers to upload their digital documents metadata along with corresponding digital files into DSpace repository. 24th September 2013 (Tuesday) 16:00-17:00 Parallel Session A - ETD Life Cycle II 1) Policy shift and repository infrastructure. The road to EDT only collection at the University of Sydney Christensen, Sten, Sydney eScholarship Repository Coordinator, University of Sydney Library, Australia If one looks at the content archived in institutional repositories across the world, one would find that the EDT’s make up a significant and important portion of that content. However, even with the benefits of open access and the pressure of mandates, building and growing such collections can be challenging. To effectively build and maintain an EDT collection requires not only a mandate but a significant policy shifts across the organisation. The University of Sydney has made very significant changes to its Higher Degree Research Rule in 2011effectivelyallowing the Library to change the way it collects, stores, manages and disseminates theses. As of 2013 the University of Sydney Library will quickly phase out the collection bound paper based theses making EDTs the only accepted format for dissemination and archival purposes whether thebe open access or local access only. This paper will detail the challenges around the implementation of such a policy, the impact that the institutional repository has had, through successfully managing voluntary EDT submission, in driving such a policy shift across the institution. It will discuss the support infrastructure that was already available to make such a policy change easily work, the role of the institutional repository and the changes in internal processes that that were essential to meet the policy shift and successfully move to an EDT only environment. 2) Using an ETD database as an incubator for research discovery: a report of findings McLean, Austin, Director of Scholarly Communication and Dissertations Publishing, ProQuest / UMI, USA 3 of 12 9/12/2014 5:13 PM