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Start Here---> <---Get complete detail on PfMP exam guide to crack Portfolio Management. You can collect all information on PfMP tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm your... more
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    • Project Management
ABSTRACT Lean Six Sigma Executive Overview (Case Study) Templates are a guide to Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Projects. Lean Six Sigma Practitioners use the DMAIC (Define,... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationEngineering
Purpose Project risk management (PRM) and human resource management (HRM) are the two critical success factors (CSFs) for international project management. This paper aims to correlate these two CSFs, identify the human resource (HR)... more
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      Project ManagementProject Risk ManagementInternational Project ManagementEmerald Journal
This article examines how 'safety case' experts working on Finland’s nuclear waste repository project at Olkiluoto summoned, conjured, or channeled memories of Seppo—a deceased colleague whose ‘specter,’ as some put it, still ‘haunts’... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringEuropean StudiesExpert SystemsNuclear Physics
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      BusinessManagementProject ManagementHuman Resource Management
The traditional approach to the management of projects in the construction industry is constantly challenged, in particular the implementation of processes and the application of the project management knowledge base in complex projects.... more
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      Complex Systems ScienceOrganizational ChangeInternational BusinessProject Management
Although Enterprise System (ES) implementation (formerly Enterprise Resource Planning systems) literature is extremely broad, most of it takes the perspective of the implementing organisation and its employees, i.e., project managers, key... more
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      Project ManagementConsultantsEnterprise SystemsConsulting
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      Development StudiesForestryProject ManagementCapacity Development
This work is a research done by Mwalimu Martin Otundo out of a friend's inkling. The idea of the project was initially put forward by Adam. Publication has been done by Mwalimu martin Otundo to add knowledge and literature to other... more
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      Project ManagementProject Risk ManagementProject-Based LearningProject Managment
"Since its very inception, social work has been considered an organizationally based profession, with the majority of its workforce employed within formal organizations. Whether in nonprofit, for-profit, or governmental agencies, the... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
Review the marketplace by looking at ads, magazines, newspapers, yellow pages, television, compare goods at various stores;
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      BusinessMarketingProject Management
Cette quatrième partie du séminaire "Ingénierie des projets de communication)" à destination d'étudiants de langues et de lettres, s'occupe plus particulièrement à une présentation rapide des activités "techniques" dans le montage d'un... more
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      Organizational CommunicationProject ManagementMass CommunicationMarketing Communications
kniha Strategický manažment projektov. 2012. Papula Ján, Bratislava: Pagoda, ISBN 978-80-969698-6-9. 127 s. dostupná v predajni publikácií Knižnice Fakulty managementu Univerzity Komenského, Odbojárov 10/a, Bratislava. Prístavba,... more
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    • Project Management
Project portfolio management (PPM) is evolving swiftly and becoming the main tool of managing complex project environment. Many organisations are adopting this system in an effort to achieve a better strategic alignment, reduce... more
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! ! The EFCE Working Party on Loss Prevention organized its 1 st symposium in 1974 ! ! Past year, the 13 th symposium has been held in Florence and with much success ! ! Over the years the field of loss prevention and process safety much... more
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Click Here---> <---Get complete detail on PSM II exam guide to crack Professional Scrum Master. You can collect all information on PSM II tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus.... more
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      Project ManagementScrum
Start Here---><---Get complete detail on CSQE exam guide to crack ASQ Certified Software Quality Engineer. You can collect all information on CSQE tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and... more
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      Software EngineeringProject ManagementSoftware Quality EngineeringSoftware Quality
Project selection is vital phase in the project management cycle. At this phase, stakeholders evaluate each project idea and select projects of highest priority. Theory suggests that the best way to optimize project selection performance... more
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      Tourism MarketingTourism ManagementProject ManagementTourism Planning and Policy
Most project management research to date has developed extended theories and concepts that de-contextualize projects from their cultural and institutional surroundings. Such de-contextualization tends to highlight instrumental factors and... more
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      GlobalizationProject ManagementCross-Cultural ManagementGlobal Marketing
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      BusinessManagementMarketingProject Management
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      Project ManagementWalt Disney CompanyEuro Disney
This study sought to examine the relationship of strategic management practices and firm performance in Postbank. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: (i) to determine the competitive strategies adopted by Postbank;... more
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      BusinessManagementMarketingBusiness Ethics
MPLEMENTASI TEORI KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, BUDAYA ORGANISASI, DAN TEAM WORK UNTUK PENINGKATAN KINERJA MANAJEMEN PROYEK Pada buku ini banyak penerapan Teori untuk dunia industri / Project Management serta membantu para Project Manager dapat... more
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      ManagementProject ManagementHuman Resource ManagementConstruction Project Management
A project management methodology is a set of procedures and techniques that can be modulated and applied to a specific situation. It is methodological process that provides a procedural list of tasks and procedures with aim to attain... more
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      Project ManagementConstruction ManagementConstructionRiba
Start Here---> <---Get complete detail on PMI-RMP exam guide to crack Risk Management Professional. You can collect all information on PMI-RMP tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and... more
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    • Project Management
Megaprojects are large, they are constantly growing ever larger, and more and more are being built in what has been called the biggest investment boom in history. This chapter serves as an introduction to megaprojects, and to The Oxford... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
In a city like Dubai, where one of the biggest and fastest growing construction markets in the world exists, the need to estimate the cost of quality in the construction projects becomes a vital task. This research used the... more
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      Project ManagementCost of Quality
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    • Project Management
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    • Project Management
Earned Value Analysis For A Construction Project, Anuj Dubey, Journal Impact Factor (2015): 9.1215 (Calculated by GISI) ABSTRACT Cost overruns and time overruns are prevalent in most of the projects carried out in... more
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      Civil EngineeringProject ManagementInternational Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
Happiness is a pleasant feeling that the person spend most of the time and satisfied his/her feeling to overall life.This study aimed to acquire on the extent of the self-esteem influence the level of happiness of the level of happiness... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageProject Management
With the increasing popularity of Agile Methods, many software organisations are moving away from traditional methods to adopt Agile development methodologies. Instead of being predictive, Agile is rather adaptive and people-focussed. It... more
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      Project ManagementAgile Software Process ImprovementAgile Project ManagementSoftware Development
Bu çalışmada, kitapta yer alan ilk 28 bilim adamı ile ilgili 100 adet soru ve cevap hazırlanmıştır. Sorular 3 bölüme ayrılmıştır:
1. Teori ve Kavramlar
2. Kişiler
3. Eserler
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      ManagementProject ManagementStrategic ManagementYönetim Ve Organizasyon
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      Strategy (Military Science)Project ManagementStrategic StudiesStrategic Management
After 15 months of writing (part time  ) and four months of editing, indexing, etc. today I can announce that my book ‘Demystifying Project Control’ is available from Amazon. Whether you are working in project control or indeed any... more
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      Project ManagementComplexityProject Control
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      BusinessManagementPublic AdministrationProject Management
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    • Project Management
The rising trend of outsourcing IT projects to countries with more economical workforce and considerable time differential, has given rise to a host of problems relating teamwork. Co-location, which was once considered an effective... more
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      MulticulturalismVirtual EnvironmentsProject ManagementMultinational
Start Here---> <---Get complete detail on ITIL Foundation exam guide to crack IT Service Management (ITSM). You can collect all information on ITIL Foundation tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam... more
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      Project ManagementITIL Foundation books
This book uses sports as a metaphor for research methods. It focuses on how to use and build frameworks for empirical research. The frameworks are analogous to a "play", which is connected to a unique purpose and directs the movement of... more
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      Public AdministrationSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch Methodology
Engaging stakeholders on projects provides an in-depth examination of the topic covered in the APM Body of Knowledge 7th edition. It gives project professionals detailed tips, tools and practical steps to help improve ways of working and... more
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      Project ManagementStakeholder Engagement
Construction projects in Egypt are categorized with high uncertainties. Coping with change in construction projects is such a big challenge that a project manager could face in managing a project. Change is something evitable specially... more
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      Project ManagementConstruction ManagementLean ConstructionAgile Project Management
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      ManagementAdult EducationProject ManagementHigher Education
The 2014 update of this note is now available at — On the basis of research they did to improve construction productivity in the 1980s, Glenn Ballard and Greg Howell created The Last Planner System (LPS) to... more
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      Informal LearningProject ManagementConstruction ManagementLean Project Delivery
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      BusinessInformation SystemsManagementMarketing
Click Here---> <---Get complete detail on AgilePM Foundation exam guide to crack AgilePM Foundation Level. You can collect all information on AgilePM Foundation tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam... more
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If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
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    • Project Management
Jerry should go to the General Manager for different reasons. First, what Frank want to do it is not legal, so if Jerry do not report to the GM he could be a party to a fraud that could get both Jerry and the company in legal trouble and... more
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      BusinessProject Management