Husserlian phenomenology
Recent papers in Husserlian phenomenology
My paper addresses the founding body emotions of architecture, and in particular it aims at redefining the sublime into phenomenological terms. Starting from Kant, it argues that the phenomenological sublime is a bodily-felt emotion... more
A tout instant, quoi que nous fassions, nous sommes environnés par des corps qui réduisent l’espace et opposent de la résistance. Que sont ces corps qui saturent notre quotidien et avec lesquels il nous faut constamment négocier l’espace... more
This paper will focus on the aims, methods and problems of both Husserl's and Foucault's projects in order to mark their differences and their similarities. In so doing, it will underscore their shared (Kantian) goal: to strengthen the... more
In this chapter I focus on a few selected building blocks that will pave the way for a renewed, thorough, and sober phenomenological reading of Marx’s philosophy. I intend to show here that this can be done best through 1) moving Marx... more
Abstract Tanto Kant como Husserl fundamentan su filosofía en la distinción entre las cosas tal como son en sí mismas y el fenómeno. Pero mientras que en Kant esta distinción reposa en las facultades respectivas y en la función mediadora... more
De wil tot waarheid is vanaf het begin van de filosofie de voornaamste drijfveer geweest om filosofie te bedrijven. Hoewel filosofie volgens Husserl nooit iets op een objectief geldige manier heeft kunnen stellen, hebben de wetenschappen... more
Dialectics of the fable "The Matrix", A philosophical Machine By Alain Badiou “Nevertheless we must recognise that the three films have a problem in common, which is simply the fundamental problem of cognition: what is it that, from... more
Putting the question of the long development and inheritance of immune functions (phylogenesis) in touch with that of cultural inheritance (epiphylogenesis), the article questions lines of continuity between somatic mutation,... more
took his position in the Methodenstreit of his day largely in a polemic against what he regarded as invalid methodologies of psychological reductionism, social organizism, evolutionism, and both idealist and materialist teleologies.... more
Professeur de philosophie à l'Université Saint-Louis à Bruxelles et à l'Université du Luxembourg, où il enseignait la logique et la philosophie contemporaine de l'esprit et du langage, Robert Brisart est décédé le 25 février 2015.... more
В статье рассматривается сознанный Фирдоуси образ Искандера в «Шахнаме» через призму онтологической безопасности. Под онтологической безопасностью понимается защищенный горизонт между онтологическим ядром человека и внешним миром. Как... more
The question of personal identity in Husserl's work: Husserl's analysis shows that the perceptual present always displays a train of retained impressions; retention motivates protention through a passive process of association, governed... more
Persona y Accion, obra cumbre del pensamiento del filosofo Karol Wojtyla, mejor conocido como San Juan Pablo II, o Papa Juan Pablo II en su momento.
Il volume raccoglie alcune riflessioni composte da Husserl nel 1927. Nei testi, l’autore insiste sull’importanza del “mondo–della–vita” soggettivo–relativo, utile “terreno di fondazione” anche per il mondo oggettivo delle scienze. Le... more
How is a process of serial drawing understood to record the phenomenological ‘stream of consciousness’ that underpins it? This research question emerges from a hypothesis driving the research: that when considered as a form of expression... more
Felsefe târihi içinde filozofların zihnini meşgûl eden sorulardan belki de en önde geleni, hakîkatin ne olduğu sorusudur. Yaklaşık iki bin beş yüz yıldır bu soruya cevap arandığına göre hakîkat, filozofun gözlerini kamaştıran, büyüsünden... more
Wenn Lernen dort beginnt, wo etwas Neues erlebt wird, so muss der vorreflexive Erfahrungsgrund, das sinnliche, leibliche Erlebnis freigelegt werden. Es ist die primäre Aufgabe einer ontologischen Praxis als lebendiger Vollzug, die von... more
ll phenomenology is correlation-research, that is, it is about the dynamic space of mediation "between" the human knower-or-actor and whatever is known-or-acted-upon. That space is the field of meaning, and phenomenology in its first... more
I show some problems with recent discussions within qualitative research that centre around the “authenticity” of phenomenological research methods. I argue that attempts to restrict the scope of the term “phenomenology” via reference to... more
Our lack of awareness of Being results in bewildering experience. The intrinsic inner radiance, the inner light of Being arises out of primordial luminous spaciousness, the unbound openness of unbound pure potentiality. When this... more
Husserlian phenomenology is an ambitious project, aiming to be First Philosophy, the ultimate science. For Husserl, this means that for any science, indeed for any piece of knowledge, phenomenology must be capable of elucidating the... more
Die phänomenologischen Prinzipien eines "Gegebenseins" und einer "Selbstgegebenheit" der Dinge können insbesondere für eine Beschreibung und Erforschung derjenigen Phänomene fruchtbar gemacht werden, die sich ihrem ureigenen Wesen nach... more
This article argues that, propaedeutic to the construction of an Objectivist aesthetics, scholars must refute the irrational/immoral philosophical premises that have been destroying the philosophy of art. Due to the troubling combination... more
We have two ways of knowing. Our mind knows forms, things, both subtle and gross. Faces, hands, buildings, trees, math formulas, mind knows subject and the mind knows otherness. The mind knows dualities, the mind knows me and you, us and... more
In the Gudyargarbha tantra there is this most wonderful verse. Appearances, sounds, and thoughts are the diety, mantra and the state of dharmakaya. What this wonderful language brings forward into our awareness is the amazing... more
„Eine volle Ontologie ist Teleologie“, sagt Husserl, „sie setzt aber das Faktum voraus“. Die Bedingung der Möglichkeit dieser Teleologie ist „das Sein der teleologischen Wirklichkeit selbst“, eben „das Ver-wiesenwerden auf die Urfakta der... more
The historically rich and diverse tradition of phenomenology has contributed broadly to the emergence of environmental thought across the humanities and social sciences and is increasingly influential on environmental ethics and... more
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
تتناول هذه الدراسة بالمقارنة فيلسوفين من أهم فلاسفة العصر الحديث، إمانويل كانط مؤسس الفلسفة النقدية، وإدموند هوسرل مؤسس الفينومينولوجيا. وتهدف في المقام الأول توضيح أن فينومينولوجيا هوسرل تدين بأصولها لفلسفة كانط، وهي استمرار لأسلوب... more
التعرف على فينومينولوجيا هوسرل وعلى العناصر التي استخدمها في تحليلاته الفينومينولوجية كما نود أن ننبه على أن التركيز في هذه الدراسة سوف يكون على عناصر التحليل الفينومينولوجي لدى هوسرل، لا على خطوات أو لحظات المنهج الثلاث المتعارف عليها:... more
Modern psychiatry, as represented by Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926), and phenomenology, as developed by Edmund Husserl, began around the same time, namely, during the last decades of the 19th century. Moreover, psychiatry and phenomenology... more
In my thesis, I examine Husserl's method of reduction – the investigation method of his transcendental phenomenology. I answer the question as to whether or not the method of reduction necessarily leads to solipsism. My point of departure... more
A person's own inner most awareness and the movements within their awareness field bring forth their direct personal experience of their cosmological archetypal field of awareness. This spontaneous event is given to us within the... more
While embodiment is crucial for Husserl’s theory of perception and his account of empathy, it is also the beating heart of his transcendental philosophy. For Husserl, there is neither a purely formal transcendental ego, nor pure forms of... more
Timeless awareness is the essence of Dzogchen. Time experienced within timeless awareness is also an expression of the essence of Dzogchen. Dzogchen is an ancient form of Tibetan mystic humanism. Dzogchen makes the essential distinction... more
This paper seeks to relate Edmund Husserl’s conception of time to developments in the standardisation of time in the modern period. Assessing Husserl’s innovation with regards to the experience of time and raising key issues pertaining to... more
This text examines the many transformations in Husserl’s phenomenology that his discoveries of the nature of appearing lead to. It offers a comprehensive look at the Logical Investigations’ delimitation of the phenomenological field, and... more
Sartre’s early works on phenomenology reveal the complexity of his relationship to Husserl. Deeply indebted to phenomenology’s method as well as its substance, Sartre nonetheless confronted Husserl’s transcendental turn from Ideas onward.... more
Introductions to and translations of:
1. Their work on the Encyclopaedia Britannica article "Phenomenology"
2. Husserl's Amsterdam Lectures
3. Husserl's marginal notes to Sein und Zeit and Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik
4. Appendices
1. Their work on the Encyclopaedia Britannica article "Phenomenology"
2. Husserl's Amsterdam Lectures
3. Husserl's marginal notes to Sein und Zeit and Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik
4. Appendices
Phenomenology is not so much an exact methodological doctrine as the title of a family of ideas, which originate in the work of the founder of the so-called phenomenological movement, Edmund Husserl. A common denominator that all authors... more
Enfoque fenomenológico de Edmund Husserl
Unidad didáctica. Módulos de Epistemología Social
Unidad didáctica. Módulos de Epistemología Social
An exposition in graphic novel form of key concepts and methodological steps in Husserl's Second Cartesian Meditation. Introduces: the natural attitude vs. the transcendental attitude, transcendentally reduced experience (the... more
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more