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The hermeneutical tradition represented by Yorck, Heidegger, and Gadamer has distrusted Dilthey as suffering from the two sins of modernism: scientific “positivism” and individualistic and aesthetic “romanticism.” On the one hand,... more
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      HermeneuticsPhenomenologyWilhelm DiltheyContinental Philosophy
Vor genau 100 Jahren wurde der bis dahin weitgehend unbekannte Privatgelehrte Oswald Spengler (1880– 1936) mit seinem Monumentalwerk vom Untergang des Abendlandes auf einen Schlag berühmt und avancierte zu einem der einflussreichsten... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
In this article, I explicate Husserl’s phenomenology of the person as found in Ideen II by examining the most important aspects of persons in this work. In the first section, I explicate the concept of the surrounding world (Umwelt) with... more
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      PhenomenologyJurgen HabermasContinental PhilosophyGilles Deleuze
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      20th-century German philosophyRobert Spaemann, human personRobert Spaemann
Friedrich Nietzsche’s intellectual autobiography *Ecce Homo* has always been a controversial book. Nietzsche prepared it for publication just before he became incurably insane in early 1889, but it was held back until after his death, and... more
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      German StudiesFriedrich NietzscheNietzscheGerman Literature and Culture
When female intellectuals become celebrities in America, much of their notoriety seems to derive from their sex. The female intellectual is packaged as a personality. Publicists and the public feel no shame in gossiping about such women's... more
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      Intellectual HistoryGerman StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's History
In his entire oeuvre Brentano defended a scientific conception of philosophy and advocated the adoption of a rigorous, scientific method. Given this background it might come as a surprise that in his reflections on aesthetics he firmly... more
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      AestheticsPhenomenologyFranz BrentanoSchool of Brentano
The advancements of human development, both economical and technological, have changed the relationship that people have with nature. In recent years with the acknowledgement of climate change and the climate crisis, the paradigm of the... more
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      PhilosophyEnvironmental LawPopular CultureEnvironmental Studies
Reactionary modernism' is a term happily coined by the historian and sociologist Jeffrey Herf to refer to a current of German thought during the interwar years. It indicates the attempt to 'reconcile] the antimodernist, romantic and... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyWilhelm DiltheyFascismFriedrich Nietzsche
During the Fifties and the Early Sixties Hans Jonas developed a theory of man based on a series of concepts as separation of form from matter, image and symbol. By reflecting on these themes, Jonas seems to refer to the aesthetic... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophical AnthropologyHans Jonas
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      Critical Theory20th Century German LiteratureUrban StudiesWalter Benjamin
Çağdaş filozofların, özellikle Martin Heidegger'in mekan ve mimarlık konusundaki görüşleri ele alınır.
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    • 20th-century German philosophy
The most significant philosopher of Being, Martin Heidegger has nevertheless largely been ignored within communications studies. This book sets the record straight by demonstrating the profound implications of his unique philosophical... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophy of TechnologyCommunicationMedia Studies
The only English translation of Heidegger's "Hebel der Hausfreund," Günter Neske, 1977
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      German LiteraturePhilosophy Of LanguageEnvironmental PhilosophyPoetics
The aim of this essay consists in elucidating the manner in which Gadamer’s reflections on language relate and contribute to the notion of place, which is here to be understood in terms of Heimat and Fremde. While Gadamer’s engagement... more
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      HermeneuticsPhenomenologyContinental PhilosophyHans-Georg Gadamer
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      Metaphysics20th-century German philosophy
This book focuses on the key motif of Heidegger’s later thought: the ontology of being as Ereignis or ‘event.’ It proposes a new methodology for explaining Heidegger’s philosophy – diagenic analysis – that solves a set of interpretive... more
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Государственная академия художественных наук (ГАХН) — уникальная научно-культурная институция, возникшая на стыке Серебряного века и «авангарда», — представляет собой одну из ярких, хотя до сих пор недостаточно изученных страниц истории... more
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      AestheticsPhenomenologyPhilosophy of ArtRussian Philosophy
“Con Platone non si finisce mai”: questa forte e convinta affermazione costituisce una sorta di ‘basso continuo’ in questo libro. Esso intende infatti riproporre momenti e snodi cruciali, che hanno segnato in profondità la relazione... more
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      PlatoHistory Of Platonic TraditionAncient PhilosophyPlato and Platonism
Working from newly available texts in Heidegger’s Complete Works, Krzysztof Ziarek presents Heidegger at his most radical and demonstrates how the thinker’s daring use of language is an integral part of his philosophical expression.... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsPoststructuralismPoetry
Der Artikel stellt verschiedene Verbindungen zwischen Wittgenstein und der Literatur bzw. der Philosophie der Literatur dar und gibt im zweiten Teil eine Einleitung zu den Artikeln des Sammelbandes "Wittgenstein und die Literatur" (hrsg.... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of Literature20th Century PhilosophyAustrian Philosophy
Il volume raccoglie alcune riflessioni composte da Husserl nel 1927. Nei testi, l’autore insiste sull’importanza del “mondo–della–vita” soggettivo–relativo, utile “terreno di fondazione” anche per il mondo oggettivo delle scienze. Le... more
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      PhenomenologyEdmund Husserl20th-century German philosophyHusserlian phenomenology
Mit der Veröffentlichung von Martin Heideggers »Schwarzen Heften« hat sich die Debatte zur Verstrickung von Philosophie und Nationalsozialismus erneuert und verschärft. Offen antisemitische Äußerungen in diesen Denktagebüchern haben auch... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyMetaphysicsHistory of Ideas
Resumen: Este artículo quiere proponer un paralelismo entre, por un lado, la objeción de Aristóteles a las célebres paradojas de Zenón y por otro la crítica de Zubiri a la concepción heideggeriana del ser. Abstract: This article aims to... more
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      PhilosophyOntologySpanish philosophy20th-century German philosophy
Uno de los aspectos menos estudiados de la obra de Walter Benjamin es el papel que desempeña el mito en sus escritos de juventud. Entre 1915 y 1916, años tan cruciales como oscuros en la biografía de Benjamin, este interés por la... more
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      German StudiesMythologyPhilosophyAesthetics
This is a translation of an early essay by the German philosopher Nicolai Hartmann (1882–1950). In this 1923 essay Hartmann presents many of the fundamental ideas of his new critical ontology. He summarizes some of the main points of his... more
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      Nicolai Hartmann20th-century German philosophyCritical Ontology
Kolektīvā monogrāfija izstrādāta LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūtā, Valsts pētījumu programmas "Nacionālā identitāte" 3. projektā "Nacionālā un eiropeiskā identitāte".
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      HistoryContinental Philosophy20th-century German philosophy
The attack on natural right in the name of history takes in most cases the following form: natural right claims to be a right that is discernible by human reason and is universally acknowledged; but history (including anthropology)... more
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      HistoryNew HistoricismNatural LawHistoricism
in: J. Gibson and W. Huemer (eds): 文人维特根斯坦, Shanghai: Sanghui Culture and Press, 2008, pp. 1–18. (Chinese Translation of: “Wittgenstein, Lnaguage, and Philosophy of Literature”, in: J. Gibson and W. Huemer: The Literary Wittgenstein,... more
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      Philosophy of Literature20th Century PhilosophyAustrian PhilosophyWittgenstein
On the occasion of the first centenary from the publication of the first edition of "The Spirit of Utopia" (1918), this work presents a detailed interpretation of Ernst Bloch's philosophy of music from a historical and theoretical... more
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Es kann meines Erachtens nicht bestritten werden, daß eine der anregendsten, dauerndsten und breitesten Diskussionen der internationalen Heidegger-Forschung, die in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten stattfanden, um das Heideggersche Denken vor... more
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      HermeneuticsPhenomenologyMartin HeideggerUnderstanding
A historical semantical analysis of Heidegger's formula "invisible war" used in a letter addressed to art historian Kurt Bauch on November 25, 1939.
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      PhilosophyAntisemitism (Prejudice)Language and PowerLanguage and Ideology
Edited by Hannes Bajohr, Florian Fuchs, and Joe Paul Kroll. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2020. History, Metaphors, and Fables collects the central writings by Hans Blumenberg and covers topics such as on the philosophy of... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophical AnthropologyPolitical TheoryMetaphor
En este trabajo, nos abocamos al análisis de la cuestión del conocimiento y de la posibilidad de la crítica en dos libros capitales de Jürgen Habermas: Conocimiento e interés [1968] y Teoría de la acción comunicativa [1981]. Procuramos... more
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      German StudiesPhilosophy20th-century German philosophyContemporary Philosophy
“Bauen Wohnen Denken” was originally published from a lecture Heidegger presented in 1951. The goal of this translation is to overcome some of the issues found in other English translations of Heidegger's lectures from this period.... more
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Films represent society and in a society there is a struggle between people and classes made by the people. In any type of film there is an underlying philosophy. Marxist philosophy or Marxism came out of classical German philosophy and... more
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      MarxismClassPolitical Ideology19th-century German philosophy
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      HistoryCultural HistoryComparative PoliticsPhilosophy
פרק מתוך ספר: מיתוס-שפה-התגלות: בעקבות הגותו של משה שוורץ
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      Ernst Cassirer20th-century German philosophySymbolsNeokantianism
I argue that there is a confluence of authenticity and inauthenticity inherent to the structure of average everydayness in Being and Time. I support this reading by recasting Heidegger's notion of fallenness in Being and Time in terms of... more
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      PhenomenologyContinental PhilosophyMartin HeideggerHermeneutic Phenomenology
Version española del estudio publicado en Alemania en el 2011 (Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte).
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      PhilologyPhilosophyArchival StudiesLanguage and Power
Faced with a world where technology aimed at the control of nature has become ubiquitous, it becomes increasingly important to understand what technology and nature themselves are. The Western philosophical tradition and philosophers... more
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      PhilosophyContinental PhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheMartin Heidegger
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      DeconstructionPhenomenologyMartin Heidegger20th-century German philosophy
En este trabajo intentaré recorrer las reflexiones heideggerianas sobre el arte y la cosa partiendo de la pregunta griega sobre la physis y la téchne. El objetivo de las siguientes páginas pasa por demostrar la enorme importancia que para... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of ScienceAristotle
Heidegger's Black Notebooks demonstrate that there have been serious misconceptions about the status and aim of his philosophy and language. They show this to be a result of intentional misdirection which finds a twofold expression in his... more
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      PhilosophyHistory of IdeasRace and RacismPropaganda
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      Philosophical AnthropologyHans Blumenberg20th-century German philosophyPhenomenlogy
Il carteggio tra C. Schmitt e A. Kojève
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      Political PhilosophyHistory of Political ThoughtContemporary Political Philosophy20th-century German philosophy
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyPhenomenologyIdeology
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      DeconstructionMartin HeideggerJacques Derrida20th-century German philosophy