History of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
Recent papers in History of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
AGFEM-Workshop ‚Aktuelle Forschungsdiskurse und -projekte IX, März 2018, Kloster Höchst im Odenwald
Il 67° codice della collezione Manoscritti della Biblioteca Civica di Alessandria conserva l’unico esemplare noto della Tabula chronologica inquisitorum Italiae et insularum adiacentium (1730). L’autore, un frate domenicano vissuto a... more
https://courtauld.ac.uk/research/courtauld-books-online/gothic-architecture-in-spain-invention-and-imitation Despite the considerable quantity of colleges built across Europe in the fifteenth century, no standard typology had been... more
This article studies the connection between liturgy and the crisis over pastoral care of nuns in the Dominican order in the 13th century.
[Lolland-Falster, Vordingborg and the crusades - what the sources tell about the role of the region in Wendic wars and crusades in the period c.1100-1260] In the beginning of the Nordic Middle Ages, the south-Danish islands of Lolland... more
The Influences of the Dominican Order in the Middle Ages Taylor Institute, Lincoln College, and Blackfriars Hall, Oxford University September 10-12, 2015 This interdisciplinary conference will explore the influences of the... more
Esta publicación recoge las actas de la cuarta edición de las Jornadas de Investigadores Predoctorales organizadas por el Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Zaragoza, dando continuidad a las aportaciones de los... more
Durant les années 1970, la « crise catholique » française et européenne atteint son acmé. L'Église n'est plus unanimement reconnue comme la médiation sociale et historique nécessaire de la vérité révélée. Par conséquent, les fonctions et... more
A középkorban kialakult szentkultuszok rendszerint meghatározott helyekhez, illet ve intézményekhez, többek között városokhoz, püspökségekhez, királyi és főnemesi családokhoz, szerzetesrendekhez kötődtek. A szerzetesrendek elsősorban... more
This prosopograhical study covers all Dominican inquisitors, vice-inquisitors, procurors of the faith, episcopal representatives, and inquisitorial notaries active in Western Switzerland form the late 14th to the early 16th centuries.
Abstract Rafał Kubicki The inhabitants of Elbląg and the Dominican monastery since 13th century to the early 16th century This article endeavours to characterise the relationship between the inhabitants of Elbląg and the Dominican... more
Paolo Piromalli (1591-1667) came from Siderno in Calabria. He joined the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) in around 1610, and spent the following two decades in Soriano Calabro, Naples, and Rome. In 1631, he was sent by the Sacra... more
Conférence de fr. Emmanuel PERRIER au chapitre conventuel Toulouse, 30 mai 2020. Cet exposé sera divisé en un préambule suivi de trois parties, abordant successivement des rappels de théologie sur la place particulière de l'office divin... more
https://brill.com/view/title/33632 Contents List of Contributors Medieval Rules and Customaries Reconsidered - Krijn Pansters The Rule of Saint Benedict - James Clark The Cistercian Customaries - Emilia Jamroziak The Carthusian... more
“Christian Loyalists, Spanish Friars, and Holy Virgins in Fujian during the Ming-Qing Transition.” Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies, 51 (2003), pp. 335-365.
Presentation of new online source publication of "Rotulus pugillaris" by Fr. Augustinus de Dacia OP (13th cent.).
dalle bozze. contiene piccoli errori. meglio procurarsi l'edizione cartacea. :-)
[Mei Oujin 梅欧金]. “Tianzhu shiyi zai Fujian: zai liang ge shijie, liang zhong shijian zhi jian. 天主实义在福建:在两个世界、两种时间之间.” In Lynn Struve (Si Tulin 司徒林), Zhao Shiyu 赵士瑜, and Du Zhengzhen 杜正贞 eds. Shijie shijian yu Dong Ya shijian zhong de Ming... more
The 1930s are considered to be a crucial era for modern Maltese: In 1934, the British Colonial Government recognised Maltese as an official language, together with English, ending once and for all the great Language Question which had... more
History of the Dominican Order 1700-2000.
Análisis del Quijote de Avellaneda, con revisión crítica de las diferentes propuestas de identificación del autor; y ensayo de atribución en favor de Baltasar de Navarrete, autor de La pícara Justina. La atribución se sustenta, sobre... more
The peacemaking mission of the Dominican cardinal Niccolò da Prato, held in 1304, represented one of the key moments in Florentine political history between the 13th and 14th centuries. This article investigates the communication strategy... more
In order to understand the introduction of Thomism into Byzantium, one should start with the Dominican professor who introduced Demetrius Cydones to Thomism. This article fills the void by connecting East and West prior to Plested´s... more
El presente estudio presenta la aportación que supuso, en todo el contexto cultural europeo de la Edad Media, la entrada en escena de las órdenes mendicantes, particularmente franciscanos y dominicos.
Guide to the writings of medieval Dominicans
El objetivo de este artículo es ofrecer una visión general, a modo de síntesis, de la actitud de la orden de Predicadores en cuanto a los moriscos se refiere, como un caso de estudio dentro de la posición de la orden respecto al problema... more
Collection complète des sermons, traduction de Sainte-Foi, révisée et modernisée en 2017.
This is a short presentation of chapter 5 in the anthology "Christianity and War in Medieval East Central Europe and Scandinavia", ed. R. Kotecki, C.S. Jensen & S. Bennett (Leeds: Arc Humanities Press, 2021), 97-115. The entire book can... more
Dominican order settled in Ravenna starting from 1269. The preachers were key figures in social, religious, cultural and economic development of the city, as well as in the fight against heresy. Bishop Bonifacio Fieschi (in charge from... more
Hardware and Software Draft Proposal for Church Audio System
By drawing on contemporary sources I illustrate how the proper chants of the Mass were understood by medieval participants. I hope to show that the propers were an effective pastoral tool for engaging the minds and hearts of participants... more
This Latin-English Dominican hand missal, published in 1959, provides relatively accurate English translations of the mid-20th century Dominican rite.