Ming-Qing History
Recent papers in Ming-Qing History
Draft of paper on the distinctive approach to zen practice of the late Ming / early Qing Buddhist monk Juelang Daosheng
明初,由于存在大量合法却不可核算、储存的劳役征调,故在集权架构之下,法定财政管理呈现出分散运作的特点,法定与法外征调界线模糊。随着白银成为财政运作的主要手段,不可核算的征调变得可以核算,州县官府形成了不为上级掌握的财赋储备和收支信息。法定财政核算信息在州县与上级官府间出现不对称。16 世纪前期抚按等因应于省级财政职责增强的现实,编制覆盖全省、带有固定化倾向的财政计划( 赋役经制册籍,后定型为赋役全书)... more
Mt. Qixia is a renowned historical site in Nanjing, and its changing landscape and shifting cultural connotations from the early sixteenth through the late nineteenth centuries deserve closer examination. Although half ruined during the... more
Series: Needham Research Institute Series This book traces the history of the Chinese concept of "Warm diseases" (wenbing) from antiquity to the SARS epidemic. Following wenbing from its birth to maturity and even life in modern times... more
Publisher, SYLPH EDITIONS, 2020. ISBN, 1909631361
In Companions in Geography, Mario Cams revisits the early 18th century mapping of Qing China, without doubt one of the largest cartographic endeavours of the early modern world. Commonly seen as a Jesuit initiative, the project appears... more
总体而言,经济史的热门议题,土地和农业生产的议题很多开始让位于海洋生产和海洋经济,货币问题渐由货币政策和铸造转向跨区域流通和多国多地比较,GDP核算、国民数据库等议题已渐次让位于平均工资核算(以及算法的优化)。在比较经济史领域,西欧、中东、东亚的比较经济史仍为热门,但重点已由二十年前的“大分流”转变为近八九年流行讨论的“小分流”,因而在中国史层面而言对16世纪以降尤其是1800年以后清代中国与西欧的“分流”更重视,兼以宗教与社会变迁、家庭生活和由粮食及工资估算的生活水平、政府... more
《万历会计录》是明万历十年户部纂成的国家财政册籍。万明和徐英凯合著《明代〈万历会计录〉整理与研究》对这一珍贵史料做了全面整理,并且以白银为统一计量标准,通过折算对万历初年户部掌握的财政规模、结构及其货币化程度做了估计和统计分析。这一成果将会成为明代财政史研究的一块里程碑。 围绕着这一成果,本文讨论了三个问题: 首先,对《会计录》的性质提出一些补充意见,进一步解释了《会计录》... more
程智(1603-1651)身為一位處於明清之際的易學思想家,出身於安徽休寧典當商人的家庭。他的生平一方面反映了「典商多為休寧人」的地域特色,同時也展現出明清之際思想層面上的多元性。程智的思想與傳統儒家思想有別,他的學說以「易學」為基礎,並使用數字與圖式,形成一套極為特別的世界觀。因此就明清思想史而言,程智的學術思想是在中國儒學思想傳統的主流中,一道潛藏的伏流。本次導讀一方面將透過程氏與師友門人間的多方面互動,來瞭解儒學如何在明清之際的江南一帶進行實踐。另一方面,也將觀察身處明... more
This article focuses on how political agendas and existing societal circumstances in three Southeast Asian regions impacted the early history of immigrant Hokkiens, one of the most prominent Chinese ethnic groups. The article argues that... more
This article explores the history of the Roman alphabet in the late Qing empire (1637–1912). Following the opening of treaty ports to Western capital in the mid-nineteenth century, missionaries and diplomats who entered the Qing... more
本文以明清之際的「易服」為核心,探討王朝交替對士人服飾的衝擊與遺民的應變策略,及鼎革之際改易服飾與遺民生活、文化意識的關係。清初漢人為反抗薙髮易服而掀起的各種流血抗清活動,表面上雖陸續為清人以武力各個擊破,但入清以後,明代衣冠具有的文化意象與民族情感仍潛藏於漢人心中,這在屈大均、陳確、戴名世等人有關頭髮與衣冠的詩文中最能見其幽微。清廷大力推行薙髮易服,明式衣冠的政治符號色彩日益鮮明,在遺民生活中,譜出許多感人的「衣冠的故事」,其最著者如:畫網巾、穿戴古衣冠、終其身服先朝之服、... more
What prolonged the Ming dynasty? How did the empire manage to survive its many external challenges and shortcomings if neither capable emperor nor mighty force prevailed as contributing factors during the course of the dynasty? In his... more
He Bian’s 2020 book _Know Your Remedies: Pharmacy and Culture in Early Modern China_ analyzes many dimensions of the path to the development of the eighteenth-century “traditional Chinese pharmacy.” This essay draws on the book and some... more
This article explores why Cheongsimwon (清心丸), a medicinal product used in Chosŏn medicine, became such a hit in Liaodong society during the Qing dynasty. The highest grade of Cheongsimwon, which came in the form of a pill and was prepared... more
period to the modern edition. I have every intention of making this chapter prescribed reading for my students. This then brings me to the second aim; namely, whether the translation will be " useful. " Utility is a slippery concept, but... more
Did the events we are going to tell you about really take place in history? It is hard to be sure. If they really did happen, then they have undoubtedly made their contribution to the collective formation of social culture and ethics. On... more
This dissertation attempts to explain how Chinese officials, physicians, and ordinary families construed and handled mad speech, crazy behavior, and insane people from roughly 1000 CE to the end of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911). I treat... more
天文圖是我國古代描繪天象的主要載體,古人透過三垣二十八宿區分天域,進行恒星觀察,並以此為基礎,記載了超新星、流星和彗星等特殊天象活動,以占卜吉凶,作為施政參考。院藏〈天文圖〉係原國立北平圖書館舊藏,雖有約四分之一缺損,然其繪製精美,圖幅敞朗,形制特殊,既是院藏僅有珍貴的天文圖收藏,也是現存十分罕見的明代繪本天文圖,以往學術界從未對其進行研究。此圖完整地呈現中國蓋圖式全天星圖的特點,是闡明人與自然關係的最佳例證。透過探析本圖,可以認識天文學發... more
作为明清笑话书的代表作之一,清代笑话书《笑林广记》号称大成之作。因为其内容五花八门、无所不包,并且它包含着不同作者,甚至不同时代的笑话,所以我们可视之为中国各个朝代的笑话集的顶点。在最近几年学术界对幽默研究表示了前所未有的关注的背景下,本文试图按照若干西方文论而对《笑林广记》进行新颖的分析、解读。基于这种比较研究,本文的意图是将这部笑话书放置到比较文学的视野下,在某种程度上可以说,本文拟让《笑林广记》进入到比较文学学界。... more
This is a Chinese translation of the journal article, "Legal Specialists and Judicial Administration in Late Imperial China, 1651-1911," Late Imperial China 31, no. 1 (June 2012), 1-54. The translation was published in Journal of Legal... more
This paper examines the port transfer process from the 1560s to the 1680s in the context of the regional history of southeast coastal China, southern and northeastern Taiwan, and the northern Philippines. According to the official... more
For a long time, Chinese had applied the human body parts for medical treatment and ritual healing. Numerous evidences in relation to their collection, production, efficacy and application are widely recorded in the works of materia... more
This paper describes the adjustments and changes of Ming military system after the war against Wokou (1549-1564/1565), especially in the garrison army section and the expenditures. I discuss the administrative-military change, social... more
“Christian Loyalists, Spanish Friars, and Holy Virgins in Fujian during the Ming-Qing Transition.” Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies, 51 (2003), pp. 335-365.
石濤(1642-1707)二十五歲赴宣城之前的早年經歷直接關係到他日後的心態和藝術成長,但諸家之說有明顯差距。鑒於石濤為明朝宗室,身歷家國之變,後成爲禪師旅庵本月(1676年卒)的法嗣,本文重新檢視其畫作、題識和詩文,置於南明永曆朝(1647-1662)的興衰和禪宗法嗣擇選的政教背景,對他從廣西全州遷武昌(約1653年春)、再遷松江(約1663年春)的時間提出比較確切的新推測,同時探索其心路歷程,認爲石濤對明清易代的歷史現實從傷痛轉爲擁護,他的自我形象也隨之演變,才華和野心驅... more
From the perspectives of historical memory and narrative, this paper reexamines two late Ming texts long denounced as “falsified history”—Zhishen lu (The Account of Self-Dedication) and Congwang suibi (Casual Notes Written while... more
This article fills a gap in Ming-Qing historiography by discussing the first encounter that Chinese Ming-Qing historians had with Choson Korean historical materials. The first generation of Ming-Qing historians in China began to pay more... more
韓琦:《南明使臣卜彌格的中國隨從——教徒鄭安德肋史事考釋》,《清史研究》,2018年第1期,2018年,第121-126頁。 In 1651, the Chinese Christian Andreas Chin was sent to Rome from Macau as an attendant of Michael Boym (1612-1659), the envoy of Southern Ming. Based on the documents... more