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AGFEM-Workshop ‚Aktuelle Forschungsdiskurse und -projekte IX, März 2018, Kloster Höchst im Odenwald
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      Medieval Art HistoryMedieval genealogyDominican NunsFemale Agency
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesSocial NetworksMedieval History
This opinion gives an explanation of canon 668 of the Code of the Canon Law for the Latin Rite. It deals with the question of a member of a religious institute who inherits a great deal of money. In this particular case the member is a... more
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      Canon LawCivil LawTheologyWomen Religious
This article studies the connection between liturgy and the crisis over pastoral care of nuns in the Dominican order in the 13th century.
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      LiturgyRare Books and ManuscriptsDominican HistoryHistory of Religious Women
The Influences of the Dominican Order in the Middle Ages Taylor Institute, Lincoln College, and Blackfriars Hall, Oxford University September 10-12, 2015 This interdisciplinary conference will explore the influences of the... more
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      HistoryMusicologyArt HistoryHigh Middle Ages
En este artículo se lleva a cabo el estudio sobre los beaterios como formas de religiosidad femenina durante la Edad Media y el papel jugado como la institución que antecedió a los conventos fundados durante la Edad Moderna. Para ello, se... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistorySociology of Religion
Edizione completata in 2020.
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      Second Vatican CouncilReligious StudiesTheology of religious (consecrated) lifeReligious Institutes and Bishops
Sie wurden als Assoziale, Zöglinge und Untermenschen benannt, weggesperrt von der Realität und mit menschunwürdigen Methoden jahrelang gepeinigt.… Kinderheim des Grauens: " Wir wurden alle vergewaltigt und verkauft. " Nach nahezu 40... more
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      Social PsychologyPsychiatryPolitical PhilosophySocial Sciences
While early modern scholars have produced a plethora of research on Florentine refectory paintings, Plautilla Nelli’s Last Supper of c. 1550-1568 continues to be one of the least studied works of its kind. This paper therefore examines... more
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      Art HistoryGastronomyRenaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance Art
I l 20 gennaio 1603 maestro Andrea Vannone riceveva dall'amministratore del principe Giovanni Andrea I Doria un pagamento di cinquanta lire "per mercede delli Dissegni" fatti per la "Fabrica" del Monastero dello Spirito Santo 1 .... more
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      Baroque art and architectureChristian IconographyGenoaDominican Nuns
There is the verbal paradigm and there is the nonverbal unseen spiritual paradigm. This paper advocates a spiritual view. Sacred scripture tells us we can only please God if we try very hard (diligently) to seek Him. If you believe God is... more
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      Business AdministrationReligionGnosticismBuddhism
Nuns and sex: rumour or fact? Did nuns stay in touch with the outside? Despite ecclesiastical authorities insistence on enclosure, were nuns truly isolated? How did nuns in observant convents administer their possessions outside the... more
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      Women ReligiousTransatlantic studiesEnclosureDominican Nuns
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      LiturgyDominican NunsSanto Domingo El Real De ToledoHistory of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
In 1218, Saint Dominic founded in Madrid the second female monastery (after Prouilhe) of the Order of Preachers, and the first in the Iberian Peninsula. Coinciding with the 800th anniversary of the founder's death in 1221, this long... more
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      Female MonasticismDominican SaintsOrder of PreachersDominican Nuns
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      Legal HistoryMatthias CorvinusDominican nunneriesDominican Order
The religious practices and intellectual skills of Dominican nuns in the late Middle Ages are generally not very well known. In contrast to their appreciation of the highly educated Dominican friars, most scholars tend to disregard the... more
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      Intellectual HistoryDominican NunsMedieval LibrariesWomen's Monasticism
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      EnclosureOrder of PreachersDominican NunsHistory of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
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      History of SwitzerlandLate Medieval Religion, Monasticism and DevotionLate Medieval HistoryNuns
The paper looks at the visions of the Blessed Osanna of Kotor (1493–1565), a Dominican tertiary who came to adopt an austere form of asceticism – reclusion. Recognisable in Osanna’s visions is a strong influence of the artistic images... more
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      HagiographyAnchoressesDominican OrderDominican Nuns
Resumen: Este artículo propone un estudio sobre el espacio litúrgico en los monasterios de las dominicas castellanas, el cual sigue siendo casi desconocido. En efecto, el llamado «giro litúrgico» ha tenido poco impacto en la... more
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      PerformanceMedieval LiturgyEnclosureDominican Nuns
Female monasticism and the conversion of the Jews were both major concerns for the ecclesiastical establishment, as well as for Italian ruling elites, after the Council of Trent (1545–1563). Hence, the monachization of baptized Jewish... more
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      Italian (European History)Jewish HistoryReligious ConversionJewish - Christian Relations
Folleto divulgativo que presenta la vida y el pensamiento y actualidad de Enrique Susón (Heinrich Seuse o Henry Suso)
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyHistory of ChristianityMedieval Studies
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesDominican HistoryText And Image
A community of particular significance in the development of Mesopotamian-Iraqi Christian life in the modern era was (and is) the Dominican Order which has had a sustained presence since the 18th century. This article serves as an... more
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      ChristianityMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaMiddle East History --- REVIEWS: sehepunkte (15.09.2022) URL: (Ulrike Carvajal)
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      Medieval German LiteratureRare Books and ManuscriptsIncunabulaManuscript Studies
This article focuses on the vestition ceremony of the baptized Jew Caterina/suor Theodora (1479-1506), which was celebrated in 1501 at the enclosed Dominican tertiaries’ house of Santa Caterina da Siena in Ferrara. It traces the... more
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      Religious ConversionReligious Conversion and Converts in the Early Modern Mediterranean contextMonasticismMedieval Jewish History
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      Dominican nunneriesDominican NunsHistory of Hungary and the Habsburg Monarchy
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      Medieval ArtMedieval illuminated manuscriptsFemale ArtistsDominican Order
PhD thesis title and abstract
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPreachingFamily
L'ancien maître de l'ordre dominicain rassemble une quinzaine de textes sur la prière, l'Eglise, la vie religieuse. Ce choix de textes inédits en français est introduit par un portrait humain, spirituel et intellectuel rédigé par son ami... more
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      Contemporary SpiritualitySpiritualityCatholic TheologyDominican Studies
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesGender StudiesArt History
[Sister Margharita Dasschorno, nun at Saint Silvester]
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      Renaissance StudiesMedieval WomenPetrarchMedieval Music
Ao longo deste texto pode ver-se como o anonimato que caracterizou a produção manuscrita medieval não transpareceu nas obras das comunidades dominicanas femininas. De modo contrário, a maioria dos casos aqui analisados mostra a... more
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      Early Modern Portuguese HistoryMedieval illuminated manuscriptsPortugalNuns
The liturgy of Dominican nuns in Castile and, by extension, the liturgy within nunneries in the Iberian Peninsula, has been scarcely researched and it remains almost unknown. As a consequence, the study of art and architecture in relation... more
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      Liturgy and ArchitectureFemale MonasticismProcessionsDominican Nuns
Despite the great efforts made by the master general Humbert of Romans in the middle of the 13 th century in order to end the previous confusion and heterogeinity in the Order of Preachers, the yearned uniformitas remained an utopia.... more
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      Dominican SaintsDominican NunsPassion of ChristConfraternities
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      Reception StudiesLate Middle AgesMedieval German LiteratureRare Books and Manuscripts
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      Women's StudiesMedieval LiteratureMedieval WomenMedieval Mysticism
L'historiographie de la réforme observante féminine est d'abord celle d'une disparition progressive : celle des réfor-matrices qui, malgré leur action décisive au début de la réforme, n'apparaissent pas, ou peu, dans l'histoire «... more
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      Religious StudiesHistory of Religious WomenDominican OrderDominican Nuns
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      Church ReformMedieval ArchitectureMedieval nunneriesDominican nunneries
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      History of the BookMendicant OrdersEarly Modern SermonsGirolamo Savonarola
El estudio de la liturgia y celebraciones a ellas asociadas, así como del arte en relación a estas, han tenido escasa fortuna en el caso de la Orden de Predicadores en Castilla. Consecuencia de ello ha sido el desconocimiento y una cierta... more
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      LiturgyMexicoLiturgiaOrder of Preachers
English Abstract: Liturgy and Creative Meaning-Production in the Dominican Sister Books The Dominican sister books, composed by women in the fourteenth century, model a creative and poetic engagement with the liturgy. The descriptions... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureMedieval MysticismMedieval LiturgyDominican Order
This paper presents a miniature from a sixteenth-century prayer book originating from the Strasbourg Dominican nunnery St Nikolaus in Undis it in its historical and devotional context. The study particularly emphasises the interplay of... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryWomen's HistoryMedieval German Literature
The Castilian Franciscanism born closely linked to the Crown. The data we have are scarce and often legendary, but they allow us to draw a first scheme of links and interests. We analyze the performances of Fernando III, closely related... more
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      Medieval HistoryWomen's HistoryMedieval urban historyMedieval Iberian History
nuovo dizionario di mistica a cura di L. borrieLLo -e. caruana m.r. deL genio -r. di muro libreria editrice vaticana
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      Dominican HistoryMisticismDominican NunsMISTICISMO
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      Dominican HistoryXVII centuryMisticismHistoria del cristianismo, Mística
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      LiturgyNueva EspañaDominican NunsHistory of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
Priora: ¿Qué mal hacernos nosotras? Comisario: No se trata del mal que hacéis sino del mal que se os atribuye. Si algo va mal en la Patria es preciso que alguien tenga la culpa. Entonces ¿por qué no los conventos?». 1 GUILLERMO NIEVA... more
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      Factions (Early Modern History)Social movements and revolutionNunneriesNuns
Book Review
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      Gender StudiesArt HistoryWomen's StudiesMedieval History