Recent papers in Cyberpunk
This article considers the (re)production of Hong Kong’s urban space in cyberpunk cinema, specifically in the American interpretation (2017) of Mamoru Oshii’s Ghost in the Shell (1995). How Chinatowns and Asian cities have inspired... more
Just as Neon Genesis Evangelion remains a cultural touchstone that signalled the end of Japan’s unfounded optimism of the bubble economy era, Attack on Titan is the revenant marking the post-2008 cultural shift from the free movement of... more
A cyberpunk művészeti irányzat a science fiction irodalmából indult világhódító turnéjára a nyolcvanas évek elején. A technológiába ágyazott emberi lét mikro-és makroszintű jelenségeit tematizálja. A társadalomnak és az egyénnek a... more
Le culture del cyberpunk sono culture che si affermano in un ben preciso momento storico, gli anni Ottanta, in cui lo sviluppo del post-fordismo sta fornendo una nuova spinta propulsiva alla storica e progressiva soppressione del tempo... more
This chapter intends to discuss the similarities between and political connotations of two Cuban novels, Erick Mota’s "Habana Underguater" ("Havana Underwater", 2010) and "Espejuelos para ver por dentro" ("Glasses to see the inside",... more
Study guide for upper-level undergraduates on a work of interest for an author interested in gender issues and the law working a variation on the subgenre of cyberpunk.
[FORTHCOMING DECEMBER 2018] Though cyberpunk gained prevalence throughout the 80s, 90s and the early 21st Century, it fell into relative disuse as one of science fiction’s flagship screen genres. Today, our ubiquitous use of technology... more
Review of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick
Produced for FALL/OUT programme, curated by Pluck Projects (Sarah Kelleher and Rachel Warriner), at Cork Midsummer Festival 2021. Five artworks — by Jessica Akerman, Pádraig Spillane, Anne Ffrench, David Mathuna & Andrew McSweeney, and... more
Review of Aldona Kobus and Łukasz Muniowski, editors. Sex, Death, and Resurrection in Altered Carbon: Essays on the Netflix Series. McFarland, 2020.
The idea that human beings are not rationally autonomous beings is by no means new. In fact, one of the schools of thought that most decidedly adopted an antihumanist position in the twentieth century was structuralism. What seems novel... more
SUMMARY The ubiquitous use of digital technology in all aspects of daily life has opened up unprecedented possibilities such as immediate access to information, (tele)presence at any place on the planet, multiplication and modification... more
The development of robot art ment. This is probably because robotics incorporates within itself a few charming, practical, and intellectual issues that are able to elicit the interest and curiosity of many philosophers, artists,... more
Resumo: O presente artigo tem como objeto de estudo a cibermoda, a cybermoda ou a também chamada cyberfashion e suas influências na cibercultura e no ciberespaço. A cibermoda é a junção do "ciber" com a "moda", mas vai muito além de... more
The article attempts to outline the "genre field" of cyberpunk. It is argued that several aspects have to be taken into consideration when the field is being mapped out. In the specific case of Czech cyberpunk it is the way science... more
Poszthumán & cyberpunk világok Az ember(iség) jövőjéről szóló futurológiai előrejelzések izgalmas kísérletek, benépesítik a tudományos-szakmai világot csakúgy, mint a művészeteket. A tudományos-fantasztikus irodalom az egyik legaktívabb... more
Anime and manga have become major entertainment exports of Japan since the last decades. As of 2006, Japanese anime comprise almost sixty percent of all animation broadcast worldwide. It generates four billion dollars a year in the United... more
This essay examines how the intervention of Anthropocene theory into the Blade Runner storyworld comes into conflict with the aesthetics of the franchise. On one hand, the world of Blade Runner 2049 is ravaged by climate change, creating... more
The PhD dissertation Cyberpunk and New Media Art: Digital Art and Performance aims to examine the literary and visual legacy of the Cyberpunk movement and to explore its ideas, concepts and methodologies in the context of New Media... more
Cyberpunk fictions of the late twentieth century have embarked on drastic departures from essentialist conceptualizations of identity. Cyberpunk’s themes and imagery as they unfold through William Gibson’s constellation of narratives in... more
This introduction was written for an open-source undergraduate textbook at Valencia College.
This article maps out the conceptual origins of cybercrime in social science fiction and other 'faction' genres to explore the relationship between rhetoric and reality in the production of knowledge about it. It goes on to illustrate how... more
Tekst niniejszy jest wstępem do dwudziestowiecznej historii sztuk medialnych, ich transformacji prowadzących od filmu do sztuki interaktywnych multimediów.
A dolgozat célja egyrészt bizonyítani, hogy a cyberpunk történetek megközelíthetőek a cybertér, illetve az egyéb alternatív technikai térkonstrukciók narrativizációiként, másrészt meghatározni azt a narratológiai és poétikai... more
This article defines the ‘post’ part of Post-Cyberpunk as it appears in Neal Stephenson’s The Diamond Age (1995). Marketed as a Post-Cyberpunk novel, The Diamond Age adopts some of Cyberpunk’s genre-specific motifs such as setting the... more
Most contemporary scholarly work on posthumanism and transhumanism rests on the idea that both perspectives are part of an ontological continuum. This article, however, acknowledges and explores the differences between them. In order to... more
Kendi kodunu yazan kod; yaratıcısından bağımsızlığını alan ve kendi seçimlerini yapmaya başlayan bilgisayar; kendi yazılımını yazan yazılım ya da kendi benliğini üreten yapay zekâ…
subgenres in speculative fiction. Past-tomorrows and future-yesterdays: Metahistorical Narratives & Scientific Metafictions is a foray into spatial and temporal grids explored by the literary production of the last forty years. Set at the... more
Ever get the feeling that life's a game with changing rules and no clear sides, one you are compelled to play yet cannot win? Welcome to gamespace. Gamespace is where and how we live today. It is everywhere and nowhere: the main chance,... more
This chapter examines Denis Villeneuve’s Blade Runner 2049 (2017) as exemplary of recent cyberpunk culture. It interprets the film against the backdrop of contemporary neoliberal capitalism, drawing upon the concept of “capitalist... more
Literature has been an imitator of life for generations on this earth, this literature has voiced the voiceless. Recent contemporary and postmodern literary theories have catered to burgeoning notions of logic that go beyond human... more
Texto publicado en: Plumaje-Animal Político, Programa Universitario de Bioética (PUB). Digital: reflexiones-bioeticas/cyberpunk-y-las-consecuencias- biopoliticas-de-la-biotecnologia/
The key setting in William Gibson’s speculative “Bridge” trilogy (1993-1999) is a massive shantytown on the site of the Bay Area Bridge near San Francisco. This article argues that the novels, and their characterization of the shanty... more
Nuestra historia comienza en los límites de la civilización, donde un joven aparentemente normal está sufriendo los tormentos de la angustia adolescente. Sin que lo sepan los patanes que le rodean (y quizá sin que lo sepa él mismo) es, de... more
The main aim of this paper is to retrieve and analyze some literary “memories as projections of the future” belonging to the core ideological point, a few decades ago, in which Sci-Fi started to offer, thanks to the development of... more
This article performs a close reading of the Philip K. Dick novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? While developing the argument for an ‘ironic’ usage of the concept of the Anthropocene. This ironised conception is one that intends... more
Posthuman Transformations: Bodies and Texts in Cyberspace explores the re/positioning of the human body and the evolution of the textual body in technological culture. Through the examination of a selection of fictional texts - both print... more
The essay explores the ramifications of the potential of digitising consciousness, preserving memory and subjectivity on the distinctive technological ground which enables and facilitates the utopia named San Junipero. This possibility,... more
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of bachelor of arts in Film and Television. This paper surveys the points of divergence between Blade Runner (Scott, 1982) and Blade Runner 2049 (Villeneuve, 2017) in... more
Cyberpunk teknolojinin hat safhaya ulaştığı, yapay zekanın insan zekasına eş değer konuma geldiği, makine-insan birleşimlerinin yaşandığı, transhümanizmin benimsendiği, karanlık ve kaos içeren bir geleceğin tasvir edildiği bir bilim kurgu... more
Urban Space Beyond Dystopia: Fragments of Cyberpunk Cities 20 th century has undoubtedly been the golden age of technological development in the entire human history. Inevitably, such a rapid incorporation of technology into human life... more