Mark Fisher
Recent papers in Mark Fisher
Retracing the steps of London's history through the lenses and medium of its body of waters - this paper investigate the roles of waterways, canals and docklands as essential aspects of the making for the city we know now. Through... more
Hauntology is a trend in music, and more broadly in culture, defined by Mark Fisher, Simon Reynolds and Adam Harper. It is linked with who are artists interested in exploring memory and its close connections with the transmission of media... more
This essay proposes a cybernetic conception of the human body and uses the System Theory to offer a perspective of the body as a sympoietic system. A sympoietic system develops itself through interactions with other systems. The body is... more
An inner link has always connected the artistic avant-garde with acts of insurgency carried out by socially disenfranchised populations insofar as both embrace the possibility of an emancipated future that is radically at odds with the... more
Arthouse Tacheles, Kyoto School and Chaos Theory ... Presented at the conference Indeterminate Futures / The Future of Indeterminacy, University of Dundee (UK), 13 – 15 November 2020; published 2 November 2021:... more
Drawing on critic Mark Fisher’s typology of the weird and the eerie (particularly his focus on the eerie as the sensation of nothing where there should be something), as well as Nancy Fraser and Rahael Jaeggi’s critiques of capitalism as... more
In: Mark Fisher: Kapitalista realizmus – Nincs alternatíva? Napvilág Kiadó, Budapest, 2020. Ford. Tillmann Ármin és Zemlényi-Kovács Barnabás. 6–14.
Editorial (brief) and Paper on Marcuse, Fisher and Acid Communism in relation to Ten Storey Love Song (2010)
The Dark Enlightenment", elérhető: 235. oldal hogy a teológiai vita egyetlen értelme az, hogy a hamissággal szembeni ellenérvben feltűnhet véletlenszerűen az igazság... more
This is an interview I conducted with the late Mark Fisher, as occasion of the translation and publication of his book, "Capitalism Realism. Is There an Alternative?" into Spanish by Caja Negra Editora. The interview was done by email... more
Hauntology is a trend in music, and more broadly in culture, defined by Mark Fisher, Simon Reynolds and Adam Harper. It is linked with who are artists interested in exploring memory and its close connections with the transmission of media... more
An analysis of Justin Barton and Mark Fisher's audio-essay 'On Vanishing Land' (2013), taking up the notion of the "eerie" in it and contrasting it to melancholy. Originally delivered at 'Five Centuries of Melancholia' conference,... more
Saggio su Mark Fisher, autore di "Capitalist Realism" trad. it. "Realismo Capitalista", Nero, Roma, 2009.
This paper reads Joshua Ferris's best-selling 2007 novel Then We Came to the End as an unconventional entry into the canon of 9/11 fiction. The novel, best-known for its extended use of the first-person plural "we" narrator, deploys a... more
The presentation consists of an archeological approach to film theory from contemporary contributions to images and visual phenomena by Hito Steyerl, Mark Fisher and Byung Chul-han.
In this essay I'm looking at three modern concepts and how they provide ways of thinking critically about what is happening around us and how we can apply them in the context of art. The uncanny, the weird and the eerie are all concerned... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
This is the intro to The Memeing of Mark Fisher, coming out September 24th 2021. The Frankfurt School meets Fisher in this critique of capitalism incorporating memes, mental illness and psychedelia into a proposed counterculture.... more
World capitalism in its “age” after the end of history has not abolished the idea of teleological progress, it has only changed its staging ground: progress is translated into space. Time is stripped of its historical dimension and... more
Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology
Hyperventilating over the Present: A review of the Introduction to Hypermodernity and the End of the World
The history of electronic dance music is a long and colourful continuum. Since its inception in the underground house, garage and disco scenes of Chicago and New York, it has developed an ever-increasing matrix of techno-tools and... more
This short, co-written essay draws on our (the authors') shared practice of watching BoJack Horseman to discuss BoJack and Diane’s friendship arc across the series -- two characters through whom we mediate and come to understand our own... more
In a society on the road to globalization through a neoliberal economic system and pervasive information networks, it seems counterintuitive to propose that an artistic movement can be critical of this situation by using visual elements... more
David Lynch’s sonic resonances echo through projects and media. Pulsating room tone, eerie acousmêtre, electronic wash, static drones, thwarted resolutions and remediated retro textures frequently trouble the image, while imploding... more
Society today is undergoing a series of processes and changes that can be only be described as weird. From the apocalyptic resonance of climate change and the drive to implement increasing powerful technologies into everyday life, to the... more
Entrevista a Mark Fisher, autor de "Realismo Capitalista ¿No hay alternativa?" (La caja negra, Buenos Aires, 2016). Escribí el prologo al libro, y más tarde realicé esta entrevista para El Estado Mental.
What does it mean to speak of artistic autonomy at a time when art is fully commercialized and aesthetics has become the guiding principle of economic production and policymaking? This book takes a fresh look at this question by summoning... more
Amid yet another crisis in the boom and bust cycle of capitalism coupled with the rise of barbarism which was thought to be defeated in the battlefields, it can be said that there is no better time to reflect on the question of why it is... more
Kellék folyóirat, 2020 (64), 169–196.
In the article we propose the theoretical differentiation of three different spectral forms that haunt modern history, two of them – which are better known – concern the temporal tensions between past, present and future, while the third... more
In this intervention, I reflect on Mark Fisher’s Capitalist Realism as a work better known for its title, as a phrase or slogan, than for the substance of the book. While indicative of the success of Fisher’s diagnosis, one borne out... more
This paper utilises hauntology and cryptonomy, alongside abjection, as lenses for textual narrative analysis of David Lynch's 1977 cult body horror film Eraserhead, his first feature as a writer-director. This investigation will uncover... more
Una reseña extendida del segundo y tercer libro de Mark Fisher traducidos al español y publicados al mismo tiempo este tiempo. "Los fantasmas de mi vida" (Caja Negra Editora, 2018) / "Lo raro y lo espeluznante" (Alpha Decay, 2018). Reseña... more
Rispetto allo stile che accomuna la quasi totalità dei cosiddetti critici culturali, che spesso si barricano dietro la loro posizione professionale utilizzando l'ironia, il sarcasmo, il motto
The reality that has been presented in rap music and its celebrity culture has always been connected with two extremes: the reality of the " thug " life of the streets on the one hand and with a specific sort of " American Dream " reality... more
Tradução inédita de trechos do volume de Mark Fisher (Ghosts of my life. Writing on depression, hauntology and lost futures. Winchester: Zerobooks, 2014. Parte introdutória, seções 2 a 4). Foi traduzido para o podcast Doenças Tropicais,... more
"'Ser realista' já significou fazer as pazes com uma realidade experimentada como sólida e imóvel. No realismo capitalista, entretanto, implica que nos subordinemos a uma realidade infinitamente plástica, capaz de se reconfigurar a todo... more
In cultural studies, neoliberal capitalism has been critically discussed in connection with a rise of mental illness. Within this discourse, psychology and psychoanalysis are being ambivalently debated as either complicit with the... more
In Denis Villeneuve's 2016 science fiction movie, Arrival, the world is disrupted by the sudden arrival of a fleet of alien spaceships, an event that is going to challenge human conceptions of time, language, and free will. The aliens... more
Future imaginaries -that go beyond futurisms, the latter being merely accelerated versions of existing technologies- are significant in the sense that they are constitutive of what is deemed imaginable and thinkable at a given moment.... more