Recent papers in Geocriticism
Introduction to Spatial Literary Studies, a special issue of *Reconstruction* 14.3 (2014).
In questo articolo si propone una riflessione geocritica sul cinema a partire da Black Dahlia di Brian De Palma (2006), attraversando la tradizione del film noir e considerando la particolare relazione di questo genere con spazi e... more
Elizabeth Harrower’s Down in the City (1957) provides a complex vision of Sydney equal to those of Patrick White or Christina Stead’s Seven Poor Men of Sydney. The novel centres on a Kings Cross apartment block, and offers a... more
La lingua che ospita, in questa nuova edizione, pluralizza le coordinate-guida della riflessione indicate nel sottotitolo (Poetiche, politiche, traduzioni), ponendosi come strumento di interrogazione della mobilità transfrontaliera.... more
En la estela del spatial turn, la Geocrítica (Géocritique, Geocriticism) se consolidó como método de análisis literario y cultural a comienzos del siglo XXI, en el cruce de la Teoría Literaria, la Literatura Comparada y la Crítica... more
The literature of the Southern United States has always been expression of a multilayered connection with 'place,' a complex term encompassing identity, history, and politics. Because of its distinctive history, the South's literary... more
Programa del V Coloquio Internacional de Literatura Comparada, organizado por el Centro de Estudios de Literatura Comparada M. T. Maiorana en la Universidad Católica Argentina, los días 6, 7 y 8 de junio de 2018.
Link to the book where this work is published is included in this citation.
sujEto dE la transgrEsión fantástica En El rElato "los palafitos" (ángEl olgoso, 2007) Patricia García García dublin city university / trinity college los espacios se han multiplicado, fragmentado y diversificado. […] Vivir es pasar de un... more
La geografia ha tentato di dar conto, nel corso di lunghi secoli, del progetto umano di abitare la terra, un progetto aperto e scientificamente mai concluso.
This research employs a comparative study design to analyze the political, sociological, and psychological impacts that Iraq-Iran and Iraq-America war had in shaping the literary and narrative approaches that Iranian and American female... more
V COLOQUIO INTERNACIONAL DE LITERATURA COMPARADA DINÁMICAS DEL ESPACIO: REFLEXIONES DESDE AMÉRICA LATINA Centro de Estudios de Literatura Comparada “María Teresa Maiorana” Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Católica... more
The emphasis on poetic personae in Archaic lyric-poets announcing their own names and ostensibly relating their own experiences-has enormous significance for audiences eager to conjure fully animated private and public spaces in the... more
The author aims at presenting examples of literary descriptions of Odra flooding (especially in the context of the most recent in 1997 and 2010) and the river regions in the perspective of aquacriticism. This approach belongs to a wider... more
A ll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer... more
This volume moves the debate about literature and geography in a new direction by showing the significance of spatial settings in the enormous and complex field of popular fiction. Approaching popular genres as complicated systems of... more
Ecological Exile explores how contemporary literature, film, and media culture confront ecological crises through perspectives of spatial justice – a facet of social justice that looks at unjust circumstances as a phenomenon of space.... more
Le rapport entre société et environnement en Afrique définie par une vision du monde bidimensionnelle, encadrée par une pensée magico-religieuse qui promeut la cohabitation de l’invisible avec le visible. Ce cadre permet d’envisager... more
The essay develops an analysis of the City of glass (1987) by Paul Auster in comparison with its comic transposition created by Paul Karasik and David Mazzucchelli (1994). The study aims at recognizing, through the thick weave of... more
Para Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez y Julio Cortázar, la ciudad es un espacio privilegiado de su ficción. Así, analizo la construcción del espacio citadino en dicha ficción y su relación con lo fantástico. Utilizo el concepto de... more
The project of literary cartography is fraught with peril, as the urge to produce accurate maps confronts the specters of not only the impossible, but the undesirable. As with Borges’s fabulous geographers who developed a perfectly... more
Al menos desde el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una sólida preocupación por el espacio ha venido a alterar decisivamente la epistemología no solo de las Humanidades, sino también de las Ciencias, trazando un puente entre ambas. El... more
Tally reviews Franco Moretti's "Graphs, Maps, Trees," in which Moretti offers tools for a "distant reading" of world literature. Such tools allow one to survey an entire field of knowledge (rather than providing close readings of... more
Es bien cierto que "tendemos a identificar [a Gutiérrez Nájera] con los espacios empíreos y domésticos" (Schulman 15) porque así lo permite su producción poética anterior y posterior a "La Duquesa Job". Este poema no está del todo exento... more
J.G. Ballard’s alienating constructions have enabled him to transcend the sphere of literary criticism to become an important source of reference in contemporary culture, a sphere in which the postmodern sense of urban dislocation has... more
With numerous approaches to literary criticism, spatial analysis has often been trivialized. This position can be contested; however the status is verified by the scarcity of pertinent literature to be synthesized. Studies and articles... more
[IT] Nell’opera di Luigi Meneghello, la rappresentazione del mondo vegetale rimanda a un sottotesto di immagini e simboli: una rete di isotopie botaniche che, nel farsi sistema, autorizza una lettura alternativa e inedita. Dalle pagine... more
La comarca de Las Hurdes, situada al norte de la provincia de Cáceres (España), es uno de los rincones de Europa dotados de un mayor capital simbólico. Su historial cultural, su leyenda, da comienzo en tiempos de Lope de Vega y solo... more
Marchese INDICE Introduzione 9 il paesaggio mentale, uno, nessuno, centomila 17 Bertrand Westphal CITTÀ, LUOGHI TOPICI E SPAZI GLOBALI il cairo tra realismo e allegoria nella narrativa di Nag¤b mah . fū z e 'alā ' al-aswā nī 35 Danilo... more
Time and space have always been intrinsically linked to fictional texts i.e. "the setting" of a work. Literature generally, during different times and especially in postmodern era has had a close affinity with the concept of space.... more
Le roman Verre Cassé d’Alain Mabanckou présente une nouvelle réalité de l’Afrique. A travers les écrits du personnage éponyme, le lecteur entre dans la vie quotidienne d'un quartier pauvre à Pointe-Noire, au Congo. Le livre est un effort... more
Scholars have long examined the relationship between literature and space, place, or mapping, but formal methods or disciplines for such work have only recently come into being. Particularly after what has been called the “spatial turn”... more
This book explores transnational perspectives of modern city life in Europe by engaging with the fantastic tropes and metaphors used by writers of short fiction. Focusing on the literary city and literary representations of urban... more