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Wprowadzenie Zasoby historyczne i społeczno-kulturowe Problemy waloryzacji zasobów historycznych i kulturowych dla potrzeb turystyki i rekreacji (Małgorzata Gniazdowska) Wpływ turystyki na środowisko społeczne (Jakub Isański) Zasoby... more
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      GeographyTourism StudiesTourism ManagementTourism Geography
Urban tourism has recorded unprecedented growth since the turn of the millennium and has been welcomed in destination cities as a source of economic development. But cities' tourism economies have been among the hardest hit sectors by the... more
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      SociologyGeographyAnthropologyTourism Studies
La Chiquitania se ubica en el oriente boliviano, localizada en el departamento de Santa Cruz, esta región se ha caracterizado por tener y poseer un legado cultural único, asociado con la participación e intervención de la Compañía de... more
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      GeographyJesuit historyBoliviaGeography of Tourism
W książce Autorzy prezentują najistotniejsze walory turystyczne polskich miast i miasteczek, uzdrowisk, sanktuariów i ośrodków pielgrzymkowych, zamków, pałaców i dworów, zabytków techniki i przemysłu, muzeów i obiektów... more
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      Tourism StudiesCultural HeritageTourism GeographyCultural Tourism
Over the last years, Barcelona has become a tourist city. Since the Olympic Games in 1992, the steady increase in visitors has transformed the city’s urban fabric, mobility and economic activities, as well as the daily life of many... more
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      GeographyTourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism Management
When current tourism movements are examined, it can be seen that the importance of tourism types characterized by the mass tourism concept is decreasing, and new tourism concepts and travel motivations are becoming popular. A clear travel... more
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      Cultural HeritageCreative IndustriesGeography of Tourism
Desde los orígenes de la humanidad, la espiritualidad ha sido importante para el desarrollo de las sociedades. Los pueblos manifiestan su culto a través de imágenes, creaciones artísticas y espacios naturales como montañas y lagos; en... more
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      Economic GeographyGuatemalaGeografía EconómicaReligious Tourism
Geographers have long pondered the role of tourism in producing and shaping space. The description of resort geographies popular in the 1980s and 1990s has gradually given way to the current vogue for place-making and place marketing,... more
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      GeographyUrban GeographyTourism StudiesTourism Management
This is a prepublication version of the introductory chapter in Milano, C., Cheer, J. M., & Novelli, M. (Eds.). (2019). Overtourism: Excesses, discontents and measures in travel and tourism. Abingdon: CABI. Please cite as: Milano, C.,... more
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      SociologyGeographyUrban GeographyAnthropology
Este trabajo propone analizar el problema del desarrollo turístico y su relación con las prácticas de apropiación territorial y la lucha por la conservación ambiental, tomando como eje de análisis el caso particular del Parque Nacional... more
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismQuintana RooTurismo
The intersection of tourism and climate change has seen significant research over the past two decades, focusing particularly on issues of mitigation and adaptation in the global North. Research output has predominantly been centred on... more
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      Tourism StudiesClimate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationAfrica
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      SociologyGeographyTourism StudiesTourism Marketing
Destinations urbaines emblématiques, Venise et Barcelone accueillent des volumes et des concentrations de visiteurs hors du commun et accordent une importance toute particulière à leur réputation. Aux noms de ces villes sont attachées des... more
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      BarcelonaGeography of TourismVeniseSaturation
The summer holidays are in full swing – and protests against overtourism have begun (yet again) in a number of popular European cities. Overtourism is not a new problem.
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      SociologyGeographyHuman GeographyAnthropology
Este trabajo ofrece una aproximación desde el campo de la antropología, encauzada al análisis de los procesos que definen el desarrollo del turismo en la Riviera Maya, tanto como la estructuración de la economía y la vida social de sus... more
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism and Culture (Anthropology of Tourism)Mayan Studies
The widespread perception of cultural tourism is a socioeconomical phenomenon whose characteristics are essentially positive, able to integrate and balance aspects of nature, local economy and the cultural tissue of territories. Since the... more
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    • Geography of Tourism
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistorySociology
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      Tourism StudiesTourism GeographyTURİZMBurdur
Ecosistemas colombianos:
El país cuenta con 91 tipos de ecosistemas generales (marinos, acuáticos, costeros, terrestres e insulares) de los cuales 70 corresponden a ecosistemas naturales y 21 a transformados.
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      Tourism StudiesTourism GeographySustainable TourismTourism
In the western part of the state of West Bengal in India is located Santiniketan – Tagore’s “Abode of Peace.” The place is the site of Visva Bharati, a world reknowned residential university as well as a... more
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    • Geography of Tourism
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      Tourism StudiesRural TourismTourismGeography of Tourisme
This paper seeks to highlight underlying issues of the tourism system that have led to tourism extremes of too much or too little tourism. Five phases are recognized that reflect different ways of dealing with too much tourism over time,... more
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      SociologyGeographyAnthropologyTourism Studies
Ce travail sur la mise en tourisme de l’Ardenne se veut une première pierre sur laquelle, nous l’espérons, des recherches ultérieures, relatives à l’Ardenne mais aussi à d’autres espaces, pourront venir s’appuyer mais aussi se confronter.... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistoryHistorical Geography
Zengin bir kültürel mirasa sahip olan Mardin, gerek sahip olduğu tarihi, kültürel ve doğal zenginlikleri, gerekse geçmiş yıllardan günümüze kadar ulaşan toplumsal değerlerinin özgünlüğünden dolayı yıllardır birçok film ve dizi... more
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      Tourism GeographyCinemaTURİZMSinema
Este libro, único en su género en México, explora la dimensión espacial establecida entre el turismo y el sexoservicio en este país, a partir de la visión de trabajadores sexuales que se involucran con clientes varones; este libro... more
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      Tourism StudiesSex and GenderGender and SexualityCultural Tourism
El turismo es comúnmente presentado como una solución infalible al desarrollo del medio rural y a la conservación de los recursos naturales. Sin embargo esa visión carece de mirada crítica y el modelo se replica derivando en resultados... more
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      Tourism StudiesHeritage TourismTourism GeographyCultural Tourism
This paper reviews and synthesises multi-disciplinary research on destination experiences and outlines some of the future challenges facing researchers and practitioners. The paper is split into four main parts: the first reviews social... more
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      MarketingTourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism Management
Resumen: El artículo comparte algunas reflexiones sustraídas de los debates que recientemente han irrumpido en la propaganda política, las agendas de los medios de comunicación, las reivindicaciones de los movimientos sociales y las... more
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      Rural SociologyGeographyHuman GeographyCultural Geography
In this paper, we offer a concise appraisal of the sustainable tourism discourse and pave the way for resilience thinking in tourism. The study of tourism is inherently multidisciplinary , covering traditional disciplines such as... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementEcotourismTourism Planning and Policy
Michael Jerryson's (2017) strident remarks about the changing nature of Buddhism is an apt introduction to this Special Issue on spiritual tourism, especially his references to change, and the extent to which Buddhist contemporary... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyTourism StudiesAnthropology of Tourism
Over the last decades Barcelona has experienced social and economic transformations brought by the conversion of peripheral urban neighborhoods into tourist attractions. In this sense urban tourism has been the latest chapter of spatial... more
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      SociologyGeographyAnthropologyTourism Studies
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      Urban GeographyTourism StudiesTourism GeographyGentrification
This special issue is a reflection by tourism scholars on the initial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world, with travel and tourism being among the most significant areas to bear those impacts. However, instead of an analysis of... more
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism mobilitiesSustainable Tourism
For many tourism-centred communities around the globe, the process of adapting to and dealing productively with the transformations to social, political and economic contexts that influence and underline their tourism and wider prospects... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementTourism Planning and PolicyCommunity Resilience
Desde la década pasada ha empezado a extenderse en varios destinos turísticos, sobre todo urbanos, una crítica contra la saturación turística liderada –en muchos casos– por colectivos sociales. A partir de la segunda mitad del siglo... more
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      AnthropologyTourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism Marketing
A city’s image can serve as the basis upon which to develop a strong sense of community. This, in turn, fosters trust and cooperation which may attract tourists and investment, and drive regional economic growth. One strategy to enhance a... more
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      Human GeographyTourism StudiesCultural TourismMega Events
L’expression « tourisme religieux » est employée majoritairement dans les recherches anglo-saxonnes mais ne fait pas consensus au sein des études touristiques francophones. Une certaine indétermination subsiste quant à sa conception, sa... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyEpistemologyTourism Studies
La contraposición y relación entre la tendencia a conocer y consumir productos y servicios en contacto con las comunidades de acogida y la saturación turística de un destino será el foco del presente reporte. La saturación turística no se... more
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      AnthropologyTourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism Marketing
Resumen: Las corridas de toros en México son un espectáculo que consiste en masacrar a los denominados toros de lidia mediante una serie de tretas y artilugios. Amén de ser una actividad recreativa para poblaciones locales, la tauromaquia... more
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      Animal GeographyAnimal EthicsGeography of Tourism
Geografía Turística - Modulo geomorfología es una rama de la geografía física y de la geología​ que tiene como objeto el estudio de las formas de la superficie terrestre enfocado a describir, entender su génesis y su actual comportamiento.
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      GeographyTourism StudiesTourism GeographyTourism
Colección PASOS edita, nº 23
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      SociologyCultural StudiesAnthropologyTourism Studies
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      ReligionGeographyCultural GeographyEconomic Geography
Founded in 1985 South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) serves as a basis for economic co-operation, development and is availing opportunities for trust – building among its member nations through the process of strategic... more
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      GeographyMedical TourismIndiaSAARC
В статье кратко рассматриваются туристские ресурсы и различные виды въездного туризма в Индию. Приводится статистика туристских прибытий, описываются сдерживающие факторы для развития туризма. Подчеркивается неравномерное распределение... more
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      GeographyGeography of Tourism
Pour une version propre et avec les figures :

Etudes comparatives de deux aménagements touristiques (parc Disney) au Japon (Tokyo) et en rance (Paris).
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      Cultural StudiesCultural GeographyUrban GeographyUrban Planning
Professor Stanisław Liszewski (1940-2016) was distinguish Polish human and regional geographer. He has devoted his life and work to the University of Lodz, where he served in a several responsible positions including the service as a... more
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      Urban GeographyHistory of Geographic ThoughtHistory of geographyGeography of Tourism
Each contribution in this volume deals with different aspects of neoliberalization in the context of tourism and raise several significant questions regarding the neoliberal projects, discourses and practices in particular as they shape... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourism Planning and Policy
Доан Павел Ванович аспирант, кафедра страноведения и туризма Spatial analysis of hotel sector development of Ukraine
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      Tourism StudiesLocal Government and Local DevelopmentUkraineHotel Management
Александрова А. Ю., Сорокин Д. П. Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова 119991, Москва, Ленинские горы, д. 1, Российская Федерация Аннотация. Цель исследования-охарактеризовать развитие туристского опорного... more
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      Economic History Of TourismEconomics of TourismGeography of Tourism
Öz Bu araştırma, doğası gereği interdisipliner bir alan olan turizmde, coğrafyacıların akademik katkılarına dikkat çekilmektedir. Bu nedenle araştırmada temel amaç, turizm disiplininin gelişiminde coğrafyacıların akademik rolü ve önemini... more
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      Tourism GeographyTURİZMGeography of TourismBibliyometri