Recent papers in Guatemala
1. La gobernanza forestal es necesaria para poder alcanzar una gobernanza más amplia que permita conservar los bosques en el paisaje. 2. Asegurar derechos de propiedad sobre la tierra y recursos forestales son la base para que funcionen... more
This article traces a century of efforts to create a National Museum in Guatemala City. Political instability and natural disasters thwarted these efforts, which nevertheless, formed a significant chapter in the country’s museum history.... more
Resumen: Los santuarios religiosos representan, en la actualidad, espacios de atracción de turistas, creyentes o no, y de devotos; sobresalen algunos que, por su magnetismo espiritual, exhiben áreas extendidas de adherencia devocional y... more
Within Central America, family is recognized as the most prominent and visible social institution. Within this context, one of the most fundamental elements of gangs' strategy of terror involves the targeting the families. This paper... more
The ethnographic case upon which this article is based concerns a project of "governability strengthening" implemented in the indigenous municipality of Todos Santos Cuchumatán by an international NGO. Throughout the voices of the NGO... more
Intestinal helminths are among the most common infections in school-age children. Of 246 children, aged 7-12 years, attending school in rural Guatemala, 91% carried Ascaris lumbricoides and 82% carried Trichuti trichiura. These children... more
All UNESCO urban World Heritage sites are strictly regulated. In Antigua, Guatemala, this includes building façades and streets, as well as the use of public places. Homeowners and building owners, however, challenge regulations by using... more
Las propuestas comunitarias son alternativas de generación eléctrica en la Zona Reina en el Departamento de Quiché, Guatemala. Representan formas no arbitrarias ni perjudiciales para los bienes comunes, como el agua de los ríos, que se... more
The participatory methodology and the video have shown to be valuable tools for the empowerment of communities and the improvement of communication, promoting horizontality in the decision-making process. This article displays one of the... more
A thorough knowledge of the dog demography should be an integral element in the planning, implementation and evaluation of dog population control measures. In May 2008, a door-to-door household census of human and owned canine populations... more
On 25 February 1999, Guatemalans received the much anticipated report of the United Nations-sponsored Commission for Historical Clarification (CEH), Memory of Silence, which detailed wartime atrocities and decades-long American support of... more
Aquí encuentran la historieta: "Antes de que el Pueblo la Proclame", cuyo objetivo es promover un análisis crítico sobre la situación actual de Guatemala, vista desde una perspectiva histórica, en el marco de la conmemoración oficial del... more
Expressing gratitude is central to the lives of Guatemalan youth. Despite limited empirical evidence on gratitude in Guatemala, anecdotal reports and cultural values point to its importance, providing a rich cultural context to continue... more
This paper examines how international development funding and accountability requirements are implicated in the so-called disarticulation of a social movement. Based on field studies in Guatemala and El Salvador, we show and explain the... more
This exploratory, qualitative study investigates the perceptions of Guatemalans regarding the impact of tourism and migration in Antigua, Guatemala. The vehicle of data representation is the research poem, a new and valuable innovation... more
For over four centuries the Catholic Church enjoyed a religious monopoly in Latin America in which potential rivals were repressed or outlawed. Latin Americans were born Catholic and the only real choice they had was whether to actively... more
This paper analyzes the historic 2013 trial against former dictator General (r) Jose Efrain Rios Montt. Rios Montt was found guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity, but a controversial decision by the Constitutional Court annulled... more
The paper describes the process of security sector reform in Guatemala with reference to the efforts to implement community-based policing practices. The results point to the difficulties of shaking-off public understandings of security... more
In the mid-nineteenth century Maya refugees fleeing the violence of the Caste War of Yucatan (1857-1901) briefly reoccupied the ancient ruins of Tikal. Unlike the numerous Yucatec refugee communities established to the east in British... more
Una breve reflexión sobre el papel de la ciencia y la tecnología, en Guatemala.
Analysis of a methanolic extract of Tagetes lucida leaves has resulted in the isolation of a new flavonol glycoside, quercetagenin 3,4′-dimethyl ether 7-O--D-glucopyranoside (1), two new phenolic acids,... more
Editorial Familias y fracciones oligarcas guatemaltecas se disputan el control y la hegemonía del Estado guatemalteco Una disputa interoligárquica tiene lugar entre las fracciones familiares-empresariales que son parte e integran el... more
Estudio de las condiciones de seguridad en Guatemala, Belice, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá. Análisis de las estadísticas policiales
Analiza el impacto esperado del establecimiento de una unión aduanera entre El Salvador y Guatemala en la economía salvadoreña. Para ello se evalúan las implicaciones de pasar de un esquema de libre comercio a una unión aduanera: el... more
Principios de Mastologia
Le comunità indigene del Guatemala sono coinvolte in una lunga fase postguerra che aggiunge alle drammatiche fratture del conflitto interno nuove complesse sfide. Questo libro si basa su una ricerca etnografica multisituata realizzata tra... more
International migration has been progressively perceived as a security issue and so it has been included in the discipline of Security Studies. Focusing on state actors, International Relations and Security Studies scholars have dealt... more
Resumen En este ensayo se propone una lectura de la novela Sopa de caracol (2002) del escritor guatemalteco Arturo Arias, centrada en el tema de la función de la sexualidad como elemento desubjetivante del prota-gonista. Se examina... more
To what degree was the military successful in transforming Guatemala in a permanent sense? What is the legacy of this state terror for democratic consolidation, and can Guatemala ever recover from its tragic past?
El objetivo del manual es motivar al lector a adentrarse al estudio de la comunicación no verbal, en donde aprenderá como darle el significado correcto a los gestos y bajo que circunstancias, podrá ver las aplicaciones que la comunicación... more
En este estudio se examina la participación de las mujeres en el Organismo Judicial, presenta la experiencia vivida por juezas y magistradas que se enfrentan a un sistema de discriminación y violencia de género, sus manifestaciones y... more