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Este libro es una síntesis de la historia del turismo. En él se describen las formas en que los seres humanos se han enfrentado al fenómeno del viaje, hasta llegar al descubrimiento del placer de viajar y del viaje de placer. Se narran... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of TourismTourism
Observation Le tourism in France et dans les gross de mundi. Dans cet essai, nous avonsétudié un système moderne de support de paiement sur le marché et de tourisme enFrance. L'objectif est un système à faible coût.Le système de... more
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      Tourism StudiesSustainable TourismeDroit PublicGeography of Tourisme
This article seeks to examine the process of patrimonialisation of local resources in the Zat valley and the related issues. Apart from protecting and preserving this patrimony, this paper tries to find answers to the connection between... more
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      TOURISMEPatrimoineRural TourismeGeography of Tourisme
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistorySociology
O presente trabalho enquadra-se na disciplina de Concepção e Desenvolvimento de Produtos Turísticos do curso de mestrados em Gestão Estratégica de Destinos Turísticos, e faz parte de um dos requisitos para aprovação na referida... more
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      TOURISMEMoçambiqueGeography of TourismeChimanimani
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      TOURISMERural TourismeGeography of TourismeTourisme Culturel
Ecosistemas colombianos:
El país cuenta con 91 tipos de ecosistemas generales (marinos, acuáticos, costeros, terrestres e insulares) de los cuales 70 corresponden a ecosistemas naturales y 21 a transformados.
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      Tourism StudiesTourism GeographySustainable TourismTourism
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      Tourism StudiesRural TourismTourismGeography of Tourisme
Tesi di laurea magistrale in Geografia applicata e pianificazione del paesaggio, corso di laurea Archeologia, Beni Culturali e Turismo (Università degli Studi del Molise).
Di Domenico Sergio Antonacci
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      Human GeographyUrban GeographyTourism StudiesTourism Management
In the Amazon of Ecuador, the arrival of the petroleum industry helped to turn this space like an accessible space for the tourism development. This activity was organized around the discovery of the nature and, simultaneously, around... more
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      Human GeographyAnthropologyIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesAuthenticity
السياحة الصحراوية نموذج المحاميد الغزلان جنوب المغرب
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      Tourism StudiesRural TourismSustainable TourismTOURISME
El turismo es comúnmente presentado como una solución infalible al desarrollo del medio rural y a la conservación de los recursos naturales. Sin embargo esa visión carece de mirada crítica y el modelo se replica derivando en resultados... more
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      Tourism StudiesHeritage TourismTourism GeographyCultural Tourism
Geografía Turística - Modulo geomorfología es una rama de la geografía física y de la geología​ que tiene como objeto el estudio de las formas de la superficie terrestre enfocado a describir, entender su génesis y su actual comportamiento.
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      GeographyTourism StudiesTourism GeographyTourism
This article aims to understand the sociocultural appreciation of coastal spaces in the tropics from the perspective of conventional modern maritime practices. Starting with therapeutic and recreational activities on the beaches and sea... more
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      Tourism StudiesUrbanization in Developing AreasUrban And Regional PlanningCoastal Tourism
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      Rural TourismTOURISMEGeography of TourismeTourisme et patrimoine
Each contribution in this volume deals with different aspects of neoliberalization in the context of tourism and raise several significant questions regarding the neoliberal projects, discourses and practices in particular as they shape... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourism Planning and Policy
L´ « arrière-pays maya », contraction de l´arrière-pays touristique de Cancún-Riviera maya est une région située dans la péninsule du Yucatán au Sud-Est du Mexique. Depuis les années 1970 et la construction de la ville touristique de... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyTourism StudiesDevelopment Studies
Els noms en la vida quotidiana. Actes del XXIV Congrés Internacional d'ICOS sobre Ciències Onomàstiques. Annex. Secció 11 2519 L'impacte en la toponímia de les activitats turístiques als espais naturals: el cas de la serra de l'Aitana... more
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      Place Names (Cultural Geography)TourismAnthroponyms, Onomastic, Anthropology of Personal NamesGeography of Tourisme
The purpose of this study was to identify internal and external factors of the Bukit Kaba Nature Tourism Park and Grojogan Sewu Hot Springs in Sumber Urip Village, Kecamatan Selupu Rejang, Rejang Lebong Regency. Formulate alternative... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyTourism StudiesTourism Management
Guosheng Han & Hongyan Gao (2015): Traditions and trends in contemporary
tourism geography, Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and
Environment, DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2015.1062910
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      Human GeographyTourism StudiesTourism ManagementTourism Geography
Le présent papier aborde la question de la résilience du secteur touristique tunisien en analysant sa réactivité face aux plus grands événements qui l’ont impacté. Cette analyse rétrospective met en évidence le comportement du pays face... more
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      TunisieGeography of TourismeImage Touristiquerésilience touristique
The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, it aims to understand if the territory of the European Union (EU) contains any form of identity, with particular effects on tourism. Secondly, to identify how EU citizens interpret the Union in a... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourism Geography
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyTourism StudiesFestivals and music
Le développement du tourisme oblige les acteurs et les territoires à s’adapter à la demande et aux besoins des visiteurs originaires de différents pays et cultures. Cette exigence interculturelle passe notamment par une connaissance plus... more
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      Data MiningChinese StudiesAdaptationExperience Design
L' « arrière-pays maya », contraction de l'arrière-pays touristique de Cancún-Riviera maya, est une région située dans la péninsule du Yucatán au Sud-Est du Mexique. Depuis les années 1970 et les débuts de la construction de la ville... more
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      Rural SociologyGeographyHuman GeographyLatin American Studies
Korstanje M. Review: Turismo y Patrimonio en la Quebrada de Humahuaca. Lugar, actores y conflictos en la definición de un destino turístico. Pasos: revista de turismo y patrimonio cultural. Special Issue. Anthrpology Of Tourism. Volume... more
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      Cultural StudiesTourism StudiesHeritage TourismCultural Tourism
Há certo consenso em torno da ideia de que se os padrões de consumo e mobilidade típicos do Norte forem incorporados pelo Sul – como supostamente já vem ocorrendo nos chamados BRICs – enfrentaríamos cenários de enormes danos ambientais,... more
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      SociologyGeographyClimate ChangeMobility/Mobilities
Apesar de ser reconhecido como um importante gerador de empregos, o turismo traz consigo uma contradição que se estabelece entre a importância do trabalho para a sua economia e a desvalorização dos trabalhadores prestadores de serviços de... more
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    • Geography of Tourisme
Prezentacja ukazuje zmiany pierwotnych cech turystyki, zachodzące w świecie współczesnym, na tle teorii "płynnej nowoczesności" przedstawionej przez Z. Baumana.
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      Cultural StudiesTourism StudiesTourism MarketingCultural Heritage
Cet article résume un travail de recherche doctorale réalisé en co-tutelle entre l’Université de Perpignan Via Domitia en France et l’Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, au Mexique, de 2009 à 2013. Le tourisme est promu au Mexique... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementParticipatory Action ResearchAction Research
The article presents the case study of the Mediaschool Film Festival held in Łódź, a large Polish post-industrial and post-socialist city. The authors’ main goals were to establish the number of the festival visitors, as well as... more
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      Cultural GeographyTourism StudiesFilm StudiesEvent Management
Revenir. Quêtes, enquêtes et retrouvailles Appel à propositions de la revue Date limite de soumission : 28 juin 2017 Certains voyages, dont les destinations sont investies de charges affectives fortes, prennent des... more
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Valencia: the last times for a rightist touristic model? The "Big Events" and the collapse · ¿Los últimos momentos del modelo turístico derechista para la ciudad de Valencia? Los "Grandes Eventos" y el colapso · Els darrers temps del... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism Planning and PolicyTourism economics
Après un siècle de dénuement, l’île antillaise de Saint-Barthélemy a connu un développement continu depuis sa « découverte » par la grande bourgeoisie américaine à la fin des années 1950. Centrées autour de la villégiature de luxe, les... more
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В статье представлено краткое изложение идей и логико-графических моделей в географии туризма от первых профессиональных исследований, которые сформировали направление научных исследований в области рекреационной географии и географии... more
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      Urban GeographyTourism StudiesTourism Planning and PolicyCultural Tourism
' 7 am very happy that we will celebrate the euro's 10th anniversary by welcoming Slovakia as a new member. Slovakia is about to take a historic step forward, for all its citizens and for Europe. Joining the euro will place Slovakia at... more
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      Tourism StudiesGeography of Tourisme
TOURISM AND MIGRATIONAJOURNEY THROUGH THE SOCIAL IMAGINATION - In the last year I have been engaged along three research paths dealing with themes that intersect, in various ways, the relationship between tourism and migration or, even... more
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      Tourism StudiesTurismoSocial ImaginationTourism and migration
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      Human GeographyUrban GeographyTourism GeographyUrban Social Geography
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      HistoryCultural HistoryTourism StudiesHistory of Tourism
Le travail présenté dans cet article fait partie d’une recherche doctorale (Kieffer, 2014) et constitue la dernière étape de l’analyse, à travers une approche systémique, multiscalaire et participative, des conditions préexistantes d’un... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism GeographyCultural TourismSustainable Tourism
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourism Planning and Policy
Questo volume raccoglie gli Atti del convegno La cultura del turismo sul Lario e nelle sue valli svoltosi a Villa Carlotta (Tremezzo) il 17 ottobre 2008. Organizzata dal Sistema Bibliotecario Lario Ovest con il contributo della Regione... more
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      Italian StudiesCultural TourismHermann HesseLombardia
The volume contains articles dedicated to research in the field of geography of tourism in Poland, ranging from the history of its development in different national geographic centers to the current research challenges. The problems of... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism GeographyTourismTourism Research
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      Tourism StudiesTourism GeographyGeography of TourismeGeography of Tourism
Le présent papier aborde la question de la résilience du secteur touristique tunisien en analysant sa réactivité face aux plus grands événements qui l’ont impacté. Cette analyse rétrospective met en évidence le comportement du pays face... more
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      TunisieGeography of TourismeImage Touristiquerésilience touristique
The tourism sector is failing to fully provide for the needs of disabled people. The purpose of the research was to identify the needs of Deaf individuals with regard to provision of tourist information (TI), and its main focus was on... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementDeaf Culture