Ethnicity and Nationalism
Recent papers in Ethnicity and Nationalism
Sociology and PhD in applied linguistics entitled "Exploring the Relationship Between Language and Culture in Dhimal of Nepal". He has actively participated on all ICH Convention 2003, ICH Inventorying, ICH nomination process and ICH... more
Absbact -Tanzanian and Zmbian univesity stldents are g€nemlly toleranl towards rheir conpatiols of Eurcpean dd South Asian oignx. However, the level of lolennce among Zambians is hieber, basically due to rheexisrence since precolonial... more
After a short span of achieving statehood on basis of religious identity, the Bengali Muslims redefined their identity and once again demanded a separate state on basis of linguistic identity. Hobsbawm believe that identity formation in... more
The study analyses the structure and dynamics of opinions of the general public of Nepal with the radical transformation of the country’s political system in the recent past, with a particular focus on the four major state restructuring... more
This paper examines what best explains political behavior in a deeply divided society. Despite the democratic nature of the Israeli political system, we suggest that Israel’s society is characterized by social affiliations mainly defined... more
I t now seems highly likely that within the near future, some say within the coming year, a new constitution will be inaugurated in South Africa. For any new constitution to gain a semblance of legitimacy either locally or... more
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is the founder, owner and CEO award winning production company Optimistic since 2007. He is a creative and innovative developer of feature films, television series, documentaries, promotional films, media campaigns, and commercials. Dr.... more
We thank the Conference participants for their helpful comments and suggestions. We also thank Kumud Bhansali for her helpful comments. We are grateful to the three anonymous reviewers of this journal for their insightful comments and... more
Ugyanilyen jó szervezéssel javulhatnának a magyarok statisztikái a szív- és érrendszeri megbetegedések terén. Ugyanígy apadhatna a nemzeti sörpocak, nőhetne a nemzeti tüdőkapacitás, javulhatna a magyarok állóképessége. Ehhez szervezett és... more
Land is a highly important component of the ecosystem determining the existence and variation of other natural resources. Most commonly land is used for urbanization and agricultural development. Either of the said human activity is... more
- by Vida Maliene
The river Barak flowing through Northeast India is the critical cultural and economic resource for thousands of people residing on its banks. The indigenous Hmar tribe have many sites of great spiritual and religious significance located... more
A tanulmány témája egy több színtéren-az akadémiai világban és az emberi jogi aktiviz-mus területén-zajló, tágabb vitához kapcsolódik, amely a "szabadság kontra méltóság" címkével azonosítható. A szerző elsősorban az emberi... more
- by Andras Pap
The present paper examine the courtship and marriage among intermarried couples in Nepal. The study focuses on how the intimacy was developed? What were the factors that attracted toward each other? How long courtship lasted? What types... more
In this study news discourses dealing with the Roma minority in Bulgaria are analyzed. One of the most problematic issues facing Bulgaria in terms of the EU membership process was its attitude toward minorities. The government implemented... more
This article explains the effects of ethnic nationalism on Anglophone and Francophone migration. The rise of Québec ethnic nationalism in the 1960s dismantled the cultural division of labour, which created new opportunities for... more
In this chapter, I address the role of emotions in populist politics and ask whether the emotions that populism appeals to form a specific set that distinguishes populism from other ideologies or discourses, especially from ethnic... more
More specifically, in this paper I intend, to do two things: explain to a ., broader community why such a movement at this stage, is unique to Natal and I-THE FLIGHT OF THE GWALA-GWALA BIRD: KTHNICITY.POPUL.IGM AND WORKER CULTURE IN... more
More specifically, in this paper I intend, to do two things: explain to a ., broader community why such a movement at this stage, is unique to Natal and I-THE FLIGHT OF THE GWALA-GWALA BIRD: KTHNICITY.POPUL.IGM AND WORKER CULTURE IN... more
Absbact-Tanzanian and Zmbian univesity stldents are g€nemlly toleranl towards rheir conpatiols of Eurcpean dd South Asian oignx. However, the level of lolennce among Zambians is hieber, basically due to rheexisrence since precolonial time... more
I will start by discussing the origins of the [Arab-Israeli] crisis by scoping the long and complicated [ethno-nationalistic] conflict from hermeneutics, colonialism to both Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestinian sides of this paradigm.... more
Absbact-Tanzanian and Zmbian univesity stldents are g€nemlly toleranl towards rheir conpatiols of Eurcpean dd South Asian oignx. However, the level of lolennce among Zambians is hieber, basically due to rheexisrence since precolonial time... more
The modernity of nations and nationalism has been taken for granted as a self-evident truth, as Gellner (1983) claims, prevailing 'in the modern world and nowhere else' (p. 138). However, the conventional commentaries about tensions... more
In recent decades, two major approaches have emerged to explain the intersection of Mizrahi ethnicity and citizenship in Israel. Since the early 1990s, Yoav Peled's Multiple Citizenship paradigm has dominated in elucidating the... more
Összefoglalás A tanulmány a civilitikával mint új társadalomtudományi elemzési iránnyal, a civil társadalom elméletével és gyakorlatával foglalkozik. Az írás a civil társadalom történeti kialakulásának, illetve az alapvető... more
- by Tamás Fricz
Guest editor's introduction to special issue of Politics and Religion Journal: Politics and Religion in Israel, Vol. 18, N0. 1, March 7, 2024, open access.
A Kárpát-medence mai országainak kapcsolatait a közös történelmi múlt öröksége feszültségekkel terheli. A versailles-i békerendszer, amely etnikai alapon akarta átrendezni a határokat, nem megoldotta a soknemzetiségű birodalmak... more
Este artículo argumenta que los mitos, leyendas y cuentos populares jugaron un papel fundamental en la creación y desarrollo de una identidad mexicana. Los trabajos de estudiosos como David Brading, Enrique Florescano y Anthony Pagden,... more
Románia ezúttal sem hazudtolta meg önmagát A Román állam a magyar autonómia törekvéseket etnikai szempontok alapján történő szegregációnak tekinti. A parlament több politikusa is kiállt az indítványok elutasítása mellett. Marcel Ciolacu... more
Redefining Sacred and contemporary missionary derivation requirements: sacred and the Sacred avatars. I believe that creating a discourse on mission, primarily involves identifying motivations of Mission, internalizing (transforming them... more
Az írás a kisebbségvédelem és a területi-közösségi autonómiához való jog fogalmai kapcsán a nemzetközi jog rétegzettségének kérdését vizsgálja. Esszészerű megközelítése egyen betekintés is a jog és a politika bonyolult... more
Este artículo argumenta que los mitos, leyendas y cuentos populares jugaron un papel fundamental en la creación y desarrollo de una identidad mexicana. Los trabajos de estudiosos como David Brading, Enrique Florescano y Anthony Pagden,... more
The question of ethnicity remains a crucial variable in Nepal's nation-building process. The Movements based on ethnicity have been reshaping debates on the definition of nation, nationalism, and state structure. Although Nepal was... more
Reviews 157 Reviews 157 in which sex segregation is both seen as circumvented in temporary marri made responsible for the "brittle," "tense, insecure" marital relations in Iran (As far as form is concerned, the book suffers somewhat from... more
This article argues that in recent decades, following the political "turnaround" (mahapakh) in 1977, a distinct new group has appeared on the Israeli scene: the Mizrahi middle class. This social category no longer fits the traditional... more
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A megyerendszer változó szerepe a magyar közigazgatásban Mottó: "A földrajz legnehezebb ága a politikai földrajz. Azért a legnehezebb, mert ebben igen nehéz elfogulatlan, konkrét megállapításokat levezetni. Ezt a tudományágat rendesen... more
Center at the Hebrew University for their financial support. Note: This chapter is a condensed version of a longer paper with the same title, containing additional results and more extensive methodological details. This paper is available... more
Dans Outre-Terre Outre-Terre 2004/3 (n 2004/3 (n o o 8) 8), pages 105 à 114 Éditions Outre-terre Outre-terre