Recent papers in Africana
The study of Africa and its peoples in the United States has a complex history. It has involved the study of both an external and internal other, of social realities in Africa and the condition of people of African descent in the United... more
From the style of the language of the opening of this text it is clear that it was composed between 1790 and 1804 during the middle period of the reform movement established by the Shehu, which began in 1774 until his death in 1817. The... more
The mission and goal of Africana Studies is the development of cultural grounding, academic excellence, and social responsibility. Building the Basics: A Handbook for Developing Academic Excellence in Africana Studies focuses on the goal... more
This article uses a newly developed theoretical concept – the 'uncommodified blackness' image, to accentuate the discursive methods in which the humanness of Africans is denied in subtle and commonplace ways in Australia. In other words,... more
Pichi, an Afro-Caribbean English-lexifier Creole spoken on the island of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea, features four types of reiteration. Amongst them, reduplication and repetition can be distinguished on formal and semantic grounds.... more
James Turner has been at the center of the modern Black Studies Movement since its emergence in the 1960s, as an extension of the Black Power Movement. Since his days as a student activist at Northwestern University he has remained a... more
El artículo plantea el origen de la figura de Anansi y algunas funciones que cumple dentro de la literatura oral de los afrodescendientes, tanto míticas como ideológicas, ilustrando con ejemplos de África, el Pacífico Colombiano y... more
السِّرَاجَ الْوِهَاجَ فِي خَبْرِ الْإِسْرَاءِ وَالْمِعْرَاجِ بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ وَالصَّلاةُ وَالسَّلامُ مِنَ اللهِ عَلَى سَيِّدَنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ أَجْمَعِيْنَ. قَالَ أَفْقَرُ الْعِبَادِ... more
Article publié p.7-17 dans le numéro 22 de la revue De(s)générations, "Penser avec l'Afrique", coordonné par Arnaud Zohou, Saint-Etienne, Jean-Pierre Huguet, 2015, 96 p.
This book presents key concepts, information and principles that should underlie the practice of adult education in African contexts. It assumes that adult educators should have a historical perspective on the current educational context,... more
The ad-Durru an-Nadeer Fi Kayfiyat as-Salaat `Ala as-Shafi` al-Basheer (The Golden Pearls Regarding the Methodology of Sending Blessings Upon the Mediating Bringer of Good News) by the 10th century reformer of Islam, Shaykh Ahmad Baba ibn... more
"Management of Adult Education Organizations in Africa is premised upon the notion that Adult Education provided by organizations such as public universities, training colleges, corporate universities, and employers is now considered a... more
This concise but superb bibliographical study by Shaykh Abd’l-Qaadir ibn al-Mustafa ibn Muhammad at-Turuudi called Salwat’l-Ahzaan (The Easing of Sorrow by Mentioning Some of the Spiritually Elite from the People of this Age) is a timely... more
Brief account of 20 African vernaculars: short Igbo grammar.
Preface The Tafriqa of Shehu Uthman ibn Fuduye` is an early text on the science of Sufism, written during the beginning of the reform movement that resulted in the establishment of the SOKOTO CALIPHATE, the largest most successful Islamic... more
This is a review of *Egypt in its African Context*, ed. Karen Exell (Archaeopress, 2011)
This is a preliminary publishing of the Mirat ‘t-Tullab Fee Mustanid al-Abwaab Li Deen Allah al-Wahhab (The Mirror of the Students Regarding the Authoritative Sources of the Issues of the Deen of Allah, the Benefactor). It is... more
Random comments from a linguistic and Biblical Studies, etc. point of view of this Ethiopic classic - seen only in translation.
This small work by Shehu Uthman ibn Fuduye`is a reworking of the work of the same name by Shaykh Ahmad Zaruuq. It was composed during the early days of the reform around 1779-1780. There is additional information in the Shehu's work not... more
A methodical search for possible origins of the Egyptian language in the African interior.
Este artículo analiza el uso estratégico actual de la memoria colectiva –entendida como la filosofía y enseñanza de los y las mayores– como práctica decolonial para recuperar, fortalecer, reposicionar y reconstruir la existencia como... more
The Dawa ‘l-Waswas, (The Cure of Satanic Whispering) was composed by Shaykh Abdullahi ibn Fuduye’, during the height of the political expansion of the Sokoto Caliphate in 1807-1808. Shaykh Abdullahi was the brother of Shehu Uthman ibn... more
This succinct but brilliant poem by Shaykh Abdullahi ibn Fuduye`, may Allah be merciful to him and provide us with his baraka; regarding the particles of inflection (huruuf’l-`iraab) was first published according to my knowledge by Shaykh... more
Siraaj 'l-Ikhwaan The Guiding Light of the Brethren Concerning the Most Important Things That Are Needed in This Age by SHEHU Uthman Dan Fodio Section One: An Explanation of the Distinction Between the Muslims and the Disbelievers.... more
Resumo Os Estudos Africanos são uma área de conhecimento sobre a realidade social sujeita a abordagens que privilegiaram no passado conceitos ideológicos em detrimento de conceitos cientificamente objectivos. “Desideologizados”, os... more
This work by Shehu Uthman ibn Fuduye` (Dan Fodio) is arguably one of his most important works. In it he addresses all the issues of Iman, Islam and Ihsan from the perspective of the prophetic traditions. You can actually describe this... more
An ethnographic introduction to the Nigerian movie industry, written to order for Transition - with directions to make it readable and free of academic jargon.
Mi tesis de maestria sobre la imagen de la mujer negra en las obras seleccionadas de Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Como no quisieron publicarla a la universidad de Miami, la presento aqui.
Love is a riddle and Diikuula demonstrates this phenomena in his love riddle performed at Iganga in January 2008. The love riddle is part of an ongoing doctoral research on riddling as social discourse. The primary text published here is... more
This paper is an examination of the "new" racial genetics and African Americans.
Notes: "Igbo" and "km.t/Kemet" Close Cognates?
Word List of related terms
Kemet - black (fertile) land; Igbo - irrigable farmland; upland, farmland away from the waterside
Word List of related terms
Kemet - black (fertile) land; Igbo - irrigable farmland; upland, farmland away from the waterside
Course Description: Can HipHop culture help produce a more just world? If so, what theory and praxis best advance this aim? These are the questions that drive this conceptual course. Our critical interrogation of the relationship... more
This work by Shaykh Abd'l-Qaadir ibn Mustafa is small treatise which discuss the twenty-one personal pledges that the author took after reaching the age of fifty-two around 1272 A.H.. These pledges consists of vows of personal behavior... more
The attached powerpoint presentation (which can be downloaded) has audio from the presentation in the background of each corresponding slide. You can also click the youtube link to the video presentation, however, the slides were not... more
... A relevãncia civil do casamento católico. Autores: Jorge Bacelar Gouveia; Localización: Africana, ISSN 0871-2336, Nº 14, 1994 , págs. 155-185. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario.... more
Pichi is an Afro-Caribbean English-lexifier Creole spoken on the island of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea. It is an offshoot of 19th century Krio (Sierra Leone) and shares many characteristics with West African relatives like Nigerian Pidgin,... more