Absbact -Tanzanian and Zmbian univesity stldents are g€nemlly toleranl towards rheir conpatiols o... more Absbact -Tanzanian and Zmbian univesity stldents are g€nemlly toleranl towards rheir conpatiols of Eurcpean dd South Asian oignx. However, the level of lolennce among Zambians is hieber, basically due to rheexisrence since precolonial time of the Swahili culture and language at minimal nlnber of eapansionist certrr,lized polities in co.temporary Tanaia and lacli of \u-h-btkEorlJrill.ooriali r 'i Z.nh'.. T\r orl e mpo-Iant lactors de the respondenh' attitude to colonialism and trddidonal culrure. The role seculdzation plays is co radictory. Being Chilstian or Muslin. fon a larger or snalle. edrnic group, rhe place of bnth. dd p.obably tbe financial situation proved insienincsr. [Ibn anid, Zanbia, ethia rcciIl hinornies, totera n r e, p o sr c o I a nia ]i fl , n ationbu i Ld i n B, p re c o lo ni al and c a loni dl Dmild M. Bondarerko, PbD, D. Sc.. is \4ce-Dircctor for Re sedch of lhe lnstitute for Aftican Sludies of the Russirn Acrd emy oi Sciedces dd Professo. in tbe Ce er of Soci.l Antlro pology of the Rusian State UniveNity fo.1he Hunanides in Moscow. He is the aurhor of over :00 publicdtions on hisbry and culture of Sub Sahdm Aftica, as well as on r wide rdge of theoreiical issues vdying fron the nse of social conplexiry in dchaic societies ro culrurol pr@e$es in conlempordy world. Anong his monogaphs e those in English: A Popuh Hislory oi Benin. The Rise and Fall oa a Mighry Forest Kingdon (wilh Perer M. Rcse. Fnnkfuft 2003), and "Honodchy. A Prin' ciple of Cullue\ organizdtion (Moscow 2006).see also Rel: Cited. Kaniri K.hhna, PhD, Senior Leturer in rhe Deparhen! of History, School of Hunaniries lnd Sociul Sciences, Unnesny of Zambia (Lusaka). She is rhe arthor of a signincant dunber of adicles injournah dd collections. including those on Soulh Asians in Africa and lndjat policy on the continent.
Absbact -Tanzanian and Zmbian univesity stldents are g€nemlly toleranl towards rheir conpatiols o... more Absbact -Tanzanian and Zmbian univesity stldents are g€nemlly toleranl towards rheir conpatiols of Eurcpean dd South Asian oignx. However, the level of lolennce among Zambians is hieber, basically due to rheexisrence since precolonial time of the Swahili culture and language at minimal nlnber of eapansionist certrr,lized polities in co.temporary Tanaia and lacli of \u-h-btkEorlJrill.ooriali r 'i Z.nh'.. T\r orl e mpo-Iant lactors de the respondenh' attitude to colonialism and trddidonal culrure. The role seculdzation plays is co radictory. Being Chilstian or Muslin. fon a larger or snalle. edrnic group, rhe place of bnth. dd p.obably tbe financial situation proved insienincsr. [Ibn anid, Zanbia, ethia rcciIl hinornies, totera n r e, p o sr c o I a nia ]i fl , n ationbu i Ld i n B, p re c o lo ni al and c a loni dl Dmild M. Bondarerko, PbD, D. Sc.. is \4ce-Dircctor for Re sedch of lhe lnstitute for Aftican Sludies of the Russirn Acrd emy oi Sciedces dd Professo. in tbe Ce er of Soci.l Antlro pology of the Rusian State UniveNity fo.1he Hunanides in Moscow. He is the aurhor of over :00 publicdtions on hisbry and culture of Sub Sahdm Aftica, as well as on r wide rdge of theoreiical issues vdying fron the nse of social conplexiry in dchaic societies ro culrurol pr@e$es in conlempordy world. Anong his monogaphs e those in English: A Popuh Hislory oi Benin. The Rise and Fall oa a Mighry Forest Kingdon (wilh Perer M. Rcse. Fnnkfuft 2003), and "Honodchy. A Prin' ciple of Cullue\ organizdtion (Moscow 2006).see also Rel: Cited. Kaniri K.hhna, PhD, Senior Leturer in rhe Deparhen! of History, School of Hunaniries lnd Sociul Sciences, Unnesny of Zambia (Lusaka). She is rhe arthor of a signincant dunber of adicles injournah dd collections. including those on Soulh Asians in Africa and lndjat policy on the continent.
Papers by Radhe Krishna