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The beginning of Vladimir Putin’s third term was characterised by the politicisation of corruption. Opposition forces focused on corruption and criticised the regime for tolerating it. This article explores how the regime reacted to... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian PoliticsAnti-CorruptionCorruption
The paper uncovers determinants of turnout in Iran by studying the role of institutional and socio-economic variables in parliamentary politics since the 2000s. The paper argues that Iran’s electoral system has dichotomized the pattern of... more
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      Political EconomyMiddle East StudiesPolitical ScienceIranian Studies
В монографии исследуются леворадикальные, популистские режимы Уго Чавеса в Венесуэле и Эво Моралеса в Боливии, ставшие составной частью «левого поворота» в Латинской Америке в конце ХХ — начале ХХI в. Отталкиваясь от определения понятий... more
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      Latin American StudiesComparative PoliticsBolivian studiesPolitical Regimes
Политические машины в регионах России, созданные губернаторами в середине 1990-х годов, оказались наиболее эффективными в национальных республиках. Этому способствовало несколько причин, среди которых плотность патронажных сетей среди... more
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      Russian StudiesPolitical SciencePost-Soviet StudiesElectoral Studies
Last year, independent and secular segments of civil society ran against the established traditional political parties in Lebanon’s parliamentary elections. While their campaign elicited much hope, the results were disappointing. Why did... more
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      Social MovementsMiddle East StudiesCommunity OrganizingLebanon
In order to understand the functions of elections in non-democratic regimes, about 100 national elections between 1992 and 2012 in eleven successor states of the Soviet Union are examined. A comparative analysis of both presidential and... more
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      EurasiaElectionsElectoral Authoritarianism
This article investigates how hybrid regimes supply governance by examining a series of dilemmas (involving elections, the mass media, and state institutions) that their rulers face. The authors demonstrate how regime responses to these... more
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      Russian PoliticsAuthoritarianismElectoral AuthoritarianismHybrid Regimes
Caspian Energy Politics analyses the role of oil and gas in the development of the three main petroleum exporters in the Caspian region – Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan – and how energy resources influence interactions with... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisDemocratizationPost-Soviet RegimesCentral Asian Studies
Проведено теоретико-методологічний та емпіричний розгляд політичних режимів сучасності, а також історії становлення та сучасного стану розвитку кількісних та якісних методів типологізації та порівняльного вимірювання політичних режимів... more
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      Comparative PoliticsGovernmentDemocratic TheoryDemocratization
The hybrid regime framework provides a useful approach for analysis of (post-)Third wave political regimes, yet there has not been sufficient effort to develop adequate systematic measure of ‘mixed’ regimes. Several measures that exist... more
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      DemocratizationPost-Soviet RegimesPolitical RegimesElectoral Authoritarianism
Bu bölümde siyasal rejim tipleri tartışılmaktadır. İlk olarak, demokratik olmayan rejim sınıflandırmaları, daha sonra demokratik rejim tanımları, en son olarak da bu iki rejim tipinin arasında kalan karma rejimler (seçimli/rekabetçi... more
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      AuthoritarianismAuthoritarian regimesDemokrasiSiyaset Bilimi
In this paper, I claim that Turkey is moving out of its tutelary democratic regime and is moving towards a populist competitive authoritarian regime. A tutelary regime is a form of defective democracy that aims to normalize a certain... more
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      DemocratizationPopulismKemalismTurkish politics
Lebanese state institutions have shown increasing signs of fragility and unreliability in recent years. Considering that prominent political elites have been in office for decades, it is fair to hold them responsible for the state’s... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial MovementsMiddle East StudiesPostcolonial Studies
In this article, I critically engage with the populism literature, and predicated on a conceptualization of modern democracy as a mixed regime (combining oligarchy and democracy), I provide a mechanism to connect populism-in-power to... more
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      Democratic TheoryPopulismDemocracyPeronism
Bu yazıda, AKP'nin neo-muhafazakar popülist ideolojisinin, Türkiye'de var olan yarı-otoriter rejimin otoriterliğinin derinleşmesine yol açtığını iddia ediyorum. Daha teorik bir ifadeyle, AKP'nin neo-muhafazakar popülizminin, modern... more
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      ConservatismPopulismNeoliberalismConservatism in Turkey
In August 2020, the presidential election took place in Belarus, followed by unprecedented mass protests due to apparent election fraud. Aliaksandr Lukashenka, the country's long-term authoritarian leader, faced the biggest electoral... more
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      Belarusian StudiesPublic and Political CommunicationPolitical communicationElectoral Behavior
The emergence of India as a fascist nation ruled by the BJP with Modi as its figurehead is no surprise considering the origins of the BJP. Nor is it a surprise considering the identity of those unmarried, fanatically devoted party workers... more
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      Indian studiesFascismNeo-FascismFreedom Of Expression
Like Weimar Germany, contemporary Russia is home to fascist actors and widespread nationalism. But unlike interwar Germany, the party system in post-Soviet Russia is heavily manipulated and civil society remains underdeveloped. This means... more
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      Russian StudiesComparative PoliticsContemporary HistoryComparative History
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      MalaysiaDemocratisationElectoral One-Party StateElectoral Authoritarianism
This paper aims to accomplish two goals. First, to present recent empirical evidence to the claim that Serbia is on the path towards embracing a more radical version of electoral authoritarianism. This is accomplished by examining most... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical EconomyComparative Political EconomyDemocracy
Gender and populism have been extensively theorized separately, but there has not been sufficient study of the way that gender undergirds populism, strengthening its diverse manifestations. Focusing on the cases of Vladimir Putin and... more
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      PopulismNativismGender ideologyPolitical leadership
This article explains how the electoral one-party state of United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) in Malaysia is maintained through constituency delimitation. It examines how the means of inter-state malapportionment, intra-state... more
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      Legislative PoliticsElectoral systems, political parties, and executive-legislative structuresMalaysian PoliticsElectoral Authoritarianism
After toppling the 61-year dominant Barisan Nasional through a historic election victory in May 2018, expectations are high for the new ruling government led by Mahathir Mohamad and the Pakatan Harapan to fulfil their promises for... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologySocial Change
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      SingaporeElectoral BehaviorElectoral Authoritarianism
See p 63-81. Political leadership in Africa is changing. Evidence of this can be found in the Arab Spring, democratic elections on the continent and the rejection by the African Union (AU) of undemocratic and unconstitutional regime... more
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      African StudiesAfricaDemocratizationElectoral Behavior
and Keywords Considering incidents that make headline news internationally, given the modern information and communication technology revolution, the facility of citizens to rapidly mobilize represents a considerable threat to autocratic... more
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      Information TechnologyProtestAuthoritarianismElectoral Authoritarianism
This paper looks at the special case of military-guided electoral authoritarianism in Myanmar. Examining why electoral authoritarianism crumbled so easily, it looks into the historical importance of elections, the formation of the... more
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      DemocratizationElectionsMyanmarElectoral Authoritarianism
From late 2010 a series of dramatic and unprecedented events swept across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), toppling several autocratic regimes that had held power for decades and ushering in a new climate of dissent and... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
NOTE: This document includes the TOC, Introduction, and Conclusion of the dissertation. To download the full thesis, please go to ABSTRACT: This dissertation examines Dutertismo as an event in the... more
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      NationalismPopulismAbjectionSocial Movements (Political Science)
Bu yazıda, anayasa yapım ve referandum süreçlerini, Türkiye'nin son on yılına damgasını vuran eklemlenme/genişleme olgusu (yeni grupların siyasete katılımı) ve siyasal güç dengesindeki değişimi göz önünde bulundurarak inceliyorum. Yazı... more
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      JurisprudenceComparative PoliticsSoutheast Asian StudiesThai Studies
“Neformalʹni instytuty ta neopatrymonialʹna demokratiya v Ukrayini (Informal Institutions and Ukraine’s Neopatrimonial Democracy),” Agora, No. 17 (2016): 9-13. Стаття присвячена аналізу українського політичного розвитку після... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPost-Soviet RegimesUkrainian StudiesPost-Soviet Politics
In this article, we re-analyze the hypothesis that the relationship between the type of political regime and its political instability forms an inverted U shape. Following this logic, consistent democracies and autocracies are more stable... more
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      World Systems AnalysisPolitical AnthropologyRevolutionsDemocratization
This article examines the characteristics of the current political regime in Turkey in an attempt to classify it on the democracy-autocracy spectrum. Borrowing the definition of competitive authoritarian regimes from Levitsky and Way,... more
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      Political RegimesTurkeyElectoral AuthoritarianismHybrid Regimes
This book proposes a significant reassessment of the history of Iraq, documenting democratic experiences from ancient Mesopotamia through to the US occupation. Such an analysis takes to task claims that the 'West' has a uniquely... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryAncient HistoryEuropean History
This article examines the historical evolution of Tunisia’s Constitutional Democratic Rally (RCD) from its beginnings in 1987, when President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali took power, until his ousting in 2011 when the party was outlawed. I... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa Studies
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      Interdisciplinary StudiesFrancoismElectoral AuthoritarianismPortuguese «Estado Novo»
We explored links between competitive authoritarianism and populism in Serbia under Vučić via mixed methods. We conducted the quantitative content analysis of 228 political cartoons (2013-2017) of Dušan Petričić, a leading cartoonist and... more
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      Eastern European StudiesYugoslaviaPopulismDemocracy
Bu yazıda, 2014 yerel seçimlerinin rejim bağlamı ve bu bağlamda şekillenen parti stratejileri tartışılmaktadır. Türkiye siyasal rejimini şu şekilde sınıflandırmak mümkündür. Öncelikle, 2007-2010 arasında AKP yönetiminde Türkiye’nin... more
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      PopulismElections and Voting BehaviorTurkish politicsElectoral Authoritarianism
Retired military officers often continue to wield significant influence in regimes built after the end of junta rule, sometimes helping to bridge enduring civil-military divides. Myanmar's recent legislative elections offers a... more
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      SociologySoutheast Asian StudiesSocializationParliamentary Studies
In May 2018, the Malaysian opposition coalition Pakatan Harapan or Hope Alliance won the federal elections for the first time in the history of the country. The electoral authoritarian system is now in a state of transition. The electoral... more
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      Political CoalitionsSoutheast Asian PoliticsMalaysian PoliticsDemocracy and democratization
The collapse of Malaysia’s multiethnic reformist government by a party coup in February 2020 called “Sheraton Move” can be assessed along at least three dimensions: first, inter-personality-clash power struggle between key Malay leaders... more
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      DemocratizationMalaysiaDr Mahathir MohamadElectoral Authoritarianism
The southern African nation of Angola was included in the third wave of democratisation which began rolling over the African continent in the late 1980s. Structural political and economic reforms, including multiparty elections, were... more
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      DemocratizationAfrican PoliticsAuthoritarianismElectoral Authoritarianism
In countries like Russia, where legal institutions providing political accountability and protection of property rights are weak, some elite actors accept the use of violence as a tool in political and economic competition. The intensity... more
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      CriminologyRussian StudiesEconomicsDevelopment Economics
Why do authoritarian legislatures support regime durability? Existing literature utilizes country-level or case study data, but lacks detailed, within-country evidence on rent distribution to citizens which is needed to understand why... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesMoroccan Studies
The electoral authoritarian regime of Singapore has experienced two very different general elections in 2011 and 2015. The first was a watershed election that allowed the opposition to capture the largest number of seats ever, including a... more
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      SingaporeElections and Voting BehaviorSingapore PoliticsElectoral Authoritarianism
This chapter argues that one key legacy of the US effort to bring democracy to Iraq has been that many elements within Iraq’s Shia Arab political elite have viewed democracy through the lens of a cynical majoritarianism and manipulated it... more
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      ReligionPolitical SociologyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsEthnic Studies
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The paper shows that sustained popular protest is a recurrent feature in many authoritarian regimes and that a regime type strongly shapes its characteristics. Popular protest often leads to important changes in the personal composition... more
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      Social MovementsComparative PoliticsPolitical ScienceRevolutions
Il presente file, titolo: Republicanismvs Geopoliticvs Fontes Origenes et Via, contiene testi e link di Massimo Morigi sull’estetizzazione della politica e sul ‘Repubblicanesimo geopolitico’. Il ‘Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico’ è una... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsLegitimacy and AuthorityMarxismRepublicanism