Post-Soviet Politics
Recent papers in Post-Soviet Politics
L’intento di questo lavoro è presentare un quadro che sia il più completo possibile nell’analizzare il percorso dell’Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche dalla sua nascita, nel 1922, fino al suo crollo, nel 1991 e,... more
This study analyzes controversies and public attitudes concerning the Bandera faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B), the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and Stepan Bandera in Ukraine. The research question is: Which... more
This study examines the role of political factors in attitudes toward World War II in contemporary Ukraine. The question under examination is which factors determine public views of the principal warring sides and their leaders in... more
Why is so little known about the KGB career of Russia's acting President Vladimir Putin? Most reporting on both sides of the Atlantic is thinly sourced, if sourced at all, and often conflicting. Was Putin a professional foreign... more
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
Georgia, a small state in the South Caucasus, is the most ardent supporter of Euro-Atlantic integration in the entire post-Soviet region. Georgia’s possible membership in NATO looms large not only in terms of politics in the South... more
Hat die derzeitige politische Ordnung in Russland mittel- und langfristig Bestand? Die fundamentale Herausforderung der Fortexistenz des heutigen kleptokratischen Regimes Russlands in den kommenden Jahren wird das Zusammenfallen zweier... more
ЭРОТИКА, ИЛИ СТЁБ ПО ТЕЛУ Сочинением, вызвавшим едва ли не самый громкий резонанс в критике и читательской среде, стал написанный в разгар подготовки к чеченской войне (осень 1994) рассказ Владимира Маканина "Кавказский пленный" 33 ,... more
Hvilke konsekvenser har 70 dr med sovjetiske reformer hatt for de russiske samenes etnopolitiske organisering etter 1989? F0rste del av denne artikkelen tar for seg utviklingen av de russiske samenes etnopolitiske organisasjoner og... more
Relying primarily on field research in the Siberian city of Omsk, this essay analyses a variety of ways in which state patriotic terminology is used by individuals and groups through the study of organisations and activities that deploy... more
The Article in Atlas Obscura pertaining to the problem of Ukraine's Soviet Mosaics and their seeping away.
By understanding demographic trends from more than a century ago, it’s possible to obtain a more nuanced view of the complexities of the current crises in Ukraine and Nagorno-Karabakh.
This chapter analyses constitutional amendments in the Russian Federation (1993–2014). We show that in the phase of constitution-making a problematic path was adopted when the El'cin administration promoted a basic law advantaging the... more
What happens to informal institutions and practices when political actors decide to implement democratic institutional reforms aimed at relieving formal institutions of informal constraints? Does informality disappear, or do the elites... more
À partir du succès de la Révolution orange en Ukraine et de l’échec de la Révolution de Jeans en Biélorussie, cet ouvrage propose une étude rétrospective des transformations politiques et identitaires dans ces deux États issus de la... more
Georgien skall vara en självständig, enhetlig och odelbar stat […]. Den georgiska statens politiska struktur skall inta formen av en demokratisk republik.
Giorgadze has long been in opposition to Georgian authorities and is a well informed man too. Speaking at a news conference in Moscow, he appealed to none other than US President Donald Trump with a personal request to investigate the... more
El presente texto, recogiendo las aportaciones de Charles Tilly a la comprensión y disección del fenómeno revolucionario y siguiendo su definición clásica de revolución, plantea un análisis tentativo del concepto para analizar las... more
In this research (supported by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) we first intend to analyse the expected benefits and risks associated with Kyrgyzstan’s accession to EEU in general, and more... more
As a result of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its “hybrid war” in the Donbas, the present-day nonproliferation regime, with its exceptional treatment of the permanent Security Council members, could in the future, paradoxically,... more
Picture 1. 1 Table of Contents Abstract p. Foreword p. Introduction & methodology p. Historiography p. Chapter 1: The introduction of Soviet-forced labour p. Chapter 2: The period of continuation p. Chapter 3: The fletching paths of... more
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 remains a deeply puzzling event. The action was uncharacteristic of Moscow's Third World policy and extremely self-destructive. Moreover, archival sources reveal that, just nine months... more
Cтоит ли классифицировать природу «системы Путина», ввиду ее недавней радикализации, как современное проявление фашизма, как это недавно сделали некоторые — в том числе и русские — обозреватели? У этих явно антипутинских комментаторов —... more
В современной Украине из Степана Бандеры и его организации делают героев, хотя на самом деле они были международными террористами, пишет Иван Качановский, пост-докторский сотрудник факультета политологии Торонтского университета, в своей... more
What the world is now witnessing in Ukraine is the cumulative effect of history and memory in the lives of the people of the region—and this book helps readers to understand those subjects. Centered in Kharkiv, a Russian-speaking city in... more
Процессы трансформации на постсоветском пространстве приводят к формированию различ- ного рода интеграционных группировок. Необходим поиск интеграционной парадигмы, которая позволила бы выявить закономерность интеграционных и... more
This study analyzes the Soviet and post-Soviet Russian foreign policy from political Realist perspective. We try to find and to demonstrate to our readers as to what extent Cold War Soviet foreign policy was under the impact of Realist... more
Perestrojka Mihaila Gorbačova trebala je ojačati socijalizam u SSSR-u, no umjesto toga pokrenula je događaje koji su doveli do raspada SSSR-a. Ukrajina od SSSR-a nasljeđuje golemi nuklearni arsenal, oko čijeg vlasništva izbija prvi spor s... more
"Charles Tilly’s Concept of Revolution and the 'Color Revolutions'", is a chapter included in "Regarding Tilly. Conflict, Power and Collective Action", Funes (2016), New York: University Press of America (Rowman and Littlefield). In... more
W klasycznym modelu państwa totalitarnego władza ma pełną kontrolę nad obywatelami, we wszystkich dziedzinach życia społecznego 1 . Wymaga okazywania poparcia, politycznego uczestnictwa obywateli. Społeczeństwo jest więc zmuszone do... more
The ongoing crisis in Ukraine first entered the spotlight of international media in late 2013 and remains one of the top global concerns. In this work, a University of Victoria historian Serhy Yekelchyk provides timely and concise, yet... more