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Radical right-wing parties often use the attack on feminism as a central argument in their political discourse. The Spanish political party Vox, born in 2013, is a good example of this phenomenon. This paper analyzes Vox's Instagram posts... more
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      Social NetworksPolitical CampaignsSpainRadical Right
Despite the contributions of intersectional approaches, the academic and political left is challenged by competing interests in class, gender, race, and other axes of inequality and power. The disconnect between research on political... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisLatin American StudiesFeminist Theory
This publication aims to critically analyse the emergence of anti.gender mobilisations in European far right and conservative party programmes and the role of the respective parties in shaping the discourse and mobilisations. Five case... more
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      Social MovementsGender StudiesHuman RightsGender and Sexuality
Social facilitation, the performance hindering or enhancing phenomenon that occurs when an individual completes a task under evaluation of an audience, is one of social psychology's oldest and most fascinating phenomena (Aronson 2010).... more
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      GenderPerformanceGender ideologySexism
Anti-gender actors in East-Central Europe (ECE) too claim that gender is an ideological colonization. In this article, in contrasting these accusations with actually existing power relations of the global and European gender architecture,... more
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      Eastern European StudiesGender StudiesHungaryGender ideology
In October 2018, after a prolonged economic and political crisis and a ruthless presidential election campaign, Jair Bolsonaro, an ex-military right-wing extremist, was elected the new president of Brazil. In my work, I analyze material... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologySociology of KnowledgePolitical Campaigns
Esta investigación se propone indagar las estrategias de incidencia política del movimiento conservador argentino a través de sus repertorio de acción y discursos en redes sociales, durante el periodo 2017-2020. Para ello se analiza el... more
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cent conservative mobilisations across Europe alarm us, the progress that has been made in the field of gender equality has not only been rather stagnant and uneven, but also much shakier and easier to reverse than we had imagined. In... more
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      Gender StudiesLGBT IssuesFeminismRight-Wing Movements
We seek a wide-ranging set of contributions from multiple disciplines and are hoping to represent a diversity of geographical perspectives. We also encourage submissions of short, public-facing, and/or experimental articles, as well as... more
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      Gender StudiesTranslation StudiesQueer TheoryGender and Sexuality
Male chauvinism is the belief that men are morally superior to women. Female chauvinism is the belief that women are morally superior to men. Both depend on the assumption of essential or natural gender differences between men and women... more
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      Gender StudiesPolitical PhilosophySex and GenderWomen's Studies
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      Women's StudiesMarxismCold WarReligious Fundamentalism
a micro article based off some of Schopenhauer and Spinoza’s work on reality divide and the direction and modernization of subjectivity and gnosticism versus objective truth.
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El texto introduce un Dossier sobre Ofensivas conservadoras en América Latina, editado por ambas para el LASA Forum No. 51. Spring 2020. Presenta conceptos generales de la ofensiva anti-género y describe y analiza las contribuciones de... more
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      Gender StudiesGender ideologyAmérica LatinaIdeología De Género
Gender and populism have been extensively theorized separately, but there has not been sufficient study of the way that gender undergirds populism, strengthening its diverse manifestations. Focusing on the cases of Vladimir Putin and... more
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      PopulismNativismGender ideologyPolitical leadership
Este trabajo busca destacar algunas dimensiones que hacen a la transnacionalización del activismo neoconservador en América Latina. Específicamente, aborda las principales formas de articulación y alianzas que están desplegando a nivel... more
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      Latin American StudiesSexual and Reproductive HealthReligion and SexualityConservatism (Political Science)
In 2005, Spain became the third European country to legalize same-sex marriage after the Netherlands (2001) and Belgium (2003). When the Spanish parliament was discussing the same-sex marriage bill, a majority of the Catholic population... more
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      Gender StudiesHistory of ReligionReligion and SexualityCollective Action
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      PosthumanismGender and SexualityEnhancementTranshumanism
Transnational anti-gender mobilizations emerged almost simultaneously throughout the years 2012-2013 all over Europe, seriously challenging women’s and minorities' rights, and attempting to undermine the very foundations of liberal... more
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      Gender StudiesHuman RightsPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismProgressive Politics
Qual foi o papel desempenhado pelas redes na criação das polarizações polí-ticas que marcam a vida política brasileira desde as Jornadas de Junho? De que modo elas se relacionam com a cruzada moral que vivemos nesses dias? Nes-te artigo,... more
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      Digital MediaGender and SexualityInternet & SocietySocial Networking Sites (SNS)
Given that the so-called "ideology of gender" has recently become prominent in contemporary discourses and public debates in Brazil, this paper considers the biopolitical presuppositions that those discourses animate in the context of... more
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      Queer StudiesBrazilGender ideologyModernity/coloniality/decoloniality
In these pages we propose to reflect on the current proposal of inclusive language. In front of it, we adopt a critical posture, although moderate and open to the unfolded use of gender, which allows us to safeguard the ambiguity present... more
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      Language GamesGender ideologyLifeworldIdeología De Género
"En el último par de años, el rótulo ideología de género (en adelante IG) se ha vuelto uno de los términos más discutidos en redes sociales y medios de comunicación. Álgidos debates políticos han hecho de esta expresión un recurso más... more
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      Gender StudiesGender ideologyGéneroIdeología De Género
O presente texto analisa como a produção de fake news impulsionou a campanha de Jair Messias Bolsonaro (Partido Social Liberal - PSL) à Presidência da República, culminando em sua vitória no 2º turno das eleições do ano de 2018. Por meio... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderReligion and SexualitySexuality
The present study examines the effect of gender ideology of the translators on two Persian translations of Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. The findings reveal that although both translations have many similar features in respect to some... more
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      Translation StudiesGenderFeminismGender ideology
Despite the growing literature focusing on the ways gender ideology influences heterosexual relationship outcomes, few of these studies have considered the moderating role of religion. Drawing on a national random sample of American... more
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      ReligionSociologySociology of FamiliesSociology of Religion
Analisaremos neste texto algumas das maneiras como concepções religiosas interferiram na formulação de políticas públicas no município catarinense de Paulo Lopes (Santa Catarina), culminando na retirada do termo gênero de seu Plano... more
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      Comparative ReligionSociology of ReligionGender StudiesEducation
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      Gender StudiesSpanish as a Foreign LanguageHidden CurriculumGender ideology
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      Human RightsNeoliberalismGender ideologyfar-right politics Europe
Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma análise histórica sobre a presença do termo "ideologia de gênero" nas discussões legislativas da Câmara dos Deputados. Para isto, foram sistematizados e analisados 225 pronunciamentos e 27... more
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      Gender ideologyEstudos de Gênero (Gender Studies)Gênero E SexualidadePoder Legislativo
In recent years, there has been an increase in the so-called anti-gender campaigns across Europe and Latin America. The main aim of these campaigns is to oppose "gender ideology", or what is perceived as an unnatural subversion of... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPost-Socialist SocietiesSexual and Gender-Based ViolenceGender ideology
This article presents a brief synthesis of a broad and complex situation comprised by a reaction against advances in sexual and reproductive rights that emerged in several Latin American countries showing common elements, among which a... more
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      Human RightsGender and SexualityGender and Sexuality StudiesWomen and Gender Studies
In recent years a massive right-wing conservative attack has appeared across European countries aimed against the so-called gender ideology/theory. On the example of various written and spoken texts produced by politicians, scholars,... more
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      LiberalismLiberal DemocracyGender ideology
La radicalizzazione del dibattito italiano intorno al gender si inserisce in un contesto politico e culturale caratterizzato da ondate ricorsive di panico sessuale, che hanno riguardato le rivendicazioni di libertà e autodeterminazione... more
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      Gender ideologyCittadinanzaNeoconservatorismo
O presente artigo tem como objetivo levantar questões a respeito dos processos de ataques a questões de gênero dos ditos conservadores e fundamentalistas religiosos, a nomeando de “ideologia de gênero”. Apontando as ações anti-populares,... more
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      PsychoanalysisGender StudiesQueer StudiesReligious Fundamentalism
Este artículo analiza el despliegue de la ideología de género en Colombia a partir de dos episodios que revelan el alcance y las estrategias del activismo religioso y político conservador: las protestas contra el material pedagógico... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityGender ideology
The article presents a case study of dietary recommendations given in the book "100 minutes for beauty" by Polish author Zofia Wędrowska - an influential text, which helped shape the notion of femininity as well as everyday beauty rituals... more
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      HabitusPierre BourdieuConstructions of femininityMarshall McLuhan
Essa pesquisa analisa os efeitos do combate à chamada “ideologia de gênero”, por parte dos parlamentares do congresso nacional brasileiro, à fruição dos direitos das pessoas LGBTI, a partir de uma analise de discurso de alguns... more
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      Gender StudiesHuman RightsTransgender StudiesPolitical Science
• Mass protests across Europe against marriage equality, reproductive rights, gender mainstreaming and sexual education have centralised in the past few years around so-called " gender theory ". This theory is explained as a new threat to... more
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      Gender TheoryGender ideologyPublic SchoolsEducational Process
Precarious manhood beliefs portray manhood, relative to womanhood, as a social status that is hard to earn, easy to lose, and proven via public action. Here, we present cross-cultural data on a brief measure of precarious manhood beliefs... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial PsychologyGender Studies
This paper gathers a wide range of indicators into distinctive profiles to show how configurations of gender economic inequality are shaped by both welfare state strategies and gender role ideologies. When multiple aspects of gender... more
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      Welfare StateSexualityGender and SexualityGender
This entry explores the concept of structural sexism, which encompasses a broad range of social phenomena related to sex- and gender-based discrimination, disparities, and injustices. The following offers an introduction to the term by... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityGenderEcofeminism
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      Gender and SexualityCatholicismGender ideologyCatholic Church History
The beginning of the 21st century was marked by the emergence and geographical‎ spread of anti-gender movements in Europe and Latin America. The analysed‎ research articles were selected through the Google Scholar academic search‎ engine... more
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      Social MovementsRadical RightGender ideologyanti-gender movements
The so-called gender ideology was a decisive tool for Jair Bolsonaro and his followers during the Brazilian presidential elections in 2018. By mobilizing gender and sexuality as a moral discourse to dispute power in the country, enemies... more
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      Gender and SexualityLGBT IssuesCultureBrazil
The paper addresses some of the ways in which anthropology, as a discourse and a discipline, has contributed to the forging as much as to the problematisation of the concept of gender, not only within the feminist, queer and LGBTQI camps,... more
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      AnthropologySex and GenderQueer TheoryRace and Racism
The aim of this study was to determine which woman stereotypes are most common in a group of young adolescents from Buenos Aires; to then see how they value these stereotypes and analyse whether they can be categorised as hostile,... more
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      Intergroup RelationsStereotypes and PrejudiceGender RolesGender ideology
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityGender ideologyGender and Social and Political Policies
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      Gender StudiesHuman RightsWomen's RightsCentral and Eastern Europe