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      Political ScienceSocial Science Research NetworkRedistrictingGerrymandering
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      Constitutional LawU.S. constitutional lawGerrymanderingUS House of Representatives
« Des élections disputées ? Découpage électoral et compétition électorale dans les circonscriptions législative, en France, entre 1997 et 2012 », Cahiers du CEVIPOL, 2015, n°2, p. 1-35.
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      Electoral SystemsPolitical CompetitionElectionsElection Studies
This 2014 essay discussed the issue of same-sex marriage in the context of judicial review principles. Although the U.S. Supreme Court held that same-sex marriage was a constitutional right in 2015, the reflections in the paper on... more
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      HistoryLawJurisprudenceConstitutional Law
Este plan de trabajo, finalmente cancelado, abarcaba ocho cursos intensivos que preparé en su oportunidad para la Universidad de Sevilla. Las conferencias y talleres previstos eran los siguientes: 1. Conferencia 1. “Simetrías y... more
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      Teorías de la ComplejidadGerrymanderingMusic Theory, Flamencology, Ethnomusicology...Análisis de redes sociales
¿Es posible en Chile la distorsión de los resultados electorales producto de actos legislativos, actos administrativos, o ambos, que influyan sustancialmente en las características de los distritos electorales? El presente artículo busca... more
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      Derecho constitucionalGerrymanderingPolitical GerrymanderingDerecho Electoral
In 2016, the California Legislature passed Senate Bill 958, requiring the County of Los Angeles to assemble the Los Angeles County Citizens Redistricting Commission (LA County CRC) following the 2020 Federal Census. The LA County CRC’s... more
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      Political ScienceRegional and Local GovernanceLocal GovernmentElections
La réforme des institutions en cours s’appuie sur une réforme électorale d’ampleur dont l’objectif est d’améliorer l’efficacité du Parlement et sa représentativité. Une mise en perspective montre, toutefois, qu’elle échouera à atteindre... more
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      French StudiesPolitical ScienceElectoral SystemsFrench Politics
სტატიის მიზანია თანასწორი საარჩევნო უფლების მიზნებისთვის საარჩევნო გეოგრაფიის და მისით მანიპულირების თეორიული გააზრება, საარჩევნო საზღვრებზე საკონსტიტუციო კონტროლის ფარგლებში გამოვლენილი გამოწვევების იდენტიფიცირება და პარლამენტში... more
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      Electoral SystemsConstitutional ReformGerrymanderingElections In Georgia
This article explains how the electoral one-party state of United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) in Malaysia is maintained through constituency delimitation. It examines how the means of inter-state malapportionment, intra-state... more
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      Legislative PoliticsElectoral systems, political parties, and executive-legislative structuresMalaysian PoliticsElectoral Authoritarianism
The fairness of delimitation process can only be revived with comprehensive constitutional restructure on the relevant framework. The existing position clearly gives enormous advantage to the ruling party to manipulate the process. Their... more
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      DemocracyElectionsElection LawMalaysian Politics
Pouvoirs, 2013, n°146, p.117-132.
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      French PoliticsElectoral StudiesLegislative StudiesElectoral Reform
La loi électorale en Europe, Actes de la Journée d'étude du 10 novembre 2017, Editeur : Société de législation comparée, Volume 35, 2018.
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      GovernmentPolitical ScienceElectoral SystemsFrench Politics
These  were my suggestions submitted for the consideration of the Electoral Reform Committee.
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      Electoral SystemsMalaysian PoliticsGerrymanderingConstituency Redelineation
This essay analyzes the significance of García v. Taft, Texas Voting Rights Case, which was heard in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Corpus Christi Division, Civil Action NO. C-84-230, in 1985. The... more
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      Southern Studies (U.S. South)Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Traumatic Brain InjuryLegal History
I discuss three recent rulings by Mexico’s Electoral Supreme Court (TEPJF) on boundary delimitation and describe how the inclusion of minority groups (indigenous population) has evolved in the last three decades. I argue that although... more
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      ElectionsElectoral StudiesMexicoGerrymandering
The word “tribalism” has become the new cant expression. Linguist Geoff Nunberg nominated it as the word of the year 2017. The current usage of “political tribalism” stems from Yale Law School professor Amy Chua’s 1918 book Political... more
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      NationalismEthnicityGerrymanderingThe Waste Land
O Brasil discute o “voto distrital”, estando em deliberação no Congresso o chamado “distritão”. Infelizmente a discussão sobre assuntos de tamanha complexidade é posta em debate — isto é, quando existe debate sério — de forma muito... more
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      Direito EleitoralEleiçõesGerrymanderingPolitical Gerrymandering
Long before Adolf Hitler's appearance clouded democracy's prospects in Germany, election battles had provided a means to disadvantage "enemies of the Reich" in the polling booth. Such battles were waged not only during election campaigns... more
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      Local HistoryElectionsModern German HistoryHistorical Cartography
There are several legal and technical challenges to the establishment of a standard for limiting partisan gerrymandering, and a few methods have been proposed thus far. All methods for examining gerrymandering use observations of the... more
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no-10), published in the Fall 2017 issue of The Public Interest (no. 33). As I am currently preoccupied with writing a book about the Electoral College, my following remarks are incomplete and necessarily selective. A more thorough... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPolitical SciencePolitical History
Are race and ethnicity considered most by the majority political party in the process of mapping out congressional districts in different states? Due to the lack of judicial supervision, political parties are able to use gerrymandering to... more
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      Political ScienceRepresentationGerrymandering
Allegations of electoral irregularities loomed large prior to and following Malaysia’s 13th general election in May 2013. Yet while these irregularities elicited strong reactions domestically and internationally, they are unlikely to have... more
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      MalaysiaElectionsMalaysian PoliticsGerrymandering
Özet Bu araştırma, 2012 yılında yapılan 6360 sayılı kanunla yapılan değişiklikle gerçekleşen yerel seçim sınırlarına ilişkin düzenlemenin yeniden merkezileşmeye yol açtığını iddia etmekte ve bunu ampirik olarak kanıtlamaktadır. Bu... more
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      Political GeographyHegemonyHegemonyaSpatial Dimensions of Politics/Political Geography
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So-called democratic states rest upon acts of violence and exclusion which cannot themselves be justified democratically. Yet, much contemporary political theory takes these configurations for granted as the context for philosophical... more
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      Political PhilosophySovereigntyPolitical TheologyTheories of Sovereignty
We extend the estimation of the components of partisan biasdi.e., undue advantage conferred to some party in the conversion of votes into legislative seatsdto single-member district systems in the presence of multiple parties. Extant... more
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      Latin American StudiesElection StudiesVoter Turnout (Electoral Behavior)Mexico
The ethnic and territorial dispute in Iraq’s divided city of Kirkuk has not been resolved as was required by Iraq’s 2005 constitution. A main historical origin of the dispute is the Arabization policy of Saddam Hussein which... more
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      Transitional JusticeKurdistanForgiveness and ReconciliationAlgeria
Photo credit: Paul M. Ong Preface The political rights of asian americans, as with other marginalized minorities, have been won through struggle, and one of the basic rights is having our voices heard through voting. Historically asian... more
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      Political PartiesAsian American StudiesElectionsRedistricting
Gerrymandering is a form of voting manipulation whereby electoral district boundaries are drawn to produce a partisan or political bias in elections. In this paper, we study partisan gerrymandering in the United States to understand its... more
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      Political ScienceGerrymandering
A major approach to the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI) is to use social choice, in which the AI is designed to act according to the aggregate views of society. This is found in the AI ethics of " coherent extrapolated volition "... more
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      Future StudiesComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceEthics
After almost two hundred years that the gerrymandering term was coined in Massachusetts, the boundary delimitation process remains a complex and politicized process that affects the formation of the Legislative Branch and in the quality... more
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      Political PartiesAutonomyOptimization AlgorithmElections
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      Constitutional LawElectoral SystemsGerrymanderingVoting Rights Act
Le découpage électoral sous la V e République est marqué par le mythe du gerrymandering ou du « charcutage électoral ». La carte électorale serait découpée à des fi ns électoralistes par les gouvernements, avec des circonscriptions... more
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      Political ScienceInstitutional ChangeElectoral SystemsDemocracy
The many complaints and protests by citizens generated by the deterioration of the political elite in recent decades are clear evidence, among other things, of the urgent need to strengthen the connections between citizens and their... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsPolitical RepresentationMinority RightsOpen Government Data
The case of Vieth v. Jubelirer (2004) challenges us to find a standard for partisan gerrymandering that is judicially discernable and manageable. Without such a standard even the most egregious partisan gerry-manders cannot be effectively... more
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      Supreme CourtElectionsElection LawGerrymandering
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      DemographyConstitutional LawElectionsconstitution of India
Cílem příspěvku je upozornit na problémy, které obsahuje právní úprava volebních obvodů ve volbách do Poslanecké sněmovny, zastupitelstev obcí a Senátu, a přinést inspiraci pro případnou změnu. Na otázku obsaženou v názvu příspěvku autor... more
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      Election LawRedistrictingGerrymandering
Racial redistricting is a form of territorial rearrangement of electoral districts implemented in the United States in 1990s. Its purpose and effect is to increase the number of districts with an African American or Hispanic majority in... more
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      Race and EthnicitySupreme CourtAfrican American StudiesElections
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      Local GovernmentElectoral SystemsAustralian PoliticsVoting Systems
This is the draft of a work introducing a broad agenda for constitutional reform to fix the federal government of the United States, overcome the forces of political extremism, and secure the nation's future for all groups across our... more
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      Constitutional LawFederalismCampaign FinancePuerto Rico
The current discussion on the relationship of epistemic justice to democracy focuses on its relationship to deliberative democracy. This paper concerns the relationship of epistemic justice─speci cally, testimonial justice which I call... more
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Ente di afferenza: Università di Perugia (unipg) Copyright c by Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Per altre informazioni si veda Licenza d'uso L'articoloè messo a disposizione... more
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      Diritto CostituzionaleGerrymanderingUS Supreme CourtDiritto Pubblico Comparato
Öz 2012 yılında yürürlüğe giren 6360 Sayılı Kanun kapsamında 13 ilde büyükşehir belediyesi kurulurken bu illerde mevcut ilçelere ilave olarak 26 yeni ilçe kurulmuştur. Büyükşehir belediyesi kurulan illerden biri olan Hatay'da, bu kanun... more
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      Elections and Voting BehaviorLocal electionsGerrymanderingHatay
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      Woman SuffrageGilded Age and Progressive Era American HistoryWoodrow WilsonGreat Migration period
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      SingaporeElectionsSingapore PoliticsGerrymandering
Focusing on the contemporary US context, this article examines the ethical quandaries raised by partisan gerrymandering, where constituency boundaries are manipulated for electoral benefit. More specifically, it will examine the ethics of... more
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      Democratic TheoryPolitical EthicsDirty handsRedistricting
The authors examine constituency changes induced by redistricting and ask three questions:What explains the amount of instability and uncertainty induced by redistricting? Does uncertainty affect legislators’ career choices? How do these... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical ScienceElectionsElections and Voting Behavior