Recent papers in Elders
This document (accepted by the Board of Ordained Ministry in 2020) includes some revisions, making it more accessible to the laity. In addition, it may provide some direction for certified candidates in the UMC seeking to be commissioned... more
Adapted for the screen by Sir Richard and Charles Wood and directed by Sir Richard Eyre, Iris tells the life story of famous British philosopher and novelist, Iris Murdoch. Her husband, John Bayley writes two books entitled Iris: A... more
idées I n° 157 I septembre 2009 34 L'Afrique est un continent jeune, mais dans lequel le nombre de personnes âgées connaît une croissance de plus en plus forte. En 2005, seulement 5,2 % de la population du continent africain dépassent... more
A synthesis of English, Ge'ez, Amharic, Oromo, and the Hebrew Bible for the purpose of pursuing peace through scholarship.
Introduction to a special issue on Education and knowledge transfer in the Canadian Arctic
In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries most explorers, whalers, and ethnographers perceived Inuit traditions, especially shamanism, to be in a state of decline. The assumption that Inuit culture was on the brink of disappearance... more
The study in this paper describes retrospective view of the escalator accidents. It also deals with the epidemiology of escalator allied injuries among adults and even in children from the delineation of Consumer Product Safety Commission... more
Challengers of Social Work Education in Sri Lanka Shamini Attanayake Director, School of Social Work National Institute of Social Development Introduction The aim of this article is to discuss challengers of Social Work education and... more
Adapun tujuan penulisan karya ilmiah ini, adalah: Untuk menemukan peran badan pengurus jemaat Gereja Kristen Sulawesi Barat terhadap kualitas pertumbuhan kerohanian pemuda jemaat Efata Desa Salutiwo di Mamuju. Berdasarkan hasil... more
This document might provide some direction for certified candidates in the UMC seeking to be commissioned and ordained.
The Apostle Paul provided Titus and Timothy with a list of qualifications each prospective elder and deacon must possess before he could be considered for his respective office. The second requirement was that he be a “μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἀνήρ”... more
http://www.healthinc.eu/PDF/Health_inc_%20FrancoBook.pdf Le Sénégal compte environ 10 millions d’habitants dont 45 % ont moins de 15 ans et alors qu’un peu plus de 5 % atteint ou dépasse les 60 ans. Même si les personnes âgées sont... more
Trad. rom. de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2011. Tâlcuirile la Psalmi ale Părintelui Emilianos ne fac să întrezărim mai bine statura duhovnicească a Părintelui. Tâlcuirile, prin metodă şi duh, sunt în deplină continuitate... more
What is beauty? How does Thomas Aquinas understand it? Does it go beyond just the physical? This paper looks at Thomas's main texts on beauty as a transcendental and then the positions of several prominent Thomists from the 20th century:... more
Trad. rom. de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2014. Volumul de faţă constituie o continuare şi, într-un fel, o completare a tâlcuirilor pe care Gheronda Emilianos le-a făcut Cuvintelor ascetice ale lui Avva Isaia.... more
The goal of this paper is to lay out the biblical vision for the basic elements of the Church’s government at the level of the particular church, and to argue that the Church’s gospel-centered mission is best served by teams of Shepherds... more
Although the increasingly older population has been described as a burden (Doron, 2013; Rozanova, 2010), older adults who are willing to take up the hard work of elderhood have important gifts to contribute (Conley, 2018; Jenkinson,... more
Trad. rom. de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2010. În această tâlcuire a lui Avva Isaia, Părintele Emilianos a ales mai cu seamă pasajele în care Avva descrie buna-cuviinţă duhovnicească şi respectul din pustie, pentru a... more
In this research, I addressed the most important readers in the Levant and highlighted their efforts in this century, in addition to talking about their efforts in teaching the Qur'an and readings and mentioning their elders and... more
In this article, the ministry of the elder is investigated according to 1 Peter 5:1–5 from the perspective of the usage of the diakon word group in 1 Peter. Firstly, the place of 1 Peter 5 in the context of the whole letter is examined.... more
In rural Zanzibar, both lay people and legal professionals argue that women's options in marriage could be improved by closer adherence to Islamic law. This argument is usually made to critique the authority of elders in marriage... more
Neighborhoods within age-friendly cities and communities are an important factor in shaping the everyday lives of older adults. Yet, less is known about how neighborhoods experiencing change influence the ability to age in place. One type... more
Dans le cadre d’un projet qui vise à comprendre les schémas complexes régissant les relations intergénérationnelles nous revisitons la notion de chef de ménage au Sénégal. Dans ce pays on relève une proportion importante de chefs de... more
The need to provide quality mental health care for elders in nursing home settings has been a critical issue, as the aging population grows rapidly and institutional care becomes a necessity for some elders. The purpose of this... more
Composing a doctrinal statement can be one of the most arduous projects undertaken by a church. Here I offer a detailed example of how to compose a doctrinal statement for your church.
Le défi que je lance consiste à établir quelques contours de la visibilité de cette Lisbonne invisible, pas seulement par le biais de la littérature – la proposition de Calvino – mais davantage à travers du cinéma-documentaire qui paraît... more
"This anthropological study describes a specific form of mediation, as it is practiced in Ethiopia (Northeast Africa) by members of the Oromo and Amhara ethnic groups. It introduces elders as male household-heads in their advanced ages,... more
Apparently the 2nd Confucian book, concerned with respect for parents and elders, taught in order to keep the family line safe. Confucius taught c. 600 BC, yet the text was written down 400 BC. 2 books are brought together here, the... more
Aboriginal Australian stories captivate listeners and express a unique worldview-each narrative manifests the applied wisdom of traditional understandings of illness embedded within local land and biology in confronting ailment Dreamings.... more
Shepherding God's Flock is a collection of essays by Baptist scholars on the topic of biblical leadership, primarily focused on elders in the local church. For the most part this is a very traditional conservative and Baptist view of... more
In recent years, the concern about age and aging in the United States has increased dramatically. A number of reviews have examined the research on ageism and much of the current research concludes that the causes of prejudicing,... more
Two of the dominant processes shaping today's European cities are the ageing and diversification of the population. Given that the range of action usually decreases in later life, the living environment around the place of residence plays... more